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Created January 13, 2014 11:39
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Save seveas/8398871 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
I need to change 600 IP addresses on F5 BIGI devices. This is cumbersome.
# Script to process IP address changes on F5 BIGIP v10 and v11 devices. You
# cannot change IP addresses, so you must delete and re-add nodes. This script
# does exactly that, in a limited way.
# Caveats and limitations:
# - Nodes will get recreated in the 'Common' partition even if they were in
# other partitions. This is on purpose, because this is what I needed
# - No per-node settings will be remembered
# - Per-pool settings will not be kept, except ratio
# - If nodes are used in multiple partitions, the script will crash
# The needed WSDL files can be found on your F5 device.
import f5
import re
import suds
# workardound for suds hardcoded cache path of $TMPDIR/suds
import os
os.environ['TMPDIR'] = os.getcwd()
# This is needed because we want to cache the WSDL
def set_host(self, host):
self.hostname = host
for c in self.clients:
c.set_options(location='https://%s/iControl/iControlPortal.cgi' % host)
f5.BIGIP.set_host = set_host
# Theoretically this can be changed :)
def log(level, msg):
print msg
def check_lbs(lbs, reip):
# Parsing the WSDL takes time, cache it.
lb10 = f5.BIGIP(hostname='dummy', username='dummy', password='dummy',
lb11 = f5.BIGIP(hostname='dummy', username='dummy', password='dummy',
for lbo in lbs:
lb, username, password = lb
lb = lb10
lb.set_options(username=username, password=password)
version = lb.System.SystemInfo.get_version()
status = lb.System.Failover.get_failover_state()
log(2, "Not checking standby loadbalancer %s" %
log(2, "Checking %s %s" % (, version))
major_version = version[:version.find('.')] # BIG-IP_v10 or BIG-IP_v11
for partition in lb.Management.Partition.get_partition_list():
if partition.partition_name == 'Common':
log(2, " Checking partition %s" % partition.partition_name)
# Most nodes are stored in the Common partition. We need to reread them
# every time because they may have been changed.
if major_version == 'BIG-IP_v10':
common_nodes = lb.LocalLB.NodeAddress.get_list()
common_screen_names = lb.LocalLB.NodeAddress.get_screen_name(common_nodes)
check_partition_v10(lb, partition, common_nodes, common_screen_names, reip)
elif major_version == 'BIG-IP_v11':
lb11.set_options(username=username, password=password)
common_nodes = lb11.LocalLB.NodeAddressV2.get_list()
common_addresses = lb11.LocalLB.NodeAddressV2.get_address(common_nodes)
check_partition_v11(lb11, partition, common_nodes, common_addresses, reip)
log(0, "%s is of unknown version %s" % (, major_version))
def check_partition_v10(lb, partition, common_nodes, common_screen_names, reip):
local_nodes = lb.LocalLB.NodeAddress.get_list()
if local_nodes:
local_screen_names = lb.LocalLB.NodeAddress.get_screen_name(local_nodes)
local_screen_names = []
nodes = common_nodes + local_nodes
screen_names = common_screen_names + local_screen_names
if len(nodes) != len(set(nodes)):
raise ValueError("Duplicate nodes found")
ip_to_name = dict(zip(nodes, screen_names))
for name, (old_ip, new_ip) in reip.items():
# Does this need to change?
if old_ip in nodes:
# Does the name match? Name may be FQDN or hostname
# This catches IP address reuse issues
if name == ip_to_name[old_ip] or name.startswith(ip_to_name[old_ip] + '.'):
change_ip_v10(lb, partition.partition_name, old_ip, new_ip, ip_to_name)
def change_ip_v10(lb, partition, old_ip, new_ip, ip_to_name):
pools = lb.LocalLB.Pool.get_list()
if not pools:
# global_ratios = lb.LocalLB.NodeAddress.get_ratio(nodes)
pools_to_update = {}
pool_ratios = lb.LocalLB.PoolMember.get_ratio(pool_names=pools)
for pool, ratios in zip(pools, pool_ratios):
for (_, member), (_, ratio) in ratios:
if member.address == old_ip:
pools_to_update[pool] = (member.port, ratio)
if not pools_to_update:
# Hot diggity, we have an update!
log(1, " Changing IP of %s from %s to %s" % (ip_to_name[old_ip], old_ip, new_ip))
# Delete pool membersheeps
new_pools = pools_to_update.keys()
all_members = []
for pool in new_pools:
member = lb.LocalLB.Pool.typefactory.create('Common.IPPortDefinition')
member.address = old_ip
member.port = pools_to_update[pool][0]
seq = lb.LocalLB.PoolMember.typefactory.create('Common.IPPortDefinitionSequence')
seq.item = [member]
members = lb.LocalLB.PoolMember.typefactory.create('Common.IPPortDefinitionSequenceSequence')
members.item = all_members
lb.LocalLB.Pool.remove_member(new_pools, members)
# Delete the node
except suds.WebFault, e:
# The current update partition (Common) does not match the object's partition (CorpWeb) (node address) ('
if"current update partition.*does not match the object's partition", e.fault.faultstring):
# Node was mistakenly created outside Common
# And recreate it
lb.LocalLB.NodeAddress.create(node_addresses=[new_ip], limits=[0])
lb.LocalLB.NodeAddress.set_screen_name(node_addresses=[new_ip], names=[ip_to_name[old_ip]])
# Re-add to pools
all_members = []
all_ratios = []
for pool in new_pools:
member = lb.LocalLB.Pool.typefactory.create('Common.IPPortDefinition')
member.address = new_ip
member.port = pools_to_update[pool][0]
seq = lb.LocalLB.PoolMember.typefactory.create('Common.IPPortDefinitionSequence')
seq.item = [member]
ratio = lb.LocalLB.PoolMember.typefactory.create('LocalLB.PoolMember.MemberRatio')
ratio.member = member
ratio.ratio = pools_to_update[pool][1]
seq = lb.LocalLB.PoolMember.typefactory.create('LocalLB.PoolMember.MemberRatioSequence')
seq.item = [ratio]
members = lb.LocalLB.PoolMember.typefactory.create('Common.IPPortDefinitionSequenceSequence')
members.item = all_members
lb.LocalLB.Pool.add_member(new_pools, members)
# And set priorities again
ratios = lb.LocalLB.PoolMember.typefactory.create('LocalLB.PoolMember.MemberRatioSequenceSequence')
ratios.item = all_ratios
lb.LocalLB.PoolMember.set_ratio(new_pools, ratios)
def check_partition_v11(lb, partition, common_nodes, common_addresses, reip):
local_nodes = lb.LocalLB.NodeAddressV2.get_list()
if local_nodes:
local_addresses = lb.LocalLB.NodeAddressV2.get_address(local_nodes)
local_addresses = []
nodes = common_nodes + local_nodes
addresses = common_addresses + local_addresses
if len(nodes) != len(set(nodes)):
raise ValueError("Duplicate nodes found")
ip_to_name = dict(zip(addresses, nodes))
for name, (old_ip, new_ip) in reip.items():
# Does this need to change?
if old_ip in addresses:
# Does the name match? Name may be FQDN or hostname
# This catches IP address reuse issues
name2 = ip_to_name[old_ip]
name2 = name2[name2.rfind('/')+1:]
if name == name2 or name.startswith(name2 + '.'):
change_ip_v11(lb, partition.partition_name, old_ip, new_ip, ip_to_name)
def change_ip_v11(lb, partition, old_ip, new_ip, ip_to_name):
name_to_ip = dict([(ip_to_name[x], x) for x in ip_to_name])
pools = lb.LocalLB.Pool.get_list()
if not pools:
# global_ratios = lb.LocalLB.NodeAddress.get_ratio(nodes)
pools_to_update = {}
members = lb.LocalLB.Pool.get_member_v2(pool_names=pools)
# suds for some reason flattens this array automatically!
members2 = []
for pool in members:
pool2 = lb.LocalLB.Pool.typefactory.create('Common.AddressPortSequence')
pool2.item = pool
smembers = lb.LocalLB.Pool.typefactory.create('Common.AddressPortSequenceSequence')
smembers.item = members2
pool_ratios = lb.LocalLB.Pool.get_member_ratio(pool_names=pools, members=smembers)
for pool, members, ratios in zip(pools, members, pool_ratios):
for member, ratio in zip(members, ratios):
if name_to_ip[member.address] == old_ip:
pools_to_update[pool] = (member.port, ratio)
if not pools_to_update:
# Hot diggity, we have an update!
log(1, " Changing IP of %s from %s to %s" % (ip_to_name[old_ip], old_ip, new_ip))
# Delete pool membersheeps
node = ip_to_name[old_ip]
new_pools = pools_to_update.keys()
all_members = []
for pool in new_pools:
member = lb.LocalLB.Pool.typefactory.create('Common.AddressPort')
member.address = node
member.port = pools_to_update[pool][0]
seq = lb.LocalLB.Pool.typefactory.create('Common.AddressPortSequence')
seq.item = [member]
members = lb.LocalLB.Pool.typefactory.create('Common.AddressPortSequenceSequence')
members.item = all_members
lb.LocalLB.Pool.remove_member_v2(new_pools, members)
node_partition, node = node.split('/')[-2:]
# Delete the node
if node_partition != partition:
# And recreate it
lb.LocalLB.NodeAddressV2.create(nodes=[node], addresses=[new_ip], limits=[0])
# Re-add to pools
all_members = []
all_ratios = []
for pool in new_pools:
member = lb.LocalLB.Pool.typefactory.create('Common.AddressPort')
member.address = '/Common/%s' % node
member.port = pools_to_update[pool][0]
seq = lb.LocalLB.Pool.typefactory.create('Common.AddressPortSequence')
seq.item = [member]
seq = lb.LocalLB.Pool.typefactory.create('Common.ULongSequence')
seq.item = [pools_to_update[pool][1]]
members = lb.LocalLB.Pool.typefactory.create('Common.AddressPortSequenceSequence')
members.item = all_members
lb.LocalLB.Pool.add_member_v2(new_pools, members)
# And set priorities again
ratios = lb.LocalLB.Pool.typefactory.create('Common.ULongSequenceSequence')
ratios.item = all_ratios
lb.LocalLB.Pool.set_member_ratio(pool_names=new_pools, members=members, ratios=ratios)
def get_lbs():
# Needs to return a list of tuples (hostname, username, password)
return [('', 'lb_admin', 'hunter2')]
def get_changes():
# Needs to return a dict of changes: {hostname: (old_ip, new_ip, ...}
# Hostname should be FQDN or F5 display name
return {
'': ('', ''),
'': ('', ''),
'': ('', ''),
if __name__ == '__main__':
lbs = get_lbs()
reip = get_changes()
check_lbs(lbs, reip)
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