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Created July 23, 2022 22:02
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Cantera flux methods
A bunch of methods that I have used at some point to make, manipulate, add,
process, integrate, and plot flux diagrams in Cantera. Taken out of context,
and probably not working. But parts of them could be helpful or show one
way of doing things, like getting a DIY integrated-total-flux.
Richard West <>
CC-BY attribution suggested :-)
def get_current_fluxes(self):
Get all the current fluxes.
Returns a dict like:
`fluxes['gas']['C'] = ct.ReactionPathDiagram(self.gas, 'C')` etc.
fluxes = {"gas": dict(), "surf": dict()}
for element in "HOCN":
fluxes["gas"][element] = ct.ReactionPathDiagram(self.gas, element)
fluxes["surf"][element] = ct.ReactionPathDiagram(, element)
element = "X" # just the surface
fluxes["surf"][element] = ct.ReactionPathDiagram(, element)
return fluxes
def add_fluxes(self):
Add the current fluxes to the stored totals.
gas_fluxes = self.total_fluxes["gas"]
surf_fluxes = self.total_fluxes["surf"]
for element in "HOCN":
gas_fluxes[element].add(ct.ReactionPathDiagram(self.gas, element))
except KeyError:
gas_fluxes[element] = ct.ReactionPathDiagram(self.gas, element)
surf_fluxes[element].add(ct.ReactionPathDiagram(, element))
except KeyError:
surf_fluxes[element] = ct.ReactionPathDiagram(, element)
# Now do the 'X' for just the surface
element = "X"
surf_fluxes[element].add(ct.ReactionPathDiagram(, element))
except KeyError:
surf_fluxes[element] = ct.ReactionPathDiagram(, element)
def save_flux_data(self, filename_stem=None):
Save the current and integrated fluxes.
Also returns them.
fluxes = {
"current": self.get_current_fluxes(),
"integrated": self.total_fluxes,
flux_strings = dict()
for flux_type, d1 in fluxes.items():
flux_strings[flux_type] = dict()
for phase, d2 in d1.items():
flux_strings[flux_type][phase] = dict()
for element, flux in d2.items():
flux_strings[flux_type][phase][element] = flux.get_data()
flux_strings[flux_type]["combined"] = dict()
flux_strings[flux_type]["combined"]["mass"] = self.combine_fluxes(d1)
if filename_stem:
path = os.path.join(self.results_directory, filename_stem + ".json")
with open(path, "w") as f:
json.dump(flux_strings, f)
return flux_strings
def combine_fluxes(self, fluxes_dict):
Combined a dict of dicts of flux diagrams into one.
Fluxes should be a dict with entries like
fluxes['gas']['C'] = ct.ReactionPathDiagram(self.gas, 'C')
Returns the flux diagram a string in the format you'd get from
# getting the entire net rates of the system
temp_flux_data = dict()
species = set()
for element in "HOCN":
for phase in ("gas", "surf"):
data = fluxes_dict[phase][element].get_data().strip().splitlines()
if not data:
# eg. if there's no gas-phase reactions involving C
species.update(data[0].split()) # First line is a list of species
for line in data[1:]: # skip the first line
s1, s2, fwd, rev = line.split()
these_fluxes = np.array([float(fwd), float(rev)])
if all(these_fluxes == 0):
# multiply by atomic mass of the element
these_fluxes *= MOLECULAR_WEIGHTS[element]
# for surface reactions, multiply by the catalyst area per volume in a reactor
if phase == "surf":
these_fluxes *= self.cat_area_per_gas_volume
# Try adding in this direction
temp_flux_data[(s1, s2)] += these_fluxes
except KeyError:
# Try adding in reverse direction
temp_flux_data[(s2, s1)] -= these_fluxes
except KeyError:
# Neither direction there yet, so create in this direction
temp_flux_data[(s1, s2)] = these_fluxes
output = " ".join(species) + "\n"
output += "\n".join(
f"{s1} {s2} {fwd} {rev}" for (s1, s2), (fwd, rev) in temp_flux_data.items()
return output
def write_flux_dot(flux_data_string, out_file_path, threshold=0.01, title=""):
Takes a flux data string fromatted as from ct.ReactionPathdiagram.get_data()
(or from combine_fluxes) and makes a graphviz .dot file.
Fluxes below 'threshold' are not plotted.
output = ["digraph reaction_paths {", "center=1;"]
flux_data = {}
species_dict = {}
flux_data_lines = flux_data_string.splitlines()
species = flux_data_lines[0].split()
for line in flux_data_lines[1:]:
s1, s2, fwd, rev = line.split()
net = float(fwd) + float(rev)
if net < 0.0: # if net is negative, switch s1 and s2 so it is positive
flux_data[(s2, s1)] = -1 * net
flux_data[(s1, s2)] = net
# renaming species to dot compatible names
if s1 not in species_dict:
species_dict[s1] = "s" + str(len(species_dict) + 1)
if s2 not in species_dict:
species_dict[s2] = "s" + str(len(species_dict) + 1)
# getting the arrow widths
largest_rate = max(flux_data.values())
added_species = {} # dictionary of species that show up on the diagram
for (s1, s2), net in flux_data.items(): # writing the node connections
flux_ratio = net / largest_rate
if abs(flux_ratio) < threshold:
continue # don't include the paths that are below the threshold
pen_width = (
1.0 - 4.0 * np.log10(flux_ratio / threshold) / np.log10(threshold) + 1.0
# pen_width = ((net - smallest_rate) / (largest_rate - smallest_rate)) * 4 + 2
arrow_size = min(6.0, 0.5 * pen_width)
f'{species_dict[s1]} -> {species_dict[s2]} [fontname="Helvetica", penwidth={pen_width:.2f}, arrowsize={arrow_size:.2f}, color="0.7, {flux_ratio+0.5:.3f}, 0.9", label="{flux_ratio:0.3g}"];'
added_species[s1] = species_dict[s1]
added_species[s2] = species_dict[s2]
for (
) in added_species.items(): # writing the species translations
output.append(f'{s_index} [ fontname="Helvetica", label="{species}"];')
title_string = (r"\l " + title) if title else ""
output.append(f' label = "Scale = {largest_rate}{title_string}";')
output.append(' fontname = "Helvetica";')
directory = os.path.split(out_file_path)[0]
if directory:
os.makedirs(directory, exist_ok=True)
with open(out_file_path, "w") as out_file:
return "\n".join(output)
def prettydot(dotfilepath, strip_line_labels=False):
Make a prettier version of the dot file (flux diagram)
Assumes the species pictures are stored in a directory
called 'species_pictures' alongside the dot file.
import os, sys, re
import subprocess
pictures_directory = os.path.join(os.path.split(dotfilepath)[0], "species_pictures")
if strip_line_labels:
print("stripping edge (line) labels")
# replace this:
# s10 [ fontname="Helvetica", label="C11H23J"];
# with this:
# s10 [ shapefile="mols/C11H23J.png" label="" width="1" height="1" imagescale=true fixedsize=true color="white" ];
reSize = re.compile('size="5,6"\;page="5,6"')
reNode = re.compile(
'(?P<node>s\d+)\ \[\ fontname="Helvetica",\ label="(?P<label>[^"]*)"\]\;'
rePicture = re.compile("(?P<smiles>.+?)\((?P<id>\d+)\)\.png")
reLabel = re.compile("(?P<name>.+?)\((?P<id>\d+)\)$")
species_pictures = dict()
for picturefile in os.listdir(pictures_directory):
match = rePicture.match(picturefile)
if match:
species_pictures["id")] = picturefile
# print(picturefile, "didn't look like a picture")
filepath = dotfilepath
if not open(filepath).readline().startswith("digraph"):
raise ValueError("{0} - not a digraph".format(filepath))
infile = open(filepath)
prettypath = filepath + "-pretty"
outfile = open(prettypath, "w")
for line in infile:
(line, changed_size) = reSize.subn('size="12,12";page="12,12"', line)
match =
if match:
label ="label")
idmatch = reLabel.match(label)
if idmatch:
idnumber ="id")
if idnumber in species_pictures:
line = (
f'%s [ image="{pictures_directory}/%s" label="" width="0.5" height="0.5" imagescale=false fixedsize=false color="none" ];\n'
% ("node"), species_pictures[idnumber])
# rankdir="LR" to make graph go left>right instead of top>bottom
if strip_line_labels:
line = re.sub('label\s*=\s*"\s*[\d.]+"', 'label=""', line)
# change colours
line = re.sub('color="0.7,\ (.*?),\ 0.9"', r'color="1.0, \1, 0.7*\1"', line)
# print(f"Graph saved to: {prettypath}")
print(f"Graph saved to: {pictures_directory}")
return prettypath
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