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Created March 7, 2012 02:54
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Whatsapp status crawler for Central America mobile phone numbers.
#!/usr/bin/env ruby
# Whatsapp status crawler for Central America mobile phone numbers.
# Based on a SBD post by Alejandro Ramos:
# Modified by @hugogilmar & @andrexu for mobile phone numbers in El Salvador
# You must change some parameters matching to your country, your country code, for example. HAVE FUN!
# Prefix phone numbers for Latin America and Others, can be found at
# Usage: ruby ./whatsapp.rb > statuses.txt
require 'net/http'
require 'plist'
URL = ""
PARAMS = [['cd', 1], ['cc', 503], ['me', 70000000]]
(7000..7999).to_a.each do |n|
(0..99) do |m|
numbers = (0..99) do |o|
group_n = "%04d" % n
group_m = "%02d" % m
group_o = "%02d" % o
['u[]', "+503#{group_n}#{group_m}#{group_o}"]
uri = URI(URL)
uri.query = URI.encode_www_form(PARAMS + numbers)
Net::HTTP.start(, uri.port,
:use_ssl => true) do |http|
request = uri.request_uri
request.body = ''
response = http.request request
xml = response.body.force_encoding('UTF-8')
Plist::parse_xml(xml).each do |r|
p "#{r['P']}: #{r['S']}"
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