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Last active September 22, 2016 09:55
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Any easy implementation for laravel in-model global scopes (basic testing in Laravel 4.2)
//in your model
public function scopeGlobal($query)
//todo: there may be a bug where you can't use nested wheres..try with ->where(function($query){return MyModel::noEasyGlobal();}
return MyModel::noEasyGlobal()->where('is_published',1); //replace this with whatever criteria you ahve
//in your controllers
MyModel::all(); //has global
MyModel::noEasyGlobal(); //no global
* by Sabrina Gelbart
* Note: has not been thoroughly tested!
* To use, include this trait in your models
* then override the scopeGlobal method in your Model
* to UNDO the scope use syntax User::noEasyGlobal()->where(..
* (noEasyGlobal must be called STATICALLY, so User::where(...)->noEasyGlobal() WONT WORK)
trait LaravelEasyGlobalScope {
* @param $query
* @return mixed
public function scopeGlobal($query)
return $query;
* Override all newQuery instances
* @return mixed
public function newQuery ()
return parent::newQuery()->global();
* This method overrides all the global scopes
* E.g., User::noEasyGlobal()->where(... will work. User::where(..)->noEasyGlobal() will NOT work!
* This needs to be a static method which just wraps the non-static newQueryNoEasyGlobal (might be better way to do this)
* @return mixed
public static function noEasyGlobal()
$instance = new Static;
return $instance->newQueryNoEasyGlobal();
* Return newQuery without global scope
* Note: this WILL use any other scopes applied Laravel's traditional way
* @return mixed
public function newQueryNoEasyGlobal()
return parent::newQuery();
* Get a new query builder that doesn't have any global scopes.
* By default Model's method calls newQuery and we end up with recursion if we don't change to newQueryNoEasyGlobal
* @return \Illuminate\Database\Eloquent\Builder|static
public function newQueryWithoutScopes()
return $this->removeGlobalScopes($this->newQueryNoEasyGlobal());
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