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Created February 18, 2022 15:24
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bloc navigation using builder
void main() {
create: (context) => MyBloc(),
child: MyApp(),
abstract class MyEvent {}
class EventA extends MyEvent {}
class EventB extends MyEvent {}
abstract class MyState {}
class StateA extends MyState {}
class StateB extends MyState {}
class MyBloc extends Bloc<MyEvent, MyState> {
MyBloc() : super(StateA()) {
on<EventA>((event, emit) => emit(StateA()));
on<EventB>((event, emit) => emit(StateB()));
### methode 1: use blocBuilder on materialApp and emit the state you want StateA for Page A
Widget build(BuildContext context) {
return MaterialApp(
home: BlocBuilder<MyBloc, MyState>(
builder: (_, state) => state is StateA ? PageA() : PageB(),
### methode 2 : we can also use the BlocListener to manage it
Widget build(BuildContext context) {
return MaterialApp(
routes: {
'/': (context) => PageA(),
'/pageB': (context) => PageB(),
initialRoute: '/',
return BlocListener<MyBloc, MyState>(
listener: (context, state) {
if (state is StateB) {
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