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Packer debug log for file provisioner failure
2017/05/23 08:24:09 [INFO] Packer version: 1.0.0
2017/05/23 08:24:09 Packer Target OS/Arch: windows amd64
2017/05/23 08:24:09 Built with Go Version: go1.8
2017/05/23 08:24:09 Using internal plugin for googlecompute
2017/05/23 08:24:09 Using internal plugin for hyperv-iso
2017/05/23 08:24:09 Using internal plugin for vmware-vmx
2017/05/23 08:24:09 Using internal plugin for digitalocean
2017/05/23 08:24:09 Using internal plugin for docker
2017/05/23 08:24:09 Using internal plugin for cloudstack
2017/05/23 08:24:09 Using internal plugin for null
2017/05/23 08:24:09 Using internal plugin for oneandone
2017/05/23 08:24:09 Using internal plugin for openstack
2017/05/23 08:24:09 Using internal plugin for parallels-iso
2017/05/23 08:24:09 Using internal plugin for profitbricks
2017/05/23 08:24:09 Using internal plugin for amazon-ebs
2017/05/23 08:24:09 Using internal plugin for azure-arm
2017/05/23 08:24:09 Using internal plugin for virtualbox-ovf
2017/05/23 08:24:09 Using internal plugin for qemu
2017/05/23 08:24:09 Using internal plugin for triton
2017/05/23 08:24:09 Using internal plugin for amazon-ebssurrogate
2017/05/23 08:24:09 Using internal plugin for amazon-instance
2017/05/23 08:24:09 Using internal plugin for file
2017/05/23 08:24:09 Using internal plugin for amazon-chroot
2017/05/23 08:24:09 Using internal plugin for amazon-ebsvolume
2017/05/23 08:24:09 Using internal plugin for vmware-iso
2017/05/23 08:24:09 Using internal plugin for parallels-pvm
2017/05/23 08:24:09 Using internal plugin for virtualbox-iso
2017/05/23 08:24:09 Using internal plugin for ansible-local
2017/05/23 08:24:09 Using internal plugin for converge
2017/05/23 08:24:09 Using internal plugin for puppet-server
2017/05/23 08:24:09 Using internal plugin for windows-restart
2017/05/23 08:24:09 Using internal plugin for chef-client
2017/05/23 08:24:09 Using internal plugin for powershell
2017/05/23 08:24:09 Using internal plugin for shell
2017/05/23 08:24:09 Using internal plugin for ansible
2017/05/23 08:24:09 Using internal plugin for chef-solo
2017/05/23 08:24:09 Using internal plugin for salt-masterless
2017/05/23 08:24:09 Using internal plugin for shell-local
2017/05/23 08:24:09 Using internal plugin for file
2017/05/23 08:24:09 Using internal plugin for puppet-masterless
2017/05/23 08:24:09 Using internal plugin for windows-shell
2017/05/23 08:24:09 Using internal plugin for amazon-import
2017/05/23 08:24:09 Using internal plugin for shell-local
2017/05/23 08:24:09 Using internal plugin for atlas
2017/05/23 08:24:09 Using internal plugin for compress
2017/05/23 08:24:09 Using internal plugin for docker-save
2017/05/23 08:24:09 Using internal plugin for docker-tag
2017/05/23 08:24:09 Using internal plugin for googlecompute-export
2017/05/23 08:24:09 Using internal plugin for artifice
2017/05/23 08:24:09 Using internal plugin for checksum
2017/05/23 08:24:09 Using internal plugin for manifest
2017/05/23 08:24:09 Using internal plugin for vagrant
2017/05/23 08:24:09 Using internal plugin for vagrant-cloud
2017/05/23 08:24:09 Using internal plugin for vsphere
2017/05/23 08:24:09 Using internal plugin for docker-import
2017/05/23 08:24:09 Using internal plugin for docker-push
2017/05/23 08:24:09 Attempting to open config file: C:\Users\saares\AppData\Roaming\packer.config
2017/05/23 08:24:09 [WARN] Config file doesn't exist: C:\Users\saares\AppData\Roaming\packer.config
2017/05/23 08:24:09 Packer config: &{DisableCheckpoint:false DisableCheckpointSignature:false PluginMinPort:10000 PluginMaxPort:25000 Builders:map[docker:c:\Source\p\packer.exe-PACKERSPACE-plugin-PACKERSPACE-packer-builder-docker cloudstack:c:\Source\p\packer.exe-PACKERSPACE-plugin-PACKERSPACE-packer-builder-cloudstack oneandone:c:\Source\p\packer.exe-PACKERSPACE-plugin-PACKERSPACE-packer-builder-oneandone parallels-iso:c:\Source\p\packer.exe-PACKERSPACE-plugin-PACKERSPACE-packer-builder-parallels-iso amazon-ebs:c:\Source\p\packer.exe-PACKERSPACE-plugin-PACKERSPACE-packer-builder-amazon-ebs file:c:\Source\p\packer.exe-PACKERSPACE-plugin-PACKERSPACE-packer-builder-file googlecompute:c:\Source\p\packer.exe-PACKERSPACE-plugin-PACKERSPACE-packer-builder-googlecompute hyperv-iso:c:\Source\p\packer.exe-PACKERSPACE-plugin-PACKERSPACE-packer-builder-hyperv-iso digitalocean:c:\Source\p\packer.exe-PACKERSPACE-plugin-PACKERSPACE-packer-builder-digitalocean profitbricks:c:\Source\p\packer.exe-PACKERSPACE-plugin-PACKERSPACE-packer-builder-profitbricks azure-arm:c:\Source\p\packer.exe-PACKERSPACE-plugin-PACKERSPACE-packer-builder-azure-arm qemu:c:\Source\p\packer.exe-PACKERSPACE-plugin-PACKERSPACE-packer-builder-qemu vmware-iso:c:\Source\p\packer.exe-PACKERSPACE-plugin-PACKERSPACE-packer-builder-vmware-iso triton:c:\Source\p\packer.exe-PACKERSPACE-plugin-PACKERSPACE-packer-builder-triton amazon-ebssurrogate:c:\Source\p\packer.exe-PACKERSPACE-plugin-PACKERSPACE-packer-builder-amazon-ebssurrogate amazon-ebsvolume:c:\Source\p\packer.exe-PACKERSPACE-plugin-PACKERSPACE-packer-builder-amazon-ebsvolume virtualbox-iso:c:\Source\p\packer.exe-PACKERSPACE-plugin-PACKERSPACE-packer-builder-virtualbox-iso vmware-vmx:c:\Source\p\packer.exe-PACKERSPACE-plugin-PACKERSPACE-packer-builder-vmware-vmx null:c:\Source\p\packer.exe-PACKERSPACE-plugin-PACKERSPACE-packer-builder-null openstack:c:\Source\p\packer.exe-PACKERSPACE-plugin-PACKERSPACE-packer-builder-openstack virtualbox-ovf:c:\Source\p\packer.exe-PACKERSPACE-plugin-PACKERSPACE-packer-builder-virtualbox-ovf amazon-instance:c:\Source\p\packer.exe-PACKERSPACE-plugin-PACKERSPACE-packer-builder-amazon-instance amazon-chroot:c:\Source\p\packer.exe-PACKERSPACE-plugin-PACKERSPACE-packer-builder-amazon-chroot parallels-pvm:c:\Source\p\packer.exe-PACKERSPACE-plugin-PACKERSPACE-packer-builder-parallels-pvm] PostProcessors:map[amazon-import:c:\Source\p\packer.exe-PACKERSPACE-plugin-PACKERSPACE-packer-post-processor-amazon-import shell-local:c:\Source\p\packer.exe-PACKERSPACE-plugin-PACKERSPACE-packer-post-processor-shell-local docker-save:c:\Source\p\packer.exe-PACKERSPACE-plugin-PACKERSPACE-packer-post-processor-docker-save googlecompute-export:c:\Source\p\packer.exe-PACKERSPACE-plugin-PACKERSPACE-packer-post-processor-googlecompute-export checksum:c:\Source\p\packer.exe-PACKERSPACE-plugin-PACKERSPACE-packer-post-processor-checksum compress:c:\Source\p\packer.exe-PACKERSPACE-plugin-PACKERSPACE-packer-post-processor-compress docker-tag:c:\Source\p\packer.exe-PACKERSPACE-plugin-PACKERSPACE-packer-post-processor-docker-tag artifice:c:\Source\p\packer.exe-PACKERSPACE-plugin-PACKERSPACE-packer-post-processor-artifice vagrant:c:\Source\p\packer.exe-PACKERSPACE-plugin-PACKERSPACE-packer-post-processor-vagrant docker-import:c:\Source\p\packer.exe-PACKERSPACE-plugin-PACKERSPACE-packer-post-processor-docker-import manifest:c:\Source\p\packer.exe-PACKERSPACE-plugin-PACKERSPACE-packer-post-processor-manifest atlas:c:\Source\p\packer.exe-PACKERSPACE-plugin-PACKERSPACE-packer-post-processor-atlas vagrant-cloud:c:\Source\p\packer.exe-PACKERSPACE-plugin-PACKERSPACE-packer-post-processor-vagrant-cloud vsphere:c:\Source\p\packer.exe-PACKERSPACE-plugin-PACKERSPACE-packer-post-processor-vsphere docker-push:c:\Source\p\packer.exe-PACKERSPACE-plugin-PACKERSPACE-packer-post-processor-docker-push] Provisioners:map[salt-masterless:c:\Source\p\packer.exe-PACKERSPACE-plugin-PACKERSPACE-packer-provisioner-salt-masterless file:c:\Source\p\packer.exe-PACKERSPACE-plugin-PACKERSPACE-packer-provisioner-file windows-shell:c:\Source\p\packer.exe-PACKERSPACE-plugin-PACKERSPACE-packer-provisioner-windows-shell converge:c:\Source\p\packer.exe-PACKERSPACE-plugin-PACKERSPACE-packer-provisioner-converge puppet-server:c:\Source\p\packer.exe-PACKERSPACE-plugin-PACKERSPACE-packer-provisioner-puppet-server powershell:c:\Source\p\packer.exe-PACKERSPACE-plugin-PACKERSPACE-packer-provisioner-powershell shell:c:\Source\p\packer.exe-PACKERSPACE-plugin-PACKERSPACE-packer-provisioner-shell ansible-local:c:\Source\p\packer.exe-PACKERSPACE-plugin-PACKERSPACE-packer-provisioner-ansible-local chef-client:c:\Source\p\packer.exe-PACKERSPACE-plugin-PACKERSPACE-packer-provisioner-chef-client windows-restart:c:\Source\p\packer.exe-PACKERSPACE-plugin-PACKERSPACE-packer-provisioner-windows-restart ansible:c:\Source\p\packer.exe-PACKERSPACE-plugin-PACKERSPACE-packer-provisioner-ansible chef-solo:c:\Source\p\packer.exe-PACKERSPACE-plugin-PACKERSPACE-packer-provisioner-chef-solo shell-local:c:\Source\p\packer.exe-PACKERSPACE-plugin-PACKERSPACE-packer-provisioner-shell-local puppet-masterless:c:\Source\p\packer.exe-PACKERSPACE-plugin-PACKERSPACE-packer-provisioner-puppet-masterless]}
2017/05/23 08:24:09 Setting cache directory: c:\Source\p\packer_cache
2017/05/23 08:24:09 Loading builder: hyperv-iso
2017/05/23 08:24:09 Plugin could not be found. Checking same directory as executable.
2017/05/23 08:24:09 Current exe path: c:\Source\p\packer.exe
2017/05/23 08:24:09 Creating plugin client for path: c:\Source\p\packer.exe
2017/05/23 08:24:09 Starting plugin: c:\Source\p\packer.exe []string{"c:\\Source\\p\\packer.exe", "plugin", "packer-builder-hyperv-iso"}
2017/05/23 08:24:09 Waiting for RPC address for: c:\Source\p\packer.exe
2017/05/23 08:24:09 packer.exe: 2017/05/23 08:24:09 [INFO] Packer version: 1.0.0
2017/05/23 08:24:09 packer.exe: 2017/05/23 08:24:09 Packer Target OS/Arch: windows amd64
2017/05/23 08:24:09 packer.exe: 2017/05/23 08:24:09 Built with Go Version: go1.8
2017/05/23 08:24:09 packer.exe: 2017/05/23 08:24:09 Attempting to open config file: C:\Users\saares\AppData\Roaming\packer.config
2017/05/23 08:24:09 packer.exe: 2017/05/23 08:24:09 [WARN] Config file doesn't exist: C:\Users\saares\AppData\Roaming\packer.config
2017/05/23 08:24:09 packer.exe: 2017/05/23 08:24:09 Packer config: &{DisableCheckpoint:false DisableCheckpointSignature:false PluginMinPort:10000 PluginMaxPort:25000 Builders:map[] PostProcessors:map[] Provisioners:map[]}
2017/05/23 08:24:09 packer.exe: 2017/05/23 08:24:09 Setting cache directory: c:\Source\p\packer_cache
2017/05/23 08:24:09 packer.exe: 2017/05/23 08:24:09 args: []string{"packer-builder-hyperv-iso"}
2017/05/23 08:24:09 packer.exe: 2017/05/23 08:24:09 Plugin minimum port: 10000
2017/05/23 08:24:09 packer.exe: 2017/05/23 08:24:09 Plugin maximum port: 25000
2017/05/23 08:24:09 packer.exe: 2017/05/23 08:24:09 Plugin address: tcp
2017/05/23 08:24:09 packer.exe: 2017/05/23 08:24:09 Waiting for connection...
2017/05/23 08:24:09 packer.exe: 2017/05/23 08:24:09 Serving a plugin connection...
2017/05/23 08:24:09 Loading provisioner: file
2017/05/23 08:24:09 Plugin could not be found. Checking same directory as executable.
2017/05/23 08:24:09 Current exe path: c:\Source\p\packer.exe
2017/05/23 08:24:09 Creating plugin client for path: c:\Source\p\packer.exe
2017/05/23 08:24:09 Starting plugin: c:\Source\p\packer.exe []string{"c:\\Source\\p\\packer.exe", "plugin", "packer-provisioner-file"}
2017/05/23 08:24:09 Waiting for RPC address for: c:\Source\p\packer.exe
2017/05/23 08:24:09 packer.exe: 2017/05/23 08:24:09 [INFO] Packer version: 1.0.0
2017/05/23 08:24:09 packer.exe: 2017/05/23 08:24:09 Packer Target OS/Arch: windows amd64
2017/05/23 08:24:09 packer.exe: 2017/05/23 08:24:09 Built with Go Version: go1.8
2017/05/23 08:24:09 packer.exe: 2017/05/23 08:24:09 Attempting to open config file: C:\Users\saares\AppData\Roaming\packer.config
2017/05/23 08:24:09 packer.exe: 2017/05/23 08:24:09 [WARN] Config file doesn't exist: C:\Users\saares\AppData\Roaming\packer.config
2017/05/23 08:24:09 packer.exe: 2017/05/23 08:24:09 Packer config: &{DisableCheckpoint:false DisableCheckpointSignature:false PluginMinPort:10000 PluginMaxPort:25000 Builders:map[] PostProcessors:map[] Provisioners:map[]}
2017/05/23 08:24:09 packer.exe: 2017/05/23 08:24:09 Setting cache directory: c:\Source\p\packer_cache
2017/05/23 08:24:09 packer.exe: 2017/05/23 08:24:09 args: []string{"packer-provisioner-file"}
2017/05/23 08:24:09 packer.exe: 2017/05/23 08:24:09 Plugin minimum port: 10000
2017/05/23 08:24:09 packer.exe: 2017/05/23 08:24:09 Plugin maximum port: 25000
2017/05/23 08:24:09 packer.exe: 2017/05/23 08:24:09 Plugin address: tcp
2017/05/23 08:24:09 packer.exe: 2017/05/23 08:24:09 Waiting for connection...
2017/05/23 08:24:09 packer.exe: 2017/05/23 08:24:09 Serving a plugin connection...
2017/05/23 08:24:09 Loading provisioner: powershell
2017/05/23 08:24:09 Plugin could not be found. Checking same directory as executable.
2017/05/23 08:24:09 Current exe path: c:\Source\p\packer.exe
2017/05/23 08:24:09 Creating plugin client for path: c:\Source\p\packer.exe
2017/05/23 08:24:09 Starting plugin: c:\Source\p\packer.exe []string{"c:\\Source\\p\\packer.exe", "plugin", "packer-provisioner-powershell"}
2017/05/23 08:24:09 Waiting for RPC address for: c:\Source\p\packer.exe
2017/05/23 08:24:09 packer.exe: 2017/05/23 08:24:09 [INFO] Packer version: 1.0.0
2017/05/23 08:24:09 packer.exe: 2017/05/23 08:24:09 Packer Target OS/Arch: windows amd64
2017/05/23 08:24:09 packer.exe: 2017/05/23 08:24:09 Built with Go Version: go1.8
2017/05/23 08:24:09 packer.exe: 2017/05/23 08:24:09 Attempting to open config file: C:\Users\saares\AppData\Roaming\packer.config
2017/05/23 08:24:09 packer.exe: 2017/05/23 08:24:09 [WARN] Config file doesn't exist: C:\Users\saares\AppData\Roaming\packer.config
2017/05/23 08:24:09 packer.exe: 2017/05/23 08:24:09 Packer config: &{DisableCheckpoint:false DisableCheckpointSignature:false PluginMinPort:10000 PluginMaxPort:25000 Builders:map[] PostProcessors:map[] Provisioners:map[]}
2017/05/23 08:24:09 packer.exe: 2017/05/23 08:24:09 Setting cache directory: c:\Source\p\packer_cache
2017/05/23 08:24:09 packer.exe: 2017/05/23 08:24:09 args: []string{"packer-provisioner-powershell"}
2017/05/23 08:24:09 packer.exe: 2017/05/23 08:24:09 Plugin minimum port: 10000
2017/05/23 08:24:09 packer.exe: 2017/05/23 08:24:09 Plugin maximum port: 25000
2017/05/23 08:24:09 packer.exe: 2017/05/23 08:24:09 Plugin address: tcp
2017/05/23 08:24:09 packer.exe: 2017/05/23 08:24:09 Waiting for connection...
2017/05/23 08:24:09 packer.exe: 2017/05/23 08:24:09 Serving a plugin connection...
2017/05/23 08:24:09 Loading provisioner: windows-restart
2017/05/23 08:24:09 Plugin could not be found. Checking same directory as executable.
2017/05/23 08:24:09 Current exe path: c:\Source\p\packer.exe
2017/05/23 08:24:09 Creating plugin client for path: c:\Source\p\packer.exe
2017/05/23 08:24:09 Starting plugin: c:\Source\p\packer.exe []string{"c:\\Source\\p\\packer.exe", "plugin", "packer-provisioner-windows-restart"}
2017/05/23 08:24:09 Waiting for RPC address for: c:\Source\p\packer.exe
2017/05/23 08:24:09 packer.exe: 2017/05/23 08:24:09 [INFO] Packer version: 1.0.0
2017/05/23 08:24:09 packer.exe: 2017/05/23 08:24:09 Packer Target OS/Arch: windows amd64
2017/05/23 08:24:09 packer.exe: 2017/05/23 08:24:09 Built with Go Version: go1.8
2017/05/23 08:24:09 packer.exe: 2017/05/23 08:24:09 Attempting to open config file: C:\Users\saares\AppData\Roaming\packer.config
2017/05/23 08:24:09 packer.exe: 2017/05/23 08:24:09 [WARN] Config file doesn't exist: C:\Users\saares\AppData\Roaming\packer.config
2017/05/23 08:24:09 packer.exe: 2017/05/23 08:24:09 Packer config: &{DisableCheckpoint:false DisableCheckpointSignature:false PluginMinPort:10000 PluginMaxPort:25000 Builders:map[] PostProcessors:map[] Provisioners:map[]}
2017/05/23 08:24:09 packer.exe: 2017/05/23 08:24:09 Setting cache directory: c:\Source\p\packer_cache
2017/05/23 08:24:09 packer.exe: 2017/05/23 08:24:09 args: []string{"packer-provisioner-windows-restart"}
2017/05/23 08:24:09 packer.exe: 2017/05/23 08:24:09 Plugin minimum port: 10000
2017/05/23 08:24:09 packer.exe: 2017/05/23 08:24:09 Plugin maximum port: 25000
2017/05/23 08:24:09 packer.exe: 2017/05/23 08:24:09 Plugin address: tcp
2017/05/23 08:24:09 packer.exe: 2017/05/23 08:24:09 Waiting for connection...
2017/05/23 08:24:09 packer.exe: 2017/05/23 08:24:09 Serving a plugin connection...
2017/05/23 08:24:09 Loading provisioner: powershell
2017/05/23 08:24:09 Plugin could not be found. Checking same directory as executable.
2017/05/23 08:24:09 Current exe path: c:\Source\p\packer.exe
2017/05/23 08:24:09 Creating plugin client for path: c:\Source\p\packer.exe
2017/05/23 08:24:09 Starting plugin: c:\Source\p\packer.exe []string{"c:\\Source\\p\\packer.exe", "plugin", "packer-provisioner-powershell"}
2017/05/23 08:24:09 Waiting for RPC address for: c:\Source\p\packer.exe
2017/05/23 08:24:09 packer.exe: 2017/05/23 08:24:09 [INFO] Packer version: 1.0.0
2017/05/23 08:24:09 packer.exe: 2017/05/23 08:24:09 Packer Target OS/Arch: windows amd64
2017/05/23 08:24:09 packer.exe: 2017/05/23 08:24:09 Built with Go Version: go1.8
2017/05/23 08:24:09 packer.exe: 2017/05/23 08:24:09 Attempting to open config file: C:\Users\saares\AppData\Roaming\packer.config
2017/05/23 08:24:09 packer.exe: 2017/05/23 08:24:09 [WARN] Config file doesn't exist: C:\Users\saares\AppData\Roaming\packer.config
2017/05/23 08:24:09 packer.exe: 2017/05/23 08:24:09 Packer config: &{DisableCheckpoint:false DisableCheckpointSignature:false PluginMinPort:10000 PluginMaxPort:25000 Builders:map[] PostProcessors:map[] Provisioners:map[]}
2017/05/23 08:24:09 packer.exe: 2017/05/23 08:24:09 Setting cache directory: c:\Source\p\packer_cache
2017/05/23 08:24:09 packer.exe: 2017/05/23 08:24:09 args: []string{"packer-provisioner-powershell"}
2017/05/23 08:24:09 packer.exe: 2017/05/23 08:24:09 Plugin minimum port: 10000
2017/05/23 08:24:09 packer.exe: 2017/05/23 08:24:09 Plugin maximum port: 25000
2017/05/23 08:24:09 packer.exe: 2017/05/23 08:24:09 Plugin address: tcp
2017/05/23 08:24:09 packer.exe: 2017/05/23 08:24:09 Waiting for connection...
2017/05/23 08:24:09 packer.exe: 2017/05/23 08:24:09 Serving a plugin connection...
2017/05/23 08:24:09 Loading provisioner: windows-restart
2017/05/23 08:24:09 Plugin could not be found. Checking same directory as executable.
2017/05/23 08:24:09 Current exe path: c:\Source\p\packer.exe
2017/05/23 08:24:09 Creating plugin client for path: c:\Source\p\packer.exe
2017/05/23 08:24:09 Starting plugin: c:\Source\p\packer.exe []string{"c:\\Source\\p\\packer.exe", "plugin", "packer-provisioner-windows-restart"}
2017/05/23 08:24:09 Waiting for RPC address for: c:\Source\p\packer.exe
2017/05/23 08:24:09 packer.exe: 2017/05/23 08:24:09 [INFO] Packer version: 1.0.0
2017/05/23 08:24:09 packer.exe: 2017/05/23 08:24:09 Packer Target OS/Arch: windows amd64
2017/05/23 08:24:09 packer.exe: 2017/05/23 08:24:09 Built with Go Version: go1.8
2017/05/23 08:24:09 packer.exe: 2017/05/23 08:24:09 Attempting to open config file: C:\Users\saares\AppData\Roaming\packer.config
2017/05/23 08:24:09 packer.exe: 2017/05/23 08:24:09 [WARN] Config file doesn't exist: C:\Users\saares\AppData\Roaming\packer.config
2017/05/23 08:24:09 packer.exe: 2017/05/23 08:24:09 Packer config: &{DisableCheckpoint:false DisableCheckpointSignature:false PluginMinPort:10000 PluginMaxPort:25000 Builders:map[] PostProcessors:map[] Provisioners:map[]}
2017/05/23 08:24:09 packer.exe: 2017/05/23 08:24:09 Setting cache directory: c:\Source\p\packer_cache
2017/05/23 08:24:09 packer.exe: 2017/05/23 08:24:09 args: []string{"packer-provisioner-windows-restart"}
2017/05/23 08:24:09 packer.exe: 2017/05/23 08:24:09 Plugin minimum port: 10000
2017/05/23 08:24:09 packer.exe: 2017/05/23 08:24:09 Plugin maximum port: 25000
2017/05/23 08:24:09 packer.exe: 2017/05/23 08:24:09 Plugin address: tcp
2017/05/23 08:24:09 packer.exe: 2017/05/23 08:24:09 Waiting for connection...
2017/05/23 08:24:09 packer.exe: 2017/05/23 08:24:09 Serving a plugin connection...
2017/05/23 08:24:09 Loading provisioner: file
2017/05/23 08:24:09 Plugin could not be found. Checking same directory as executable.
2017/05/23 08:24:09 Current exe path: c:\Source\p\packer.exe
2017/05/23 08:24:09 Creating plugin client for path: c:\Source\p\packer.exe
2017/05/23 08:24:09 Starting plugin: c:\Source\p\packer.exe []string{"c:\\Source\\p\\packer.exe", "plugin", "packer-provisioner-file"}
2017/05/23 08:24:09 Waiting for RPC address for: c:\Source\p\packer.exe
2017/05/23 08:24:09 packer.exe: 2017/05/23 08:24:09 [INFO] Packer version: 1.0.0
2017/05/23 08:24:09 packer.exe: 2017/05/23 08:24:09 Packer Target OS/Arch: windows amd64
2017/05/23 08:24:09 packer.exe: 2017/05/23 08:24:09 Built with Go Version: go1.8
2017/05/23 08:24:09 packer.exe: 2017/05/23 08:24:09 Attempting to open config file: C:\Users\saares\AppData\Roaming\packer.config
2017/05/23 08:24:09 packer.exe: 2017/05/23 08:24:09 [WARN] Config file doesn't exist: C:\Users\saares\AppData\Roaming\packer.config
2017/05/23 08:24:09 packer.exe: 2017/05/23 08:24:09 Packer config: &{DisableCheckpoint:false DisableCheckpointSignature:false PluginMinPort:10000 PluginMaxPort:25000 Builders:map[] PostProcessors:map[] Provisioners:map[]}
2017/05/23 08:24:09 packer.exe: 2017/05/23 08:24:09 Setting cache directory: c:\Source\p\packer_cache
2017/05/23 08:24:09 packer.exe: 2017/05/23 08:24:09 args: []string{"packer-provisioner-file"}
2017/05/23 08:24:09 packer.exe: 2017/05/23 08:24:09 Plugin minimum port: 10000
2017/05/23 08:24:09 packer.exe: 2017/05/23 08:24:09 Plugin maximum port: 25000
2017/05/23 08:24:09 packer.exe: 2017/05/23 08:24:09 Plugin address: tcp
2017/05/23 08:24:09 packer.exe: 2017/05/23 08:24:09 Waiting for connection...
2017/05/23 08:24:09 packer.exe: 2017/05/23 08:24:09 Serving a plugin connection...
2017/05/23 08:24:09 Loading provisioner: powershell
2017/05/23 08:24:09 Plugin could not be found. Checking same directory as executable.
2017/05/23 08:24:09 Current exe path: c:\Source\p\packer.exe
2017/05/23 08:24:09 Creating plugin client for path: c:\Source\p\packer.exe
2017/05/23 08:24:09 Starting plugin: c:\Source\p\packer.exe []string{"c:\\Source\\p\\packer.exe", "plugin", "packer-provisioner-powershell"}
2017/05/23 08:24:09 Waiting for RPC address for: c:\Source\p\packer.exe
2017/05/23 08:24:09 packer.exe: 2017/05/23 08:24:09 [INFO] Packer version: 1.0.0
2017/05/23 08:24:09 packer.exe: 2017/05/23 08:24:09 Packer Target OS/Arch: windows amd64
2017/05/23 08:24:09 packer.exe: 2017/05/23 08:24:09 Built with Go Version: go1.8
2017/05/23 08:24:09 packer.exe: 2017/05/23 08:24:09 Attempting to open config file: C:\Users\saares\AppData\Roaming\packer.config
2017/05/23 08:24:09 packer.exe: 2017/05/23 08:24:09 [WARN] Config file doesn't exist: C:\Users\saares\AppData\Roaming\packer.config
2017/05/23 08:24:09 packer.exe: 2017/05/23 08:24:09 Packer config: &{DisableCheckpoint:false DisableCheckpointSignature:false PluginMinPort:10000 PluginMaxPort:25000 Builders:map[] PostProcessors:map[] Provisioners:map[]}
2017/05/23 08:24:09 packer.exe: 2017/05/23 08:24:09 Setting cache directory: c:\Source\p\packer_cache
2017/05/23 08:24:09 packer.exe: 2017/05/23 08:24:09 args: []string{"packer-provisioner-powershell"}
2017/05/23 08:24:09 packer.exe: 2017/05/23 08:24:09 Plugin minimum port: 10000
2017/05/23 08:24:09 packer.exe: 2017/05/23 08:24:09 Plugin maximum port: 25000
2017/05/23 08:24:09 packer.exe: 2017/05/23 08:24:09 Plugin address: tcp
2017/05/23 08:24:09 packer.exe: 2017/05/23 08:24:09 Waiting for connection...
2017/05/23 08:24:09 packer.exe: 2017/05/23 08:24:09 Serving a plugin connection...
2017/05/23 08:24:09 Loading provisioner: windows-restart
2017/05/23 08:24:09 Plugin could not be found. Checking same directory as executable.
2017/05/23 08:24:09 Current exe path: c:\Source\p\packer.exe
2017/05/23 08:24:09 Creating plugin client for path: c:\Source\p\packer.exe
2017/05/23 08:24:09 Starting plugin: c:\Source\p\packer.exe []string{"c:\\Source\\p\\packer.exe", "plugin", "packer-provisioner-windows-restart"}
2017/05/23 08:24:09 Waiting for RPC address for: c:\Source\p\packer.exe
2017/05/23 08:24:09 packer.exe: 2017/05/23 08:24:09 [INFO] Packer version: 1.0.0
2017/05/23 08:24:09 packer.exe: 2017/05/23 08:24:09 Packer Target OS/Arch: windows amd64
2017/05/23 08:24:09 packer.exe: 2017/05/23 08:24:09 Built with Go Version: go1.8
2017/05/23 08:24:09 packer.exe: 2017/05/23 08:24:09 Attempting to open config file: C:\Users\saares\AppData\Roaming\packer.config
2017/05/23 08:24:09 packer.exe: 2017/05/23 08:24:09 [WARN] Config file doesn't exist: C:\Users\saares\AppData\Roaming\packer.config
2017/05/23 08:24:09 packer.exe: 2017/05/23 08:24:09 Packer config: &{DisableCheckpoint:false DisableCheckpointSignature:false PluginMinPort:10000 PluginMaxPort:25000 Builders:map[] PostProcessors:map[] Provisioners:map[]}
2017/05/23 08:24:09 packer.exe: 2017/05/23 08:24:09 Setting cache directory: c:\Source\p\packer_cache
2017/05/23 08:24:09 packer.exe: 2017/05/23 08:24:09 args: []string{"packer-provisioner-windows-restart"}
2017/05/23 08:24:09 packer.exe: 2017/05/23 08:24:09 Plugin minimum port: 10000
2017/05/23 08:24:09 packer.exe: 2017/05/23 08:24:09 Plugin maximum port: 25000
2017/05/23 08:24:09 packer.exe: 2017/05/23 08:24:09 Plugin address: tcp
2017/05/23 08:24:09 packer.exe: 2017/05/23 08:24:09 Waiting for connection...
2017/05/23 08:24:09 packer.exe: 2017/05/23 08:24:09 Serving a plugin connection...
2017/05/23 08:24:09 Loading provisioner: powershell
2017/05/23 08:24:09 Plugin could not be found. Checking same directory as executable.
2017/05/23 08:24:09 Current exe path: c:\Source\p\packer.exe
2017/05/23 08:24:09 Creating plugin client for path: c:\Source\p\packer.exe
2017/05/23 08:24:09 Starting plugin: c:\Source\p\packer.exe []string{"c:\\Source\\p\\packer.exe", "plugin", "packer-provisioner-powershell"}
2017/05/23 08:24:09 Waiting for RPC address for: c:\Source\p\packer.exe
2017/05/23 08:24:09 packer.exe: 2017/05/23 08:24:09 [INFO] Packer version: 1.0.0
2017/05/23 08:24:09 packer.exe: 2017/05/23 08:24:09 Packer Target OS/Arch: windows amd64
2017/05/23 08:24:09 packer.exe: 2017/05/23 08:24:09 Built with Go Version: go1.8
2017/05/23 08:24:09 packer.exe: 2017/05/23 08:24:09 Attempting to open config file: C:\Users\saares\AppData\Roaming\packer.config
2017/05/23 08:24:09 packer.exe: 2017/05/23 08:24:09 [WARN] Config file doesn't exist: C:\Users\saares\AppData\Roaming\packer.config
2017/05/23 08:24:09 packer.exe: 2017/05/23 08:24:09 Packer config: &{DisableCheckpoint:false DisableCheckpointSignature:false PluginMinPort:10000 PluginMaxPort:25000 Builders:map[] PostProcessors:map[] Provisioners:map[]}
2017/05/23 08:24:09 packer.exe: 2017/05/23 08:24:09 Setting cache directory: c:\Source\p\packer_cache
2017/05/23 08:24:09 packer.exe: 2017/05/23 08:24:09 args: []string{"packer-provisioner-powershell"}
2017/05/23 08:24:09 packer.exe: 2017/05/23 08:24:09 Plugin minimum port: 10000
2017/05/23 08:24:09 packer.exe: 2017/05/23 08:24:09 Plugin maximum port: 25000
2017/05/23 08:24:09 packer.exe: 2017/05/23 08:24:09 Plugin address: tcp
2017/05/23 08:24:09 packer.exe: 2017/05/23 08:24:09 Waiting for connection...
2017/05/23 08:24:09 packer.exe: 2017/05/23 08:24:09 Serving a plugin connection...
2017/05/23 08:24:09 Loading provisioner: powershell
2017/05/23 08:24:09 Plugin could not be found. Checking same directory as executable.
2017/05/23 08:24:09 Current exe path: c:\Source\p\packer.exe
2017/05/23 08:24:09 Creating plugin client for path: c:\Source\p\packer.exe
2017/05/23 08:24:09 Starting plugin: c:\Source\p\packer.exe []string{"c:\\Source\\p\\packer.exe", "plugin", "packer-provisioner-powershell"}
2017/05/23 08:24:09 Waiting for RPC address for: c:\Source\p\packer.exe
2017/05/23 08:24:09 packer.exe: 2017/05/23 08:24:09 [INFO] Packer version: 1.0.0
2017/05/23 08:24:09 packer.exe: 2017/05/23 08:24:09 Packer Target OS/Arch: windows amd64
2017/05/23 08:24:09 packer.exe: 2017/05/23 08:24:09 Built with Go Version: go1.8
2017/05/23 08:24:09 packer.exe: 2017/05/23 08:24:09 Attempting to open config file: C:\Users\saares\AppData\Roaming\packer.config
2017/05/23 08:24:09 packer.exe: 2017/05/23 08:24:09 [WARN] Config file doesn't exist: C:\Users\saares\AppData\Roaming\packer.config
2017/05/23 08:24:09 packer.exe: 2017/05/23 08:24:09 Packer config: &{DisableCheckpoint:false DisableCheckpointSignature:false PluginMinPort:10000 PluginMaxPort:25000 Builders:map[] PostProcessors:map[] Provisioners:map[]}
2017/05/23 08:24:09 packer.exe: 2017/05/23 08:24:09 Setting cache directory: c:\Source\p\packer_cache
2017/05/23 08:24:09 packer.exe: 2017/05/23 08:24:09 args: []string{"packer-provisioner-powershell"}
2017/05/23 08:24:09 packer.exe: 2017/05/23 08:24:09 Plugin minimum port: 10000
2017/05/23 08:24:09 packer.exe: 2017/05/23 08:24:09 Plugin maximum port: 25000
2017/05/23 08:24:09 packer.exe: 2017/05/23 08:24:09 Plugin address: tcp
2017/05/23 08:24:09 packer.exe: 2017/05/23 08:24:09 Waiting for connection...
2017/05/23 08:24:09 packer.exe: 2017/05/23 08:24:09 Serving a plugin connection...
2017/05/23 08:24:09 Loading provisioner: powershell
2017/05/23 08:24:09 Plugin could not be found. Checking same directory as executable.
2017/05/23 08:24:09 Current exe path: c:\Source\p\packer.exe
2017/05/23 08:24:09 Creating plugin client for path: c:\Source\p\packer.exe
2017/05/23 08:24:09 Starting plugin: c:\Source\p\packer.exe []string{"c:\\Source\\p\\packer.exe", "plugin", "packer-provisioner-powershell"}
2017/05/23 08:24:09 Waiting for RPC address for: c:\Source\p\packer.exe
2017/05/23 08:24:09 packer.exe: 2017/05/23 08:24:09 [INFO] Packer version: 1.0.0
2017/05/23 08:24:09 packer.exe: 2017/05/23 08:24:09 Packer Target OS/Arch: windows amd64
2017/05/23 08:24:09 packer.exe: 2017/05/23 08:24:09 Built with Go Version: go1.8
2017/05/23 08:24:09 packer.exe: 2017/05/23 08:24:09 Attempting to open config file: C:\Users\saares\AppData\Roaming\packer.config
2017/05/23 08:24:09 packer.exe: 2017/05/23 08:24:09 [WARN] Config file doesn't exist: C:\Users\saares\AppData\Roaming\packer.config
2017/05/23 08:24:09 packer.exe: 2017/05/23 08:24:09 Packer config: &{DisableCheckpoint:false DisableCheckpointSignature:false PluginMinPort:10000 PluginMaxPort:25000 Builders:map[] PostProcessors:map[] Provisioners:map[]}
2017/05/23 08:24:09 packer.exe: 2017/05/23 08:24:09 Setting cache directory: c:\Source\p\packer_cache
2017/05/23 08:24:09 packer.exe: 2017/05/23 08:24:09 args: []string{"packer-provisioner-powershell"}
2017/05/23 08:24:09 packer.exe: 2017/05/23 08:24:09 Plugin minimum port: 10000
2017/05/23 08:24:09 packer.exe: 2017/05/23 08:24:09 Plugin maximum port: 25000
2017/05/23 08:24:09 packer.exe: 2017/05/23 08:24:09 Plugin address: tcp
2017/05/23 08:24:09 packer.exe: 2017/05/23 08:24:09 Waiting for connection...
2017/05/23 08:24:09 packer.exe: 2017/05/23 08:24:09 Serving a plugin connection...
2017/05/23 08:24:09 ui: hyperv-iso output will be in this color.
2017/05/23 08:24:09 ui:
2017/05/23 08:24:09 Build debug mode: false
2017/05/23 08:24:09 Force build: true
2017/05/23 08:24:09 On error:
2017/05/23 08:24:09 Preparing build: hyperv-iso
2017/05/23 08:24:09 packer.exe: 2017/05/23 08:24:09 DiskSize: 40960
2017/05/23 08:24:09 packer.exe: 2017/05/23 08:24:09 RamSize: 2048
2017/05/23 08:24:09 packer.exe: 2017/05/23 08:24:09 VMName: AsdpComponentHost
2017/05/23 08:24:09 packer.exe: 2017/05/23 08:24:09 Using switch Axinom
2017/05/23 08:24:09 packer.exe: 2017/05/23 08:24:09 SwitchName: Axinom
2017/05/23 08:24:10 ui: Warnings for build 'hyperv-iso':
2017/05/23 08:24:10 ui: * A checksum type of 'none' was specified. Since ISO files are so big,
a checksum is highly recommended.
2017/05/23 08:24:10 ui: * Hyper-V might fail to create a VM if there is not enough free memory in the system.
2017/05/23 08:24:10 ui:
2017/05/23 08:24:10 Waiting on builds to complete...
2017/05/23 08:24:10 Starting build run: hyperv-iso
2017/05/23 08:24:10 Running builder: hyperv-iso
2017/05/23 08:24:10 packer.exe: 2017/05/23 08:24:10 Enter method: verifyPSVersion
2017/05/23 08:24:10 packer.exe: 2017/05/23 08:24:10 $host.version.Major output: 5
2017/05/23 08:24:10 packer.exe: 2017/05/23 08:24:10 Enter method: verifyPSHypervModule
2017/05/23 08:24:10 packer.exe: 2017/05/23 08:24:10 Enter method: verifyHypervPermissions
2017/05/23 08:24:10 ui: ==> hyperv-iso: Creating temporary directory...
2017/05/23 08:24:10 ui: ==> hyperv-iso: Downloading or copying ISO
2017/05/23 08:24:10 ui: hyperv-iso: Downloading or copying: file:///C:/Tmp/eval_14393.0.161119-1705.RS1_REFRESH_SERVER_EVAL_X64FRE_EN-US.ISO
2017/05/23 08:24:10 packer.exe: 2017/05/23 08:24:10 Acquiring lock to download: file:///C:/Tmp/eval_14393.0.161119-1705.RS1_REFRESH_SERVER_EVAL_X64FRE_EN-US.ISO
2017/05/23 08:24:10 packer.exe: 2017/05/23 08:24:10 Parsed URL: &url.URL{Scheme:"file", Opaque:"", User:(*url.Userinfo)(nil), Host:"", Path:"/C:/Tmp/eval_14393.0.161119-1705.RS1_REFRESH_SERVER_EVAL_X64FRE_EN-US.ISO", RawPath:"", ForceQuery:false, RawQuery:"", Fragment:""}
2017/05/23 08:24:10 packer.exe: 2017/05/23 08:24:10 [DEBUG] Using local file: /C:/Tmp/eval_14393.0.161119-1705.RS1_REFRESH_SERVER_EVAL_X64FRE_EN-US.ISO
2017/05/23 08:24:10 ui: ==> hyperv-iso: Creating floppy disk...
2017/05/23 08:24:10 packer.exe: 2017/05/23 08:24:10 Floppy path: C:\Users\saares\AppData\Local\Temp\packer340391246
2017/05/23 08:24:10 packer.exe: 2017/05/23 08:24:10 Initializing block device backed by temporary file
2017/05/23 08:24:10 packer.exe: 2017/05/23 08:24:10 Formatting the block device with a FAT filesystem...
2017/05/23 08:24:10 packer.exe: 2017/05/23 08:24:10 Initializing FAT filesystem on block device
2017/05/23 08:24:10 packer.exe: 2017/05/23 08:24:10 Reading the root directory from the filesystem
2017/05/23 08:24:10 ui: hyperv-iso: Copying files flatly from floppy_files
2017/05/23 08:24:10 ui: hyperv-iso: Copying file: Autounattend.xml
2017/05/23 08:24:10 ui: hyperv-iso: Copying file: Initialize.ps1
2017/05/23 08:24:10 ui: hyperv-iso: Copying file: Finalize.ps1
2017/05/23 08:24:10 ui: hyperv-iso: Copying file: Finalize.xml
2017/05/23 08:24:10 ui: hyperv-iso: Done copying files from floppy_files
2017/05/23 08:24:10 ui: hyperv-iso: Collecting paths from floppy_dirs
2017/05/23 08:24:10 ui: hyperv-iso: Resulting paths from floppy_dirs : []
2017/05/23 08:24:10 ui: hyperv-iso: Done copying paths from floppy_dirs
2017/05/23 08:24:10 ui: ==> hyperv-iso: Creating switch 'Axinom' if required...
2017/05/23 08:24:11 ui: ==> hyperv-iso: switch 'Axinom' already exists. Will not delete on cleanup...
2017/05/23 08:24:11 ui: ==> hyperv-iso: Creating virtual machine...
2017/05/23 08:24:15 ui: ==> hyperv-iso: Enabling Integration Service...
2017/05/23 08:24:17 ui: ==> hyperv-iso: Setting boot drive to os dvd drive C:/Tmp/eval_14393.0.161119-1705.RS1_REFRESH_SERVER_EVAL_X64FRE_EN-US.ISO ...
2017/05/23 08:24:18 ui: ==> hyperv-iso: Mounting os dvd drive C:/Tmp/eval_14393.0.161119-1705.RS1_REFRESH_SERVER_EVAL_X64FRE_EN-US.ISO ...
2017/05/23 08:24:19 packer.exe: 2017/05/23 08:24:19 Copying floppy to temp location: C:\Users\saares\AppData\Local\Temp\packer980918429\floppy.vfd
2017/05/23 08:24:19 ui: ==> hyperv-iso: Mounting floppy drive...
2017/05/23 08:24:19 ui: ==> hyperv-iso: Skipping mounting Integration Services Setup Disk...
2017/05/23 08:24:19 ui: ==> hyperv-iso: Mounting secondary DVD images...
2017/05/23 08:24:19 ui: ==> hyperv-iso: Configuring vlan...
2017/05/23 08:24:19 ui: ==> hyperv-iso: Starting the virtual machine...
2017/05/23 08:24:20 ui: ==> hyperv-iso: Waiting 10s for boot...
2017/05/23 08:24:32 ui: ==> hyperv-iso: Host IP for the HyperV machine:
2017/05/23 08:24:32 ui: ==> hyperv-iso: Typing the boot command...
2017/05/23 08:24:32 packer.exe: 2017/05/23 08:24:32 Waiting for WinRM, up to timeout: 1h0m0s
2017/05/23 08:24:32 ui: ==> hyperv-iso: Waiting for WinRM to become available...
2017/05/23 08:24:39 packer.exe: 2017/05/23 08:24:39 [DEBUG] Error getting WinRM host: No ip address.
2017/05/23 08:24:47 packer.exe: 2017/05/23 08:24:47 [DEBUG] Error getting WinRM host: No ip address.
2017/05/23 08:24:54 packer.exe: 2017/05/23 08:24:54 [DEBUG] Error getting WinRM host: No ip address.
2017/05/23 08:25:01 packer.exe: 2017/05/23 08:25:01 [DEBUG] Error getting WinRM host: No ip address.
2017/05/23 08:25:08 packer.exe: 2017/05/23 08:25:08 [DEBUG] Error getting WinRM host: No ip address.
2017/05/23 08:25:15 packer.exe: 2017/05/23 08:25:15 [DEBUG] Error getting WinRM host: No ip address.
2017/05/23 08:25:22 packer.exe: 2017/05/23 08:25:22 [DEBUG] Error getting WinRM host: No ip address.
2017/05/23 08:25:30 packer.exe: 2017/05/23 08:25:30 [DEBUG] Error getting WinRM host: No ip address.
2017/05/23 08:25:37 packer.exe: 2017/05/23 08:25:37 [DEBUG] Error getting WinRM host: No ip address.
2017/05/23 08:25:44 packer.exe: 2017/05/23 08:25:44 [DEBUG] Error getting WinRM host: No ip address.
2017/05/23 08:25:51 packer.exe: 2017/05/23 08:25:51 [DEBUG] Error getting WinRM host: No ip address.
2017/05/23 08:25:58 packer.exe: 2017/05/23 08:25:58 [DEBUG] Error getting WinRM host: No ip address.
2017/05/23 08:26:05 packer.exe: 2017/05/23 08:26:05 [DEBUG] Error getting WinRM host: No ip address.
2017/05/23 08:26:12 packer.exe: 2017/05/23 08:26:12 [DEBUG] Error getting WinRM host: No ip address.
2017/05/23 08:26:20 packer.exe: 2017/05/23 08:26:20 [DEBUG] Error getting WinRM host: No ip address.
2017/05/23 08:26:27 packer.exe: 2017/05/23 08:26:27 [DEBUG] Error getting WinRM host: No ip address.
2017/05/23 08:26:34 packer.exe: 2017/05/23 08:26:34 [DEBUG] Error getting WinRM host: No ip address.
2017/05/23 08:26:41 packer.exe: 2017/05/23 08:26:41 [DEBUG] Error getting WinRM host: No ip address.
2017/05/23 08:26:48 packer.exe: 2017/05/23 08:26:48 [DEBUG] Error getting WinRM host: No ip address.
2017/05/23 08:26:56 packer.exe: 2017/05/23 08:26:56 [DEBUG] Error getting WinRM host: No ip address.
2017/05/23 08:27:03 packer.exe: 2017/05/23 08:27:03 [DEBUG] Error getting WinRM host: No ip address.
2017/05/23 08:27:10 packer.exe: 2017/05/23 08:27:10 [DEBUG] Error getting WinRM host: No ip address.
2017/05/23 08:27:17 packer.exe: 2017/05/23 08:27:17 [DEBUG] Error getting WinRM host: No ip address.
2017/05/23 08:27:24 packer.exe: 2017/05/23 08:27:24 [DEBUG] Error getting WinRM host: No ip address.
2017/05/23 08:27:31 packer.exe: 2017/05/23 08:27:31 [DEBUG] Error getting WinRM host: No ip address.
2017/05/23 08:27:38 packer.exe: 2017/05/23 08:27:38 [DEBUG] Error getting WinRM host: No ip address.
2017/05/23 08:27:46 packer.exe: 2017/05/23 08:27:46 [DEBUG] Error getting WinRM host: No ip address.
2017/05/23 08:27:53 packer.exe: 2017/05/23 08:27:53 [DEBUG] Error getting WinRM host: No ip address.
2017/05/23 08:28:00 packer.exe: 2017/05/23 08:28:00 [DEBUG] Error getting WinRM host: No ip address.
2017/05/23 08:28:07 packer.exe: 2017/05/23 08:28:07 [DEBUG] Error getting WinRM host: No ip address.
2017/05/23 08:28:14 packer.exe: 2017/05/23 08:28:14 [DEBUG] Error getting WinRM host: No ip address.
2017/05/23 08:28:22 packer.exe: 2017/05/23 08:28:22 [DEBUG] Error getting WinRM host: No ip address.
2017/05/23 08:28:29 packer.exe: 2017/05/23 08:28:29 [DEBUG] Error getting WinRM host: No ip address.
2017/05/23 08:28:36 packer.exe: 2017/05/23 08:28:36 [DEBUG] Error getting WinRM host: No ip address.
2017/05/23 08:28:43 packer.exe: 2017/05/23 08:28:43 [DEBUG] Error getting WinRM host: No ip address.
2017/05/23 08:28:51 packer.exe: 2017/05/23 08:28:51 [DEBUG] Error getting WinRM host: No ip address.
2017/05/23 08:28:58 packer.exe: 2017/05/23 08:28:58 [DEBUG] Error getting WinRM host: No ip address.
2017/05/23 08:29:05 packer.exe: 2017/05/23 08:29:05 [DEBUG] Error getting WinRM host: No ip address.
2017/05/23 08:29:12 packer.exe: 2017/05/23 08:29:12 [DEBUG] Error getting WinRM host: No ip address.
2017/05/23 08:29:19 packer.exe: 2017/05/23 08:29:19 [DEBUG] Error getting WinRM host: No ip address.
2017/05/23 08:29:26 packer.exe: 2017/05/23 08:29:26 [DEBUG] Error getting WinRM host: No ip address.
2017/05/23 08:29:33 packer.exe: 2017/05/23 08:29:33 [DEBUG] Error getting WinRM host: No ip address.
2017/05/23 08:29:40 packer.exe: 2017/05/23 08:29:40 [DEBUG] Error getting WinRM host: No ip address.
2017/05/23 08:29:48 packer.exe: 2017/05/23 08:29:48 [DEBUG] Error getting WinRM host: No ip address.
2017/05/23 08:29:56 packer.exe: 2017/05/23 08:29:56 [DEBUG] Error getting WinRM host: No ip address.
2017/05/23 08:30:03 packer.exe: 2017/05/23 08:30:03 [DEBUG] Error getting WinRM host: No ip address.
2017/05/23 08:30:10 packer.exe: 2017/05/23 08:30:10 [INFO] Attempting WinRM connection...
2017/05/23 08:30:10 packer.exe: 2017/05/23 08:30:10 [DEBUG] connecting to remote shell using WinRM
2017/05/23 08:30:31 packer.exe: 2017/05/23 08:30:31 [ERROR] connection error: unknown error Post dial tcp connectex: A connection attempt failed because the connected party did not properly respond after a period of time, or established connection failed because connected host has failed to respond.
2017/05/23 08:30:31 packer.exe: 2017/05/23 08:30:31 [ERROR] WinRM connection err: unknown error Post dial tcp connectex: A connection attempt failed because the connected party did not properly respond after a period of time, or established connection failed because connected host has failed to respond.
2017/05/23 08:30:39 packer.exe: 2017/05/23 08:30:39 [INFO] Attempting WinRM connection...
2017/05/23 08:30:39 packer.exe: 2017/05/23 08:30:39 [DEBUG] connecting to remote shell using WinRM
2017/05/23 08:30:39 packer.exe: 2017/05/23 08:30:39 [ERROR] connection error: http response error: 401 - invalid content type
2017/05/23 08:30:39 packer.exe: 2017/05/23 08:30:39 [ERROR] WinRM connection err: http response error: 401 - invalid content type
2017/05/23 08:30:46 packer.exe: 2017/05/23 08:30:46 [INFO] Attempting WinRM connection...
2017/05/23 08:30:46 packer.exe: 2017/05/23 08:30:46 [DEBUG] connecting to remote shell using WinRM
2017/05/23 08:30:46 packer.exe: 2017/05/23 08:30:46 [ERROR] connection error: http response error: 401 - invalid content type
2017/05/23 08:30:46 packer.exe: 2017/05/23 08:30:46 [ERROR] WinRM connection err: http response error: 401 - invalid content type
2017/05/23 08:30:55 packer.exe: 2017/05/23 08:30:55 [INFO] Attempting WinRM connection...
2017/05/23 08:30:55 packer.exe: 2017/05/23 08:30:55 [DEBUG] connecting to remote shell using WinRM
2017/05/23 08:30:55 packer.exe: 2017/05/23 08:30:55 [ERROR] connection error: http response error: 401 - invalid content type
2017/05/23 08:30:55 packer.exe: 2017/05/23 08:30:55 [ERROR] WinRM connection err: http response error: 401 - invalid content type
2017/05/23 08:31:03 packer.exe: 2017/05/23 08:31:03 [INFO] Attempting WinRM connection...
2017/05/23 08:31:03 packer.exe: 2017/05/23 08:31:03 [DEBUG] connecting to remote shell using WinRM
2017/05/23 08:31:03 packer.exe: 2017/05/23 08:31:03 [ERROR] connection error: http response error: 401 - invalid content type
2017/05/23 08:31:03 packer.exe: 2017/05/23 08:31:03 [ERROR] WinRM connection err: http response error: 401 - invalid content type
2017/05/23 08:31:10 packer.exe: 2017/05/23 08:31:10 [INFO] Attempting WinRM connection...
2017/05/23 08:31:10 packer.exe: 2017/05/23 08:31:10 [DEBUG] connecting to remote shell using WinRM
2017/05/23 08:31:11 ui: ==> hyperv-iso: Connected to WinRM!
2017/05/23 08:31:11 packer.exe: 2017/05/23 08:31:11 Running the provision hook
2017/05/23 08:31:11 ui: ==> hyperv-iso: Uploading Install-WindowsUpdates.ps1 => C:/Setup
2017/05/23 08:31:11 packer.exe: 2017/05/23 08:31:11 [INFO] 341 bytes written for 'uploadData'
2017/05/23 08:31:11 packer.exe: 2017/05/23 08:31:11 Uploading file to 'C:/Setup'
2017/05/23 08:31:11 [INFO] 341 bytes written for 'uploadData'
2017/05/23 08:31:14 packer.exe: #< CLIXML
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