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Last active April 8, 2016 23:00
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  • Save saik0/11225735 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save saik0/11225735 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
xboxdrv: Xbox 360 Wireless Receiver with up to four gamepads
# Set the ownership and permissions for the uinput device
KERNEL=="uinput", OWNER="root", GROUP="uinput", MODE="0660"
# Set the ownership and permissions for Xbox 360 Wireless Gaming Receiver
SUBSYSTEMS=="usb", ATTRS{idVendor}=="045e", ATTRS{idProduct}=="0719", OWNER="xboxdrv", GROUP="xboxdrv", MODE="0660"
<!DOCTYPE busconfig PUBLIC
"-//freedesktop//DTD D-BUS Bus Configuration 1.0//EN"
<!-- Only root or user xboxdrv can own the Xboxdrv service -->
<policy user="xboxdrv">
<allow own="org.seul.Xboxdrv"/>
<policy user="root">
<allow own="org.seul.Xboxdrv"/>
<!-- Allow access to users of the group "xboxdrv" -->
<policy group="xboxdrv">
<allow send_destination="org.seul.Xboxdrv"/>
<allow receive_sender="org.seul.Xboxdrv"/>
<policy user="root">
<allow send_destination="org.seul.Xboxdrv"/>
<allow receive_sender="org.seul.Xboxdrv"/>
[D-BUS Service]
# This service should not be bus activated if the systemd service
# isn't running to prevent conflicts.
# Configure button mapping for Xbox 360 gamepads in sdl games
export SDL_GAMECONTROLLERCONFIG="0000000058626f7820363020576900,Xbox 360 Wireless Receiver,a:b0,b:b1,y:b3,x:b2,start:b7,guide:b8,back:b6,leftstick:b9,rightstick:b10,leftshoulder:b4,rightshoulder:b5,dpup:h0.1,dpleft:h0.8,dpdown:h0.4,dpright:h0.2,leftx:a0,lefty:a1,rightx:a3,righty:a4,lefttrigger:a2,righttrigger:a5,"
groupadd --system uinput
useradd --system --shell /usr/bin/nologin --user-group --groups uinput --create-home --home /var/lib/xboxdrv xboxdrv
install -Dm644 "xboxdrv.modules-load.conf" "/etc/modules-load.d/xboxdrv.conf"
install -Dm644 "90-uinput.rules" "/etc/udev/rules.d/90-uinput.rules"
install -Dm644 "90-xboxdrv.rules" "/etc/udev/rules.d/90-xboxdrv.rules"
install -Dm644 "xboxdrv.conf" "/etc/xboxdrv/xboxdrv.conf"
install -Dm644 "xboxdrv.service" "/etc/systemd/system/xboxdrv.service"
install -Dm644 "org.seul.Xboxdrv.conf" "/etc/dbus-1/system.d/org.seul.Xboxdrv.conf"
install -Dm644 "org.seul.Xboxdrv.service" "/usr/share/dbus-1/system-services/org.seul.Xboxdrv.service"
install -Dm755 "" "/etc/profile.d/"
silent = true
wireless-id = 0
led = 2
mimic-xpad = true
device-name="Xbox 360 Wireless Receiver"
next-controller = true
wireless-id = 1
led = 3
mimic-xpad = true
device-name="Xbox 360 Wireless Receiver"
next-controller = true
wireless-id = 2
led = 4
mimic-xpad = true
device-name="Xbox 360 Wireless Receiver"
next-controller = true
wireless-id = 3
led = 5
mimic-xpad = true
device-name="Xbox 360 Wireless Receiver"
dbus = system
# Load joydev and uinput at boot
Description=A userspace gamepad driver
ExecStart=/usr/bin/xboxdrv -D -c /etc/xboxdrv/xboxdrv.conf
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That being said, it doesn't work for me. For example Dolphin sees both controllers when configuring them, and all of the buttons on them are mapped correctly. However whenever a game is started, only controller 1 is active, despite a second one being configured.

UPDATE: Turns out it was just a stupid dolphin config thing, totally my fault. I had to tell the emulated gamecube that there were two controllers plugged in.

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