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Last active April 13, 2022 18:27
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export const SpaceLayoutEditor = {
// Not important for the integration, just something for my specific use case
recentItems: [],
mounted() {
// IMPORTANT LINE: LiveView -> React data flow
this.handleEvent("react.update_items", ({ items }: { items: string }) => {
const newItems: SpaceItem[] = JSON.parse(items)
editorOpts(): EditorOpts {
// Create a clean interface for your React application
return {
getItems: () => this.recentItems,
onLayoutChange: this.onLayoutChange.bind(this),
startEdit: this.startEdit.bind(this),
toggleItemPanel: this.toggleItemPanel.bind(this)
destroyed() {
if (!this.unmountComponent) {
console.error('SpaceLayoutEditor unmountComponent not set')
startEdit(item: SpaceItem) {
// IMPORTANT LINE: React -> LiveView data flow
this.pushEventTo(this.el, 'ui.start_edit', { item })
toggleItemPanel(item: SpaceItem) {
this.pushEventTo(this.el, 'actions.toggle_item_panel', { item })
onLayoutChange(items: SpaceItem[]) {
this.recentItems = items
this.pushEventTo(this.el, 'actions.new_layout', { items })
window.dispatchEvent(new Event('resize'))
mountEditor(items: SpaceItem[]) {
this.recentItems = items
// @ts-ignore This is a webpack import, not a ES2020
import(/* webpackChunkName: "space-layout-editor-lv" */ '../entry/space-layout-editor-lv').then((mounter) => {
this.unmountComponent = mounter.default(, {
editorOpts: this.editorOpts()
# Example of how to push down to the React component
defp push_render_items(socket = %{assigns: %{enriched_items: items}}) do
push_event(socket, "react.update_items", %{items: Jason.encode!(items)})
# Example of how to receive data from the React component
def handle_event("ui.start_edit", %{"id" => id}, socket = %{assigns: %{items: items}}) do
item = Enum.find(items, &(& == id))
socket = assign(socket, edit_item: item)
send_update(CloveWeb.Components.Modal, id: "space-edit-modal", state: :open)
{:noreply, socket}
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