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Created March 19, 2016 11:28
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Handle CTRL+C in Python
#!/usr/bin/env python
import signal
import sys
def signal_handler(signal, frame):
signal.signal(signal.SIGINT, signal_handler)
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Thank you for having the simplest solution to handing ctrl+c. People out there complicate things so much! haha

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dematom commented Mar 11, 2020


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Thank you for your code. It works perfectly.

However, I would like to ask you about the function signal_handler. Do we need to define the parameters signal and frame into that function?

What are the meanings of signal and frame in the function?

Thank you in advance.

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signal_handler is just the fuction you are passing to signal.signal(..) in line 9.
This was done a long time ago, but those are just the parameters that the runtime give you so you can have more context about the signal.

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Yes. I got your points. Thank you so much for this solution.

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mDeram commented Nov 1, 2020

Perfect solution, still working with python 3.8, thanks.

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ghost commented Jul 4, 2022

Can confirm, still works.

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