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Created May 5, 2020 06:27
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Sample Pistache Server
// Rest Server
void restServer(AfSIPProcessor *afSipProcessor, int sipSockHandle, Logger *pLogger)
class ConfigServerMockRestHandler : public Pistache::Http::Handler
AfSIPProcessor *afSipProcessor;
const int sipSockHandle;
Logger *pLogger;
ConfigServerMockRestHandler(AfSIPProcessor *_afSipProcessor, int _sipSockHandle, Logger *pLogger) : afSipProcessor(
pLogger(pLogger) {}
onRequest(const Pistache::Http::Request &request, Pistache::Http::ResponseWriter response)
const std::string ACTION_START = "start";
const std::string ACTION_STOP = "stop";
const std::string requestPath = request.resource();
if (requestPath == "/moh")
std::string requestBody = request.body();
pLogger->info("RestServer::MohHandler::onRequest", "Received Request: " + requestBody);
auto _jsonObj = json::parse(requestBody);
const std::string action = _jsonObj["action"];
// === Action Processing ===
if (ACTION_START == action)
std::string templateSipRequest = _jsonObj["reinv_req"];
const bool operationResult = afSipProcessor->MakeMohCall(templateSipRequest, sipsock);
// for all other cases
pLogger->info("RestServer::MohHandler::onRequest", "Performed MakeMohCall with operation result: " + std::to_string(operationResult));
response.setMime(MIME(Application, Json));
response.send(Pistache::Http::Code::Ok, operationResult ? "Media Server Initiated MOH"
: "Media Server failed to initiate MOH!");
else if (ACTION_STOP == action)
const std::string callId = _jsonObj["call_id"];
const bool operationResult = afSipProcessor->RemoveCall(callId);
pLogger->info("RestServer::MohHandler::onRequest", "destroyed existing MohCall with callId: " + callId + " operation result: " + std::to_string(operationResult));
response.setMime(MIME(Application, Json));
operationResult ? "Call identified with callId: [ " + callId + " ] Terminated!"
: " Call Failed to be terminated!");
pLogger->info("RestServer::MohHandler::onRequest", " Unsupported action " + action);
response.send(Pistache::Http::Code::Bad_Request, "Unsupported Action: " + action);
{ // url not supported
pLogger->info("RestServer::MohHandler::onRequest", " Unsupported url " + requestPath);
response.send(Pistache::Http::Code::Bad_Request, "Requested Path is Unsupported! Path: " + requestPath);
std::cout << "Generic Rest Server is starting ..." << std::endl;
const int __PORT__ = 8080;
Pistache::Address addr(Pistache::Ipv4::any(), Pistache::Port(__PORT__));
auto opts = Pistache::Http::Endpoint::options().threads(1);
Pistache::Http::Endpoint server(addr);
server.setHandler(Pistache::Http::make_handler<ConfigServerMockRestHandler>(afSipProcessor, sipSockHandle, pLogger));
std::cout << "Generic Rest Server is exiting ..." << std::endl;
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