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Created October 12, 2014 01:54
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# -*- mode: ruby; encoding: utf-8 -*-
COOKBOOK_REPO = File.expand_path('../', __FILE__)
# This method allows uncommitted cookbooks to be included
# Trade-off is install leaves these in place and vendor
# needs to be explicitly called to put all in a vendor path
def development_cookbook(name, version = '>=0.0.0', options = {})
cookbook name, version, { path: File.join(COOKBOOK_REPO, name) }.merge(options)
# This method requires cookbooks to be committed to the repo
def local_cookbook(name, version = '>= 0.0.0', options = {})
cookbook name, version, { git: COOKBOOK_REPO, rel: name }.merge(options)
# Wrapped in a conditional because OpsWorks doesn't give the option
# to set groups to include or exclude.
# Our test harness is configured to detect a chef-repo, install to cookbooks
ENV['BERKSHELF_PATH'] = File.expand_path('../cookbooks', __FILE__)
group :company do
name = File.basename(File.dirname(metadata))
# Most of the time we want to work with our cookbooks as
# they are in repository
development_cookbook name unless ENV['RELEASE']
# When we are testing for a tagged release we need to use
# only committed changes to assert we get the expected results
local_cookbook name if ENV['RELEASE']
source ''
# We can exclude these when building a sandbox for foodcritic and rubocop
group :third_party do
cookbook 'emacs24-ppa'
cookbook 'hadoop'
cookbook 'java'
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