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Last active August 29, 2015 14:07
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Save ses4j/7b0705b3dd983797852b to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Format javascript number as an actually-readable string
// Format javascript number as an actually-readable string
// using different d3.formats for different magnitudes.
// If it's NaN or otherwise not a number (ie a string), pass it through.
// For instance:
// 0.0000103 -> 10.3µ
// 0.000103 -> 0.000103
// 0.103 -> 0.103
// 10.34 -> 10.3
// 1034 -> 1,034
// 1034.1 -> 1,034.1
// 10341.2 -> 10.3k
// 1034123 -> 1.03M
// 0.000 -> 0
// "hi mom" -> "hi mom"
// undefined -> undefined
// null -> null
// See fiddle at
(function () {
var si_formatter = d3.format(".3s");
var comma_formatter = d3.format(",.3r");
var fixed_formatter = d3.format(",f");
var fixed1_formatter = d3.format(",.1f");
function isInteger(n) {
return n === +n && n === (n | 0);
function format_human_readable_number(value) {
if (isNaN(value) || value === null)
return value;
if (value === 0)
return 0;
var abs_value = Math.abs(value);
if (abs_value >= 10000) return si_formatter(value);
else if (abs_value >= 100) {
if (isInteger(value)) return fixed_formatter(value);
else return fixed1_formatter(value);
} else if (abs_value >= 0.00005) {
if (isInteger(value)) return fixed_formatter(value);
else return comma_formatter(value);
} else return si_formatter(value);
window.format_human_readable_number = format_human_readable_number;
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