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Created December 13, 2020 18:05
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-- Copyright (c) 2020 Scott J Maddox
-- Licensed under either the Apache License, Version 2.0
-- (see,
-- or the ZLib license (see,
-- at your option.
module Data.BinOpTree
( BinOpTree (..),
-- | Binary Operator Tree
data BinOpTree a = Leaf a | Op (BinOpTree a) (BinOpTree a)
-- Return all possible BinOpTrees that can be generated from the given list.
-- Given an input list of length n, the length of the output list is given by
-- the nth Catalan number.
allFromList :: [a] -> [BinOpTree a]
allFromList [v] = [Leaf v]
allFromList [v1, v2] = [Leaf v1 `Op` Leaf v2]
allFromList vs = iter 1 []
iter n ts | n == length vs = ts
iter n ts =
let (lvs, rvs) = splitAt n vs
(lts, rts) = (allFromList lvs, allFromList rvs)
ts' = [Op lt rt | lt <- lts, rt <- rts]
in iter (n + 1) (ts ++ ts')
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