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Created November 28, 2017 22:32
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"use strict";
var Shape = function (el, colour) {
var color, shape,
that = this;
shape = el.getAttribute("shape-type") || "square";
this.newColor = function (color) {
el.setAttribute("shape-color", color);
function map (old, fMin, fMax, tMin, tMax) {
// Catch divied by zero
if (fMax - fMin === 0) {
// If the range is 0 to 0 the the answer is always 0
return 0;
return ((old - fMin) * (tMax - tMin) / (fMax - fMin)) + tMin;
function stretch (coords) {
var isString = !!stringToCoords(coords);
coords = stringToCoords(coords) || coords
if (coords.length <= 0) return false;
var maxX = coords[0][0];
var maxY = coords[0][1];
var minX = coords[0][0];
var minY = coords[0][1];
var a;
for (a = 0; a < coords.length; a++) {
if (maxX < coords[a][0]) maxX = coords[a][0];
if (maxY < coords[a][1]) maxY = coords[a][1];
if (minX > coords[a][0]) minX = coords[a][0];
if (minY > coords[a][1]) minY = coords[a][1];
for (a = 0; a < coords.length; a++) {
coords[a][0] = map(coords[a][0], minX, maxX, 0, 100);
coords[a][1] = map(coords[a][1], minY, maxY, 0, 100);
return isString ? coordsToString(coords, true) : coords;
function stringToCoords(string) {
var reg = /polygon\(([^\)]+)\)/,
coords = [];
if (reg.test(string)) {
reg = string.match(reg)[1];
coords = reg.split(",");
for (var a in coords) {
coords[a] = coords[a].replace(/[^ \d]/g, '');
coords[a] = coords[a].trim().split(" ");
return coords;
} else {
return false;
function coordsToString(array, polygon) {
var a, toReturn = "";
polygon = polygon || true;
for (a = 0; a < array.length; a++) {
toReturn += array[a][0] + "% " + array[a][1] + "%";
if (a < array.length - 1) toReturn += ", ";
return polygon ? "polygon(" + toReturn + ")" : toReturn;
function nSidedCoords(sides, radius, offsetX, offsetY, offsetT) {
var a, toReturn = [];
radius = radius || 50;
offsetX = offsetX || 50;
offsetY = offsetY || 50;
offsetT = offsetT || - Math.PI / 2;
sides = parseInt(sides, 10);
radius = parseFloat(radius, 10);
offsetX = parseFloat(offsetX, 10);
offsetY = parseFloat(offsetY, 10);
for (a = 0; a < sides; a++) {
toReturn[a] = [
radius * Math.cos(2 * Math.PI * a / sides + offsetT) + offsetX,
radius * Math.sin(2 * Math.PI * a / sides + offsetT) + offsetY
return toReturn;
function nSidedPolygon(sides) {
sides = nSidedCoords(sides);
sides = stretch(sides);
return coordsToString(sides);
function makeStar(sides, intSize) {
var external, internal, a, toReturn = [];
sides = sides || 5;
intSize = intSize || 25;
external = nSidedCoords(sides);
internal = nSidedCoords(sides, intSize, 50, 50, - Math.PI / 2 + Math.PI / sides);
for (a = 0; a < external.length; a++) {
toReturn[toReturn.length] = external[a];
toReturn[toReturn.length] = internal[a];
return coordsToString(toReturn);
function makeArrow(orientation, arrowSize, tailSize) {
var coords = [];
arrowSize = arrowSize || 40;
tailSize = tailSize || 60;
switch (orientation) {
case 0: // up
coords[coords.length] = [50, 0];
coords[coords.length] = [100, arrowSize];
coords[coords.length] = [100 - (100 - tailSize) / 2, arrowSize];
coords[coords.length] = [100 - (100 - tailSize) / 2, 100];
coords[coords.length] = [(100 - tailSize) / 2, 100];
coords[coords.length] = [(100 - tailSize) / 2, arrowSize];
coords[coords.length] = [0, arrowSize];
case 1: // down
coords[coords.length] = [50, 100];
coords[coords.length] = [0, 100 - arrowSize];
coords[coords.length] = [(100 - tailSize) / 2, 100 - arrowSize];
coords[coords.length] = [(100 - tailSize) / 2, 0];
coords[coords.length] = [100 - (100 - tailSize) / 2, 0];
coords[coords.length] = [100 - (100 - tailSize) / 2, 100 - arrowSize];
coords[coords.length] = [100, 100 - arrowSize];
case 2: // left
coords[coords.length] = [0, 50];
coords[coords.length] = [arrowSize, 100];
coords[coords.length] = [arrowSize, 100 - (100 - tailSize) / 2];
coords[coords.length] = [100, 100 - (100 - tailSize) / 2];
coords[coords.length] = [100, (100 - tailSize) / 2];
coords[coords.length] = [arrowSize, (100 - tailSize) / 2];
coords[coords.length] = [arrowSize, 0];
case 3: // right
coords[coords.length] = [100, 50];
coords[coords.length] = [100 - arrowSize, 0];
coords[coords.length] = [100 - arrowSize, (100 - tailSize) / 2];
coords[coords.length] = [0, (100 - tailSize) / 2];
coords[coords.length] = [0, 100 - (100 - tailSize) / 2];
coords[coords.length] = [100 - arrowSize, 100 - (100 - tailSize) / 2];
coords[coords.length] = [100 - arrowSize, 100];
return coordsToString(coords);
function makeChevron(orientation, percentage) {
var coords = [];
percentage = percentage || 25;
switch (orientation) {
case 0: // up
coords[coords.length] = [50, 0];
coords[coords.length] = [100, percentage];
coords[coords.length] = [100, 100];
coords[coords.length] = [50, 100 - percentage];
coords[coords.length] = [0, 100];
coords[coords.length] = [0, percentage];
case 1: // down
coords[coords.length] = [50, 100];
coords[coords.length] = [0, 100 - percentage];
coords[coords.length] = [0, 0];
coords[coords.length] = [50, percentage];
coords[coords.length] = [100, 0];
coords[coords.length] = [100, 100 - percentage];
case 2: // left
coords[coords.length] = [0, 50];
coords[coords.length] = [percentage, 100];
coords[coords.length] = [100, 100];
coords[coords.length] = [100 - percentage, 50];
coords[coords.length] = [100, 0];
coords[coords.length] = [percentage, 0];
case 3: // right
coords[coords.length] = [100, 50];
coords[coords.length] = [100 - percentage, 0];
coords[coords.length] = [0, 0];
coords[coords.length] = [percentage, 50];
coords[coords.length] = [0, 100];
coords[coords.length] = [100 - percentage, 100];
return coordsToString(coords);
function makeCross(percentage) {
var coords = [];
percentage = percentage || 20;
coords[coords.length] = [percentage, 0];
coords[coords.length] = [50, 50 - percentage];
coords[coords.length] = [100 - percentage, 0];
coords[coords.length] = [100, percentage];
coords[coords.length] = [50 + percentage, 50];
coords[coords.length] = [100, 100 - percentage];
coords[coords.length] = [100 - percentage, 100];
coords[coords.length] = [50, 50 + percentage];
coords[coords.length] = [percentage, 100];
coords[coords.length] = [0, 100 - percentage];
coords[coords.length] = [50 - percentage, 50];
coords[coords.length] = [0, percentage];
return coordsToString(coords);
function makeBevel(percentage) {
var coords = [];
percentage = percentage || 20;
coords[coords.length] = [percentage, 0];
coords[coords.length] = [100 - percentage, 0];
coords[coords.length] = [100, percentage];
coords[coords.length] = [100, 100 - percentage];
coords[coords.length] = [100 - percentage, 100];
coords[coords.length] = [percentage, 100];
coords[coords.length] = [0, 100 - percentage];
coords[coords.length] = [0, percentage];
return coordsToString(coords);
function makeRabbet(percentage) {
var coords = [];
percentage = percentage || 20;
coords[coords.length] = [percentage, 0];
coords[coords.length] = [100 - percentage, 0];
coords[coords.length] = [100 - percentage, percentage];
coords[coords.length] = [100, percentage];
coords[coords.length] = [100, 100 - percentage];
coords[coords.length] = [100 - percentage, 100 - percentage];
coords[coords.length] = [100 - percentage, 100];
coords[coords.length] = [percentage, 100];
coords[coords.length] = [percentage, 100 - percentage];
coords[coords.length] = [0, 100 - percentage];
coords[coords.length] = [0, percentage];
coords[coords.length] = [percentage, percentage];
return coordsToString(coords);
function makeTrapezoid(percentage) {
var coords = [];
percentage = percentage || 20;
coords[coords.length] = [percentage, 0];
coords[coords.length] = [100 - percentage, 0];
coords[coords.length] = [100, 100];
coords[coords.length] = [0, 100];
return coordsToString(coords);
function makeParallelogram(percentage, reverse) {
var coords = [];
reverse = reverse || false;
percentage = percentage || 20;
if (reverse) {
coords[coords.length] = [0, 0];
coords[coords.length] = [100 - percentage, 0];
coords[coords.length] = [100, 100];
coords[coords.length] = [percentage, 100];
} else {
coords[coords.length] = [percentage, 0];
coords[coords.length] = [100, 0];
coords[coords.length] = [100 - percentage, 100];
coords[coords.length] = [0, 100];
return coordsToString(coords);
function pathInvert(clipPath) {
var coords = stringToCoords(clipPath);
coords.push([0, 0]);
coords.push([100, 0]);
coords.push([100, 100]);
coords.push([0, 100]);
coords.push([0, 0]);
return coordsToString(coords);
function change() {
var shapeOptions, shapeImage, clipPath;
shapeOptions = el.getAttribute("shape-options");
shapeImage = el.getAttribute("shape-image") || false;
color = el.getAttribute("shape-color") || colour || "transparent";
clipPath = ""; = color;
if (shapeImage) { = "url(" + shapeImage + ")"; = "100% 100%"; "no-repeat";
that.image = shapeImage.toLowerCase();
if (shapeOptions || false)
that.options = shapeOptions.toLowerCase();
that.color = color.toLowerCase();
that.shape = shape.toLowerCase();
switch (shape.toLowerCase()) {
case "pentagon":
clipPath = nSidedPolygon(5);
case "hexagon":
clipPath = nSidedPolygon(6);
case "heptagon":
clipPath = nSidedPolygon(7);
case "octagon":
clipPath = nSidedPolygon(8);
case "nonagon":
clipPath = nSidedPolygon(9);
case "decagon":
clipPath = nSidedPolygon(10);
case "polygon":
clipPath = nSidedPolygon(shapeOptions || 4);
case "bevel":
clipPath = makeBevel(shapeOptions);
case "rabbet":
clipPath = makeRabbet(shapeOptions);
case "parallelogram":
clipPath = makeParallelogram(shapeOptions);
case "trapezoid":
clipPath = makeTrapezoid(shapeOptions);
case "rhombus":
clipPath = "polygon(0 50%, 50% 0%,100% 50%, 50% 100%)";
case "arrow":
case "arrow-up":
if (shapeOptions || false) {
shapeOptions = shapeOptions.split(" ");
clipPath = makeArrow(0, shapeOptions[0], shapeOptions[1]);
} else {
clipPath = makeArrow(0);
case "arrow-down":
if (shapeOptions || false) {
shapeOptions = shapeOptions.split(" ");
clipPath = makeArrow(1, shapeOptions[0], shapeOptions[1]);
} else {
clipPath = makeArrow(1);
case "arrow-left":
if (shapeOptions || false) {
shapeOptions = shapeOptions.split(" ");
clipPath = makeArrow(2, shapeOptions[0], shapeOptions[1]);
} else {
clipPath = makeArrow(2);
case "arrow-right":
if (shapeOptions || false) {
shapeOptions = shapeOptions.split(" ");
clipPath = makeArrow(3, shapeOptions[0], shapeOptions[1]);
} else {
clipPath = makeArrow(3);
case "chevron":
case "chevron-up":
clipPath = makeChevron(0, shapeOptions);
case "chevron-down":
clipPath = makeChevron(1, shapeOptions);
case "chevron-left":
clipPath = makeChevron(2, shapeOptions);
case "chevron-right":
clipPath = makeChevron(3, shapeOptions);
case "star":
if (shapeOptions || false) {
shapeOptions = shapeOptions.split(" ");
clipPath = makeStar(shapeOptions[0], shapeOptions[1]);
} else {
clipPath = makeStar();
case "cross":
if (shapeOptions || false) {
shapeOptions = shapeOptions.split(" ");
clipPath = makeCross(shapeOptions[0], shapeOptions[1]);
} else {
clipPath = makeCross();
case "circle":
clipPath = "ellipse(50% 50% at 50% 50%)";
case "triangle":
case "triangle-up":
clipPath = "polygon(" + (shapeOptions || "50") + "% 0, 0% 100%, 100% 100%)";
case "triangle-right":
clipPath = "polygon(100% " + (shapeOptions || "50") + "%, 0% 100%, 0% 0%)";
case "triangle-left":
clipPath = "polygon(0% " + (shapeOptions || "50") + "%, 100% 0%, 100% 100%)";
case "triangle-down":
clipPath = "polygon(" + (shapeOptions || "50") + "% 100%, 100% 0%, 0% 0%)";
// clipPath = pathInvert(clipPath); = clipPath; = clipPath;
this.element = el;
this.change = change;
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