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Created March 26, 2012 23:24
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BDD for SilverStripe sample
# features/log-in.feature
Feature: Create a page
As an site owner
I want to access to the CMS to be secure
So that only my team can make content changes
Scenario: Bad login
When I log in with "" and "badpassword"
Then I will see a bad log-in message
And if I visit admin
Then I will be redirected to Security/login
# features/step_definitions/CMSSteps.php
# Incomplete, and custom base class (WebDriverSteps) contains more functionality
* Steps relating the to the general behavior of the CMS
class CMSSteps extends WebDriverSteps {
* Given /^I am logged into the CMS$/
public function stepIAmLoggedIntoTheCMS() {
$this->stepILogInWith('', 'password');
* When /^I log in with "([^"]*)" and "([^"]*)"$/
public function stepILogInWith($email,$password) {
$this->session->open($this->site->baseURL() . "Security/login");
$this->natural->button("Log in")->click();
* Then /^I will see a bad log\-in message$/
public function stepIWillSeeABadLogInMessage() {
$this->assertTrue($this->natural->textIsVisible("That doesn't seem to be the right e-mail address or password"));
* When /^I click "([^"]*)" in the CMS menu$/
public function stepIClickParameterInTheCMSMenu($menuItem) {
$el = $this->natural->panel('#cms-menu')->link($menuItem);
* When /^I toggle "([^"]*)" in the CMS menu$/
public function stepIToggleParameterInTheCMSMenu($menuItem) {
$el = $this->natural->panel('#cms-menu')->link($menuItem);
if(!$el) throw new LogicException("Couldn't find '$menuItem' in the CMS tree.");
$el->wd()->element('css selector', '.toggle-children')->click();
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