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Created April 27, 2014 14:12
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  • Save sanromd/11346554 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save sanromd/11346554 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
PETSc xmf hyperslab descriptor (in progress)
import sys
import os
from glob import glob
import pickle
def xmdf_write(path,pkl_base='claw.pkl',ptc_base='claw.ptc',xmf_base='claw.meta',debug=False):
pkl_file_name = glob(os.path.join(path,'*.pkl*'))
if debug:
print pkl_file_name
for pkl_file in pkl_file_name:
filestr = pickle.Unpickler(file(pkl_file))
data1 = filestr.load()
data2 = filestr.load()
data = dict(data1.items() + data2.items())
file_number = pkl_file.split(pkl_base)[1]
xmf_file_name = os.path.join(path,xmf_base+file_number+'.xmf')
ptc_file = ptc_base+file_number
if debug:
print xmf_file_name
Write out the .xmf file
fd = file(xmf_file_name, 'w')
fd.write("<?xml version=\"1.0\" ?>\n")
fd.write("<!DOCTYPE Xdmf SYSTEM \"Xdmf.dtd\" [\n")
fd.write("<!ENTITY HeavyData \"" + ptc_file + "\">\n")
fd.write("<Xdmf Version=\"2.0\">\n")
fd.write(" <Domain>\n")
fd.write(" <Grid GridType=\"Uniform\">\n")
fd.write(" <Topology TopologyType=\"3DCoRectMesh\" Dimensions=\"" +
str(data['num_cells'][0]+1) + " " +
str(data['num_cells'][1]+1) + " " +
str(data['num_cells'][2]+1) + "\"/>\n")
fd.write(" <Geometry GeometryType=\"Origin_DxDyDz\">\n")
fd.write(" <DataItem Dimensions=\"3\" Format=\"XML\">\n")
fd.write(" 0 0 0\n")
fd.write(" </DataItem>\n")
fd.write(" <DataItem Dimensions=\"3\" Format=\"XML\">\n")
fd.write(" " +
str(data['delta'][0]) + " " +
str(data['delta'][1]) + " " +
str(data['delta'][2]) + "\n")
fd.write(" </DataItem>\n")
fd.write(" </Geometry>\n")
if debug:
print data['num_eqn']
for i in range(0, data['num_eqn']):
fd.write(" <Attribute Name=\"A" + str(i+1) + "\" AttributeType=\"Scalar\" Center=\"Cell\">\n")
fd.write(" <DataItem ItemType=\"HyperSlab\" Dimensions=\"" +
str(data['num_cells'][0]) + " " +
str(data['num_cells'][1]) + " " +
str(data['num_cells'][2]) +
"\" Type=\"HyperSlab\">\n")
fd.write(" <DataItem Dimensions=\"3 4\" Format=\"XML\">\n")
fd.write(" 0 0 0 " + str(i) + "\n")
fd.write(" 1 1 1 " + str(data['num_eqn']) + "\n")
fd.write(" " +
str(data['num_cells'][0]) + " " +
str(data['num_cells'][1]) + " " +
str(data['num_cells'][2]) +
" 1\n")
fd.write(" </DataItem>\n")
fd.write(" <DataItem Dimensions=\"" +
str(data['num_cells'][0]) + " " +
str(data['num_cells'][1]) + " " +
str(data['num_cells'][2]) + " " +
str(data['num_eqn']) +
"\" NumberType=\"Float\" Precision=\"8\" Format=\"Binary\" Endian=\"Big\" Seek=\"8\">\n")
fd.write(" " + ptc_file + "\n")
fd.write(" &HeavyData;\n")
fd.write(" </DataItem>\n")
fd.write(" </DataItem>\n")
fd.write(" </Attribute>\n")
fd.write(" </Grid>\n")
fd.write(" </Domain>\n")
if __name__ == "__main__":
import sys
path = sys.argv[1]
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