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Forked from basecss/createTouchEvent.js
Created January 25, 2016 11:12
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(function() {
var ua = /iPhone|iP[oa]d/.test(navigator.userAgent) ? 'iOS' : /Android/.test(navigator.userAgent) ? 'Android' : 'PC';
document.addEventListener('DOMContentLoaded', function(event) {
if(ua === 'PC') {
document.addEventListener('touchstart', function() {
}, false);
var touchEvent = createTouchEvent();
setTimeout(function() {
}, 3000);
}, false);
function createTouchEvent(option) {
var option = option || {};
var param = {
type: 'touchstart',
canBubble: true,
cancelable: true,
view: window,
detail: 0,
screenX: 0,
screenY: 0,
clientX: 0,
clientY: 0,
ctrlKey: false,
altKey: false,
shiftKey: false,
metaKey: false,
touches: 0,
targetTouches: 0,
changedTouches: 0,
scale: 0,
rotation: 0,
touchItem: 0
for(var i in param) {
if(param.hasOwnProperty(i)) {
param[i] = option[i] !== undefined ? option[i] : param[i];
var event = document.createEvent('TouchEvent');
if(ua === 'Android') {
event.initTouchEvent(param.touchItem, param.touchItem, param.touchItem, param.type, param.view, param.screenX, param.screenY, param.clientX, param.clientY, param.ctrlKey, param.altKey, param.shiftKey, param.metaKey);
} else {
event.initTouchEvent(param.type, param.canBubble, param.cancelable, param.view, param.detail, param.screenX, param.screenY, param.clientX, param.clientY, param.ctrlKey, param.altKey, param.shiftKey, param.metaKey, param.touches, param.targetTouches, param.changedTouches, param.scale, param.rotation);
return event;
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