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Created May 5, 2017 20:21
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Gearup - Microaggressions
I don't think I've been personally affected by any microagressions. I am a middle class, 30-year-old, white guy with a big comfort level with tech. I also haven't witnessed many (Any?) microaggressions, probably half becuase I'm in a privileged position to not be affected by it so I don't notice it, and half because Turing is an especially supportive community where I imagine the occurrences of microagressions is lower than most other places. I heard about 2 instances: One guy said, "You look like a homeless person," in a lighthearted, playful way, without any thoughts to how that might make anyone feel who has dealt with homelessness, not to mention the macro-aggression of saying something mean. I also heard about some students with military backgrounds joking about initiatives within the military to combat sexual harassment. I don't think it was intentional, but I could easily see those statements making anyone who had been affected by sexual harassment very uncomfortable.
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