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Single - roundtrip version of epgsql:equery
%% Single-roundtrip version of epgsql:equery/3
%% It does parse-bind-execute sequence in 1 network roundtrip.
%% The cost is that user should manually provide the datatype information for
%% each bind-parameter.
%% Another potential problem is that connection will crash if epgsql does not
%% have a codec for any of result columns. Explicit type casting may save you
%% in this case: `SELECT my_enum::text FROM my_tab'. Or you can implement the
%% codec you need.
%% Examples:
%% <pre>
%% CREATE TABLE public.test_eequery
%% (
%% id bigserial NOT NULL DEFAULT,
%% my_blob bytea,
%% my_text text,
%% my_timestamp timestamp with time zone,
%% my_json json,
%% CONSTRAINT test_eequery_pk PRIMARY KEY (id)
%% )
%% </pre>
%% <pre>
%% > epgsql_cmd_eequery:run(
%% C,
%% "INSERT INTO test_eequery (my_blob, my_text, my_timestamp, my_json) VALUES ($1, $2, $3, $4)",
%% [<<1,2,3>>, <<"hello">>, calendar:universal_time(), <<"{}">>],
%% [bytea, text, timestamptz, json]).
%% {ok,1}
%% > epgsql_cmd_eequery:run(
%% C,
%% "SELECT * FROM test_eequery", [], []).
%% {ok,[#column{name = <<"id">>,type = int8,oid = 20,size = 8,
%% modifier = -1,format = 1},
%% #column{name = <<"my_blob">>,type = bytea,oid = 17,
%% size = -1,modifier = -1,format = 1},
%% #column{name = <<"my_text">>,type = text,oid = 25,size = -1,
%% modifier = -1,format = 1},
%% #column{name = <<"my_timestamp">>,type = timestamptz,
%% oid = 1184,size = 8,modifier = -1,format = 1},
%% #column{name = <<"my_json">>,type = json,oid = 114,
%% size = -1,modifier = -1,format = 1}],
%% [{1,
%% <<1,2,3>>,
%% <<"hello">>,
%% {{2020,1,28},{16,25,26.0}},
%% <<"{}">>}]}
%% </pre>
%% In case you provided wrong datatype, it's nothing serious, but server
%% will return an #error{} (no type conversion attempt will be made):
%% <pre>
%% > epgsql_cmd_eequery:run(C, "INSERT INTO test_eequery (my_json) VALUES ($1)", [<<"{}">>], [text]).
%% {error,#error{severity = error,code = <<"42804">>,
%% codename = datatype_mismatch,
%% message = <<"column \"my_json\" is of type json but expression is of type text">>,
%% extra = [{file,<<"parse_target.c">>},
%% {hint,<<"You will need to rewrite or cast the expression.">>},
%% {line,<<"540">>},
%% {position,<<"44">>},
%% {routine,<<"transformAssignedExpr">>},
%% {severity,<<"ERROR">>}]}}
%% </pre>
%% You can still do explicit type conversion:
%% <pre>
%% > epgsql_cmd_eequery:run(C, "INSERT INTO test_eequery (my_json) VALUES ($1::text::json)", [<<"{}">>], [text]).
%% {ok,1}
%% </pre>
%% But, if you are able to do that, it means you already know the type! So, why
%% add extra complexity?
%% > Parse
%% < ParseComplete
%% > Bind
%% < BindComplete
%% > Describe
%% < ParameterDescription
%% < RowDescription | NoData
%% > Execute
%% < {DataRow*
%% < CommandComplete} | EmptyQuery
%% > Close
%% < CloseComplete
%% > Sync
%% < ReadyForQuery
-export([init/1, execute/2, handle_message/4]).
-type response() :: {ok, Count :: non_neg_integer(), Cols :: [epgsql:column()], Rows :: [tuple()]}
| {ok, Count :: non_neg_integer()}
| {ok, Cols :: [epgsql:column()], Rows :: [tuple()]}
| {error, epgsql:query_error()}.
%% Data from client (init/1):
sql :: iodata(),
param_types :: [epgsql:epgsql_type()],
params :: [any()],
%% Data from server:
columns = [] :: [epgsql:column()],
decoder :: undefined | epgsql_wire:row_decoder()
-spec run(epgsql:connection(), epgsql:sql_query(),
[epgsql:bind_param()], [epgsql:epgsql_type()]) -> response().
run(C, SQL, Params, ParamTypes) ->
epgsql_sock:sync_command(C, ?MODULE, {SQL, Params, ParamTypes}).
init({SQL, Params, Types}) ->
#eequery{sql = SQL,
param_types = Types,
params = Params}.
execute(Sock, #eequery{sql = Sql, param_types = ParamTypes, params = Params} = St) ->
%% #statement{name = StatementName, columns = Columns} = Stmt,
Codec = epgsql_sock:get_codec(Sock),
BinParamTypes = epgsql_wire:encode_types(ParamTypes, Codec),
TypedParams = lists:zip(ParamTypes, Params),
BinParameters = epgsql_wire:encode_parameters(TypedParams, Codec),
%% XXX: we ask server to send all columns in binary format.
%% If we don't have a decoder for any of the result columns (eg, enums),
%% connection process will crash
BinAllBinaryResult = <<1:?int16, 1:?int16>>,
{?PARSE, ["", 0, Sql, 0, BinParamTypes]},
{?BIND, ["", 0, "", 0, BinParameters, BinAllBinaryResult]},
{?EXECUTE, ["", 0, <<0:?int32>>]},
{?SYNC, []}
{ok, Sock, St}.
handle_message(?PARSE_COMPLETE, <<>>, Sock, _State) ->
{noaction, Sock};
handle_message(?PARAMETER_DESCRIPTION, _Bin, Sock, _State) ->
%% Since ?BIND is executed before ?DESCRIBE, we will not get
%% ?PARAMETER_DESCRIPTION message at all if user-provided types do not
%% match server expectations (server will send #error{} instead).
%% If they do match, there is no point parsing this message, because we
%% already have all the same info in #eequery.param_types
{noaction, Sock};
handle_message(?ROW_DESCRIPTION, <<Count:?int16, Bin/binary>>, Sock,
#eequery{} = St) ->
Codec = epgsql_sock:get_codec(Sock),
Columns = epgsql_wire:decode_columns(Count, Bin, Codec),
Columns2 = [Col#column{format = epgsql_wire:format(Col, Codec)}
|| Col <- Columns],
Decoder = epgsql_wire:build_decoder(Columns2, Codec),
Sock2 = epgsql_sock:notify(Sock, {columns, Columns2}),
{noaction, Sock2, St#eequery{columns = Columns2, decoder = Decoder}};
handle_message(?NO_DATA, <<>>, Sock, #eequery{}) ->
{noaction, Sock};
handle_message(?BIND_COMPLETE, <<>>, Sock, #eequery{}) ->
{noaction, Sock};
handle_message(?DATA_ROW, <<_Count:?int16, Bin/binary>>,
Sock, #eequery{decoder = Decoder} = St) ->
Row = epgsql_wire:decode_data(Bin, Decoder),
{add_row, Row, Sock, St};
handle_message(?COMMAND_COMPLETE, Bin, Sock,
#eequery{columns = Cols} = St) ->
Complete = epgsql_wire:decode_complete(Bin),
Rows = epgsql_sock:get_rows(Sock),
Result = case Complete of
{_, Count} when Cols == [] ->
{ok, Count};
{_, Count} ->
{ok, Count, Cols, Rows};
_ ->
{ok, Cols, Rows}
{add_result, Result, {complete, Complete}, Sock, St};
handle_message(?EMPTY_QUERY, <<>>, Sock, St) ->
{add_result, {ok, [], []}, {complete, empty}, Sock, St};
handle_message(?CLOSE_COMPLETE, _, Sock, _State) ->
{noaction, Sock};
handle_message(?READY_FOR_QUERY, _Status, Sock, _State) ->
case epgsql_sock:get_results(Sock) of
[Result] ->
{finish, Result, done, Sock};
[] ->
{finish, done, done, Sock}
handle_message(?ERROR, Error, Sock, St) ->
Result = {error, Error},
{add_result, Result, Result, Sock, St};
handle_message(_, _, _, _) ->
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