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Last active September 11, 2023 02:42
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  • Save santisq/27c17417fa5d5e8f50b6f419e6ffe6fa to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save santisq/27c17417fa5d5e8f50b6f419e6ffe6fa to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
gets file count and total (recursive) size of every folder
# This is not really good... if you want the real deal, check out:
function Get-DirectoryInfo {
[Parameter(Mandatory, ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName, ValueFromPipeline)]
if(Test-Path $_ -PathType Container) {
return $true
throw 'Directories only!'
[string[]] $LiteralPath,
[switch] $Force
begin {
class Tree {
[string] $FullName
[Int64] $Count
[Int64] $Size
[string] $FriendlySize
[void] AddSize([Int64] $Size) {
$this.Size += $Size
[void] SetFriendlySize() {
# Inspired from
$suffix = "B", "KB", "MB", "GB", "TB", "PB", "EB", "ZB", "YB"
$index = 0
$length = $this.Size
while ($Length -ge 1kb) {
$Length /= 1kb
$this.FriendlySize = [string]::Format(
'{0} {1}',
[math]::Round($Length, 2), $suffix[$index]
$indexer = [ordered]@{}
$stack = [Collections.Generic.Stack[IO.DirectoryInfo]]::new()
$PSBoundParameters['Directory'] = $true
process {
foreach($folder in $LiteralPath | Get-Item) {
while($stack.Count) {
$PSBoundParameters['LiteralPath'] = $stack.Pop()
foreach($folder in Get-ChildItem @PSBoundParameters) {
$count = 0
$size = 0
foreach($file in $folder | Get-ChildItem -File -Force) {
$size += $file.Length
$indexer[$folder.FullName] = [Tree]@{
FullName = $folder.FullName
Count = $count
Size = $size
$parent = $folder.Parent
while($parent -and $indexer.Contains($parent.FullName)) {
$parent = $parent.Parent
$output = $indexer.PSBase.Values
if($output.Count) {
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