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Last active March 2, 2023 17:29
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Indexing algolia from a sanity webhook with Netlify functions and typescript
import algoliasearch from "algoliasearch";
import { createClient, SanityDocumentStub } from "@sanity/client";
import { Handler } from "@netlify/functions";
import indexer from "sanity-algolia"
const algolia = algoliasearch(
const sanity = createClient({
projectId: "my-sanity-project-id",
dataset: "my-dataset-name",
// If your dataset is private you need to add a read token.
// You can mint one at,
token: "read-token",
apiVersion: "2021-03-25",
useCdn: false,
* This function receives webhook POSTs from Sanity and updates, creates or
* deletes records in the corresponding Algolia indices.
const netlifyHandler: Handler = async (event, context) => {
// Tip: Its good practice to include a shared secret in your webhook URLs and
// validate it before proceeding with webhook handling. Omitted in this short
// example.
if (
event.headers["content-type"] !== "application/json" ||
!event.body ||
) {
return {
statusCode: 400,
body: JSON.stringify({ message: "Bad request" }),
// Configure this to match an existing Algolia index name
const algoliaIndex = algolia.initIndex("my-index");
const sanityAlgolia = indexer(
// The first parameter maps a Sanity document type to its respective Algolia
// search index. In this example both `post` and `article` Sanity types live
// in the same Algolia index. Optionally you can also customize how the
// document is fetched from Sanity by specifying a GROQ projection.
// In this example we fetch the plain text from Portable Text rich text
// content via the pt::text function.
// _id and other system fields are handled automatically.
post: {
index: algoliaIndex,
projection: `{
"path": slug.current,
"body": pt::text(body)
// For the article document in this example we want to resolve a list of
// references to authors and get their names as an array. We can do this
// directly in the GROQ query in the custom projection.
article: {
index: algoliaIndex,
projection: `{
"body": pt::text(body),
"authorNames": authors[]->name
// The second parameter is a function that maps from a fetched Sanity document
// to an Algolia Record. Here you can do further mutations to the data before
// it is sent to Algolia.
(document: SanityDocumentStub) => {
switch (document._type) {
case "post":
return Object.assign({}, document, {
custom: "An additional custom field for posts, perhaps?",
case "article":
return {
title: document.heading,
body: document.body,
authorNames: document.authorNames,
return document;
// Visibility function (optional).
// The third parameter is an optional visibility function. Returning `true`
// for a given document here specifies that it should be indexed for search
// in Algolia. This is handy if for instance a field value on the document
// decides if it should be indexed or not. This would also be the place to
// implement any `publishedAt` datetime visibility rules or other custom
// visibility scheme you may be using.
(document: SanityDocumentStub) => {
if (document.hasOwnProperty("isHidden")) {
return !document.isHidden;
return true;
// Finally connect the Sanity webhook payload to Algolia indices via the
// configured serializers and optional visibility function. `webhookSync` will
// inspect the webhook payload, make queries back to Sanity with the `sanity`
// client and make sure the algolia indices are synced to match.
return sanityAlgolia
.webhookSync(sanity, JSON.parse(event.body))
.then(() => {
return {
statusCode: 200,
body: 'ok'
.catch(err => {
return {
statusCode: 500,
body: JSON.stringify({message: 'Something went wrong'})
export default netlifyHandler;
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