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Created April 19, 2023 05:17
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JAX implementation of the Linear Recurrent Unit (LRU) layer
The JAX implementation of the Linear Recurrent Unit (LRU) layer, from the paper
"Resurrecting Recurrent Neural Networks for Long Sequences".
import jax
import jax.numpy as jnp
import numpy as np
parallel_scan = jax.lax.associative_scan
def forward(lru_parameters, input_sequence):
"""Forward pass of the LRU layer. Output y and input_sequence are of shape (L, H)."""
# All LRU parameters
nu_log, theta_log, B_re, B_im, C_re, C_im, D, gamma_log = lru_parameters
# Materializing the diagonal of Lambda and projections
Lambda = jnp.exp(-jnp.exp(nu_log) + 1j*jnp.exp(theta_log))
B_norm = (B_re + 1j*B_im) * jnp.expand_dims(jnp.exp(gamma_log), axis=-1)
C = C_re + 1j*C_im
# Running the LRU + output projection
# For details on parallel scan, check discussion in Smith et al (2022).
Lambda_elements = jnp.repeat(Lambda[None, ...], input_sequence.shape[0], axis=0)
Bu_elements = jax.vmap(lambda u: B_norm @ u)(input_sequence)
elements = (Lambda_elements, Bu_elements)
_, inner_states = parallel_scan(binary_operator_diag, elements) # all x_k
y = jax.vmap(lambda x, u: (C @ x).real + D * u)(inner_states, input_sequence)
return y
def init_lru_parameters(N, H, r_min=0,r_max=1,max_phase=6.28):
"""Initialize parameters of the LRU layer."""
# N: state dimension, H: model dimension
# Initialization of Lambda is complex valued distributed uniformly on ring
# between r_min and r_max, with phase in [0, max_phase].
u1 = np.random.uniform(size = (N,))
u2 = np.random.uniform(size = (N,))
nu_log = np.log(-0.5*np.log(u1*(r_max**2-r_min**2) + r_min**2))
theta_log = np.log(max_phase*u2)
# Glorot initialized Input/Output projection matrices
B_re = np.random.normal(size=(N,H))/np.sqrt(2*H)
B_im = np.random.normal(size=(N,H))/np.sqrt(2*H)
C_re = np.random.normal(size=(H,N))/np.sqrt(N)
C_im = np.random.normal(size=(H,N))/np.sqrt(N)
D = np.random.normal(size=(H,))
# Normalization factor
diag_lambda = np.exp(-np.exp(nu_log) + 1j*np.exp(theta_log))
gamma_log = np.log(np.sqrt(1-np.abs(diag_lambda)**2))
return nu_log, theta_log, B_re, B_im, C_re, C_im, D, gamma_log
def binary_operator_diag(element_i, element_j):
# Binary operator for parallel scan of linear recurrence.
a_i, bu_i = element_i
a_j, bu_j = element_j
return a_j * a_i, a_j * bu_i + bu_j
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