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Created July 31, 2017 20:44
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max@Roquie-mac:~/google_drive/infra/kontena-ansible$ kontena grid logs -t
weave | INFO: 2017/07/31 20:35:14.388842 Command line options: map[trusted-subnets: ipalloc-range: nickname:Ubuntu-1604-xenial-64-minimal port:6783 status-addr: http-addr: name:e2:17:6d:eb:53:45 resolv-conf:/var/run/weave/etc/resolv.conf datapath:datapath dns-domain:kontena.local dns-effective-listen-address: dns-listen-address:]
weave | INFO: 2017/07/31 20:35:14.389231 Communication between peers via untrusted networks is encrypted.
weave | INFO: 2017/07/31 20:35:14.495586 Our name is e2:17:6d:eb:53:45(Ubuntu-1604-xenial-64-minimal)
weave | INFO: 2017/07/31 20:35:14.496004 Launch detected - using supplied peer list: []
weave | INFO: 2017/07/31 20:35:14.498975 Docker API on unix:///var/run/docker.sock: &[GitCommit=78d1802 GoVersion=go1.6.2 Os=linux Arch=amd64 KernelVersion=4.8.0-58-generic BuildTime=2017-01-31T23:35:14.312544877+00:00 Version=1.12.6 ApiVersion=1.24]
weave | INFO: 2017/07/31 20:35:14.499639 Listening for DNS queries on
weave | INFO: 2017/07/31 20:35:14.499697 Sniffing traffic on datapath (via ODP)
weave | INFO: 2017/07/31 20:35:14.546225 Listening for HTTP control messages on
weave | INFO: 2017/07/31 20:35:14.550140 Listening for metrics requests on
weave | INFO: 2017/07/31 20:35:15.436972 Weave version 2.0.1 is available; please update at
weave | INFO: 2017/07/31 20:35:16.673164 Discovered local MAC e2:17:6d:eb:53:45
weave | INFO: 2017/07/31 20:35:18.966144 [nameserver e2:17:6d:eb:53:45] adding entry for 6cadb6fbfc2d075bd7798f0c36eff54d76ccdd5f269de704b867621a84853128: etcd.kontena.local. ->
kontena-etcd | 2017-07-31 20:35:19.559812 I | raft: b3b8358ca65d216d is starting a new election at term 1
kontena-etcd | 2017-07-31 20:35:19.560158 I | raft: b3b8358ca65d216d became candidate at term 2
kontena-etcd | 2017-07-31 20:35:19.560187 I | raft: b3b8358ca65d216d received vote from b3b8358ca65d216d at term 2
kontena-etcd | 2017-07-31 20:35:19.560284 I | raft: b3b8358ca65d216d became leader at term 2
kontena-etcd | 2017-07-31 20:35:19.561066 I | raft: raft.node: b3b8358ca65d216d elected leader b3b8358ca65d216d at term 2
kontena-etcd | 2017-07-31 20:35:19.562262 I | etcdserver: setting up the initial cluster version to 2.3
kontena-etcd | 2017-07-31 20:35:19.604823 N | etcdserver: set the initial cluster version to 2.3
kontena-etcd | 2017-07-31 20:35:19.605112 I | etcdserver: published {Name:node-1 ClientURLs:[]} to cluster 1bbf9e3be905b6e5
kontena-server-api | I, [2017-07-31T20:35:20.256653 #11] INFO -- LeaderElectorJob: won election ♚
kontena-ipam-plugin | Using rack adapter
kontena-ipam-plugin | I, [2017-07-31T20:35:20.448246 #1] INFO -- EtcdClient: Connected to version {"etcdserver"=>"2.3.7", "etcdcluster"=>"2.3.0"}
kontena-ipam-plugin | Thin web server (v1.7.0 codename Dunder Mifflin)
kontena-ipam-plugin | Maximum connections set to 1024
kontena-ipam-plugin | Listening on, CTRL+C to stop
kontena-ipam-plugin | - - [31/Jul/2017:20:35:20 +0000] "POST /Plugin.Activate HTTP/1.1" 200 29 0.1845
kontena-agent | I, [2017-07-31T20:35:20.951453 #1] INFO -- Kontena::Launchers::IpamPlugin: waited 2.5s of 300.0s until: IPAM running yielded Hash
kontena-agent | I, [2017-07-31T20:35:20.956353 #1] INFO -- Kontena::NetworkAdapters::Weave: network and ipam ready, ensuring default network with subnet= iprange=
kontena-ipam-plugin | I, [2017-07-31T20:35:21.036195 #1] INFO -- AddressPools::Request: Request static network=kontena pool: kontena subnet=
kontena-ipam-plugin | - - [31/Jul/2017:20:35:21 +0000] "POST /IpamDriver.RequestPool HTTP/1.1" 200 95 0.0871
kontena-server-api | E, [2017-07-31T20:35:27.739070 #11] ERROR -- WebsocketBackend: invalid grid token, closing connection
kontena-server-api | E, [2017-07-31T20:35:36.302125 #11] ERROR -- WebsocketBackend: invalid grid token, closing connection
kontena-server-api | E, [2017-07-31T20:35:45.134821 #11] ERROR -- WebsocketBackend: invalid grid token, closing connection
kontena-server-api | E, [2017-07-31T20:35:53.436070 #7] ERROR -- WebsocketBackend: invalid grid token, closing connection
kontena-server-api | E, [2017-07-31T20:36:02.017632 #7] ERROR -- WebsocketBackend: invalid grid token, closing connection
kontena-server-api | I, [2017-07-31T20:36:09.677912 #7] INFO -- WebsocketBackend: 1 messages per second
kontena-server-api | E, [2017-07-31T20:36:10.459625 #7] ERROR -- WebsocketBackend: invalid grid token, closing connection
kontena-server-api | I, [2017-07-31T20:36:10.532119 #11] INFO -- WebsocketBackend: 0 messages per second
kontena-server-api | E, [2017-07-31T20:36:19.124813 #11] ERROR -- WebsocketBackend: invalid grid token, closing connection
kontena-server-api | E, [2017-07-31T20:36:27.743676 #7] ERROR -- WebsocketBackend: invalid grid token, closing connection
kontena-server-api | - - [31/Jul/2017:20:36:29 +0000] "GET /v1/grids/dev HTTP/1.1" 200 327 0.1671
kontena-server-api | - - [31/Jul/2017:20:36:29 +0000] "GET /v1/grids/dev/nodes HTTP/1.1" 200 1611 0.1533
kontena-server-api | E, [2017-07-31T20:36:36.503286 #7] ERROR -- WebsocketBackend: invalid grid token, closing connection
kontena-server-api | E, [2017-07-31T20:36:44.895840 #11] ERROR -- WebsocketBackend: invalid grid token, closing connection
kontena-server-api | E, [2017-07-31T20:36:53.878582 #11] ERROR -- WebsocketBackend: invalid grid token, closing connection
kontena-server-api | E, [2017-07-31T20:37:02.383560 #7] ERROR -- WebsocketBackend: invalid grid token, closing connection
kontena-server-api | I, [2017-07-31T20:37:09.676456 #7] INFO -- WebsocketBackend: 0 messages per second
kontena-server-api | I, [2017-07-31T20:37:10.530665 #11] INFO -- WebsocketBackend: 0 messages per second
kontena-server-api | E, [2017-07-31T20:37:11.188967 #11] ERROR -- WebsocketBackend: invalid grid token, closing connection
kontena-server-api | E, [2017-07-31T20:37:19.727833 #7] ERROR -- WebsocketBackend: invalid grid token, closing connection
kontena-server-api | E, [2017-07-31T20:37:28.354483 #7] ERROR -- WebsocketBackend: invalid grid token, closing connection
kontena-server-api | E, [2017-07-31T20:37:37.152929 #7] ERROR -- WebsocketBackend: invalid grid token, closing connection
kontena-server-api | E, [2017-07-31T20:37:46.204438 #7] ERROR -- WebsocketBackend: invalid grid token, closing connection
kontena-server-api | E, [2017-07-31T20:37:55.039128 #7] ERROR -- WebsocketBackend: invalid grid token, closing connection
kontena-server-api | E, [2017-07-31T20:38:03.630583 #7] ERROR -- WebsocketBackend: invalid grid token, closing connection
kontena-server-api | I, [2017-07-31T20:38:09.675424 #7] INFO -- WebsocketBackend: 0 messages per second
kontena-server-api | I, [2017-07-31T20:38:10.528417 #11] INFO -- WebsocketBackend: 0 messages per second
kontena-server-api | E, [2017-07-31T20:38:11.722151 #7] ERROR -- WebsocketBackend: invalid grid token, closing connection
kontena-server-api | E, [2017-07-31T20:38:20.672442 #11] ERROR -- WebsocketBackend: invalid grid token, closing connection
kontena-ipam-plugin | - - [31/Jul/2017:20:38:20 +0000] "GET /KontenaIPAM.Cleanup HTTP/1.1" 200 16 0.0097
kontena-server-api | E, [2017-07-31T20:38:29.532543 #7] ERROR -- WebsocketBackend: invalid grid token, closing connection
kontena-server-api | E, [2017-07-31T20:38:38.377156 #11] ERROR -- WebsocketBackend: invalid grid token, closing connection
kontena-server-api | E, [2017-07-31T20:38:47.352289 #11] ERROR -- WebsocketBackend: invalid grid token, closing connection
kontena-ipam-plugin | - - [31/Jul/2017:20:38:51 +0000] "POST /KontenaIPAM.Cleanup HTTP/1.1" 200 2 0.0073
kontena-server-api | E, [2017-07-31T20:38:55.795654 #7] ERROR -- WebsocketBackend: invalid grid token, closing connection
kontena-server-api | E, [2017-07-31T20:39:04.484955 #7] ERROR -- WebsocketBackend: invalid grid token, closing connection
kontena-server-api | I, [2017-07-31T20:39:09.672825 #7] INFO -- WebsocketBackend: 0 messages per second
kontena-server-api | I, [2017-07-31T20:39:10.525690 #11] INFO -- WebsocketBackend: 0 messages per second
kontena-server-api | E, [2017-07-31T20:39:13.425464 #7] ERROR -- WebsocketBackend: invalid grid token, closing connection
kontena-server-api | E, [2017-07-31T20:39:22.233038 #11] ERROR -- WebsocketBackend: invalid grid token, closing connection
kontena-server-api | E, [2017-07-31T20:39:31.126049 #7] ERROR -- WebsocketBackend: invalid grid token, closing connection
kontena-server-api | E, [2017-07-31T20:39:39.584475 #7] ERROR -- WebsocketBackend: invalid grid token, closing connection
kontena-server-api | E, [2017-07-31T20:39:48.707883 #7] ERROR -- WebsocketBackend: invalid grid token, closing connection
kontena-server-api | E, [2017-07-31T20:39:57.474660 #7] ERROR -- WebsocketBackend: invalid grid token, closing connection
kontena-server-api | E, [2017-07-31T20:40:06.011755 #7] ERROR -- WebsocketBackend: invalid grid token, closing connection
kontena-server-api | I, [2017-07-31T20:40:09.670656 #7] INFO -- WebsocketBackend: 0 messages per second
kontena-server-api | I, [2017-07-31T20:40:10.323642 #7] INFO -- LeaderElectorJob: won election ♚
kontena-server-api | I, [2017-07-31T20:40:10.523855 #11] INFO -- WebsocketBackend: 0 messages per second
kontena-server-api | E, [2017-07-31T20:40:13.951554 #7] ERROR -- WebsocketBackend: invalid grid token, closing connection
kontena-server-api | E, [2017-07-31T20:40:22.451896 #11] ERROR -- WebsocketBackend: invalid grid token, closing connection
kontena-server-api | E, [2017-07-31T20:40:30.895507 #11] ERROR -- WebsocketBackend: invalid grid token, closing connection
kontena-server-api | E, [2017-07-31T20:40:39.430889 #11] ERROR -- WebsocketBackend: invalid grid token, closing connection
kontena-server-api | E, [2017-07-31T20:40:47.917630 #11] ERROR -- WebsocketBackend: invalid grid token, closing connection
kontena-server-api | E, [2017-07-31T20:40:56.605184 #11] ERROR -- WebsocketBackend: invalid grid token, closing connection
kontena-server-api | E, [2017-07-31T20:41:04.540637 #11] ERROR -- WebsocketBackend: invalid grid token, closing connection
kontena-server-api | I, [2017-07-31T20:41:09.678218 #7] INFO -- WebsocketBackend: 0 messages per second
kontena-server-api | I, [2017-07-31T20:41:10.536752 #11] INFO -- WebsocketBackend: 0 messages per second
kontena-server-api | E, [2017-07-31T20:41:12.554601 #7] ERROR -- WebsocketBackend: invalid grid token, closing connection
kontena-server-api | E, [2017-07-31T20:41:20.575806 #7] ERROR -- WebsocketBackend: invalid grid token, closing connection
kontena-server-api | E, [2017-07-31T20:41:28.631654 #11] ERROR -- WebsocketBackend: invalid grid token, closing connection
kontena-server-api | E, [2017-07-31T20:41:36.635985 #11] ERROR -- WebsocketBackend: invalid grid token, closing connection
kontena-server-api | E, [2017-07-31T20:41:44.710804 #11] ERROR -- WebsocketBackend: invalid grid token, closing connection
kontena-ipam-plugin | - - [31/Jul/2017:20:41:51 +0000] "GET /KontenaIPAM.Cleanup HTTP/1.1" 200 16 0.0103
kontena-server-api | E, [2017-07-31T20:41:52.794535 #11] ERROR -- WebsocketBackend: invalid grid token, closing connection
kontena-server-api | E, [2017-07-31T20:42:00.821092 #11] ERROR -- WebsocketBackend: invalid grid token, closing connection
kontena-server-api | I, [2017-07-31T20:42:06.369485 #11] INFO -- LeaderElectorJob: won election ♚
kontena-server-api | E, [2017-07-31T20:42:08.728259 #11] ERROR -- WebsocketBackend: invalid grid token, closing connection
kontena-server-api | I, [2017-07-31T20:42:09.684321 #7] INFO -- WebsocketBackend: 0 messages per second
kontena-server-api | I, [2017-07-31T20:42:10.542629 #11] INFO -- WebsocketBackend: 0 messages per second
kontena-server-api | E, [2017-07-31T20:42:16.974534 #11] ERROR -- WebsocketBackend: invalid grid token, closing connection
kontena-server-api | - - [31/Jul/2017:20:42:17 +0000] "GET /ip.asp?ip= HTTP/1.1" 403 61 0.0017
kontena-ipam-plugin | - - [31/Jul/2017:20:42:21 +0000] "POST /KontenaIPAM.Cleanup HTTP/1.1" 200 2 0.0121
kontena-server-api | E, [2017-07-31T20:42:25.066493 #11] ERROR -- WebsocketBackend: invalid grid token, closing connection
kontena-server-api | E, [2017-07-31T20:42:33.040032 #11] ERROR -- WebsocketBackend: invalid grid token, closing connection
kontena-server-api | E, [2017-07-31T20:42:41.107047 #11] ERROR -- WebsocketBackend: invalid grid token, closing connection
kontena-server-api | E, [2017-07-31T20:42:48.939220 #7] ERROR -- WebsocketBackend: invalid grid token, closing connection
kontena-server-api | E, [2017-07-31T20:42:56.840114 #7] ERROR -- WebsocketBackend: invalid grid token, closing connection
kontena-server-api | I, [2017-07-31T20:43:04.380598 #7] INFO -- LeaderElectorJob: won election ♚
kontena-server-api | E, [2017-07-31T20:43:04.855092 #11] ERROR -- WebsocketBackend: invalid grid token, closing connection
kontena-server-api | I, [2017-07-31T20:43:09.688291 #7] INFO -- WebsocketBackend: 0 messages per second
kontena-server-api | I, [2017-07-31T20:43:10.546698 #11] INFO -- WebsocketBackend: 0 messages per second
kontena-server-api | E, [2017-07-31T20:43:12.773969 #7] ERROR -- WebsocketBackend: invalid grid token, closing connection
kontena-server-api | E, [2017-07-31T20:43:20.752973 #7] ERROR -- WebsocketBackend: invalid grid token, closing connection
kontena-server-api | E, [2017-07-31T20:43:28.704194 #11] ERROR -- WebsocketBackend: invalid grid token, closing connection
kontena-server-api | E, [2017-07-31T20:43:36.451028 #11] ERROR -- WebsocketBackend: invalid grid token, closing connection
kontena-server-api | E, [2017-07-31T20:43:44.241768 #11] ERROR -- WebsocketBackend: invalid grid token, closing connection
kontena-server-api | E, [2017-07-31T20:43:52.289162 #7] ERROR -- WebsocketBackend: invalid grid token, closing connection
kontena-server-api | E, [2017-07-31T20:44:00.213640 #11] ERROR -- WebsocketBackend: invalid grid token, closing connection
kontena-server-api | E, [2017-07-31T20:44:08.130332 #11] ERROR -- WebsocketBackend: invalid grid token, closing connection
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