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Created April 3, 2019 12:58
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Very rough veresion of turn table camera.
void Cam::init(const vec3& p, const vec3& t, const vec3& u, float winWidth, float winHeight) {
win_width = winWidth;
win_height = winHeight;
dir = t - p;
pos = p;
target = t;
up = u;
pm.perspective(60.0f, winWidth / winHeight, 0.1f, 100.0f);
lm.lookat(pos, target, up);
void Cam::update() {
lm.lookat(target - (dir * zoom), target, up);
mat4 trans;
trans.translate(pan.x, pan.y, 0.0);
mat4 rot;
vm = lm * trans * rot;
void Cam::onMouseDown(float x, float y) {
screen_to_world = pm * vm;
mouse_down_pos = screenToWorld(x, y);
is_down = true;
void Cam::onMouseMove(float x, float y) {
if (false == is_down) {
vec4 mouse_move = screenToWorld(x, y);
pan.x = mouse_move.x - mouse_down_pos.x;
pan.y = mouse_move.y - mouse_down_pos.y;
void Cam::onMouseUp() {
is_down = false;
vec4 Cam::screenToWorld(float x, float y) {
float nx = 2.0 * x / win_width - 1.0;
float ny = -2.0 * y / win_height + 1.0;
vec4 world_pos(nx, ny, -1.0f, 1.0f);
return screen_to_world * world_pos;
class Cam {
void init(const vec3& pos, const vec3& target, const vec3& up, float winWidth, float winHeight);
void update();
void onMouseDown(float x, float y);
void onMouseMove(float x, float y);
void onMouseUp();
vec4 screenToWorld(float x, float y);
float win_width = 0.0f;
float win_height = 0.0f;
float zoom = 1.0f;
vec3 pos;
vec3 target;
vec3 up;
vec3 dir;
vec2 pan;
mat4 pm; /* Projection Matrix. */
mat4 lm; /* Lookat matrix */
mat4 vm; /* View matrix. */
float yaw = 0.0f; /* Around Y-axis. */
float pitch = 0.0f; /* Around X-axis. */
mat4 screen_to_world; /* Inverted projection matrix. */
vec4 mouse_down_pos;
bool is_down = false;
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