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Freaking out in a moon-age daydream, oh yeah.

Matt Wilson shadda

Freaking out in a moon-age daydream, oh yeah.
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shadda /
Last active January 23, 2022 15:08
#!/usr/bin/env python3
import sys
import re
import json
import urllib.request
#Word dictionary. JSON list.
dictionary_url = ""
#Trim out any words in our dictionary that are invalid
["aahed", "aalii", "aargh", "aaron", "aarti", "abaca", "abaci", "aback", "abacs", "abada", "abaff", "abaft", "abaka", "abama", "abamp", "aband", "abase", "abash", "abask", "abate", "abaue", "abave", "abaya", "abaze", "abbas", "abbed", "abbes", "abbey", "abbie", "abbot", "abcee", "abdal", "abdat", "abdom", "abeam", "abear", "abede", "abele", "abend", "aberr", "abers", "abets", "abhal", "abhor", "abide", "abidi", "abies", "abilo", "abime", "abkar", "abled", "ablen", "abler", "ables", "ablet", "ablow", "abmho", "abner", "abnet", "abode", "abody", "abohm", "aboil", "aboma", "aboon", "abord", "abore", "abort", "abote", "about", "above", "abram", "abray", "abret", "abrim", "abrin", "abris", "abrus", "absee", "absey", "absis", "absit", "abstr", "abuna", "abune", "abura", "abuse", "abush", "abuta", "abuts", "abuzz", "abwab", "abyes", "abyme", "abysm", "abyss", "acais", "acale", "acana", "acapu", "acara", "acari", "acast", "acate", "accas", "accel", "accoy", "accra", "accts", "accum", "accur", "accus", "acedy", "acerb
shadda / ccdl.command
Created November 17, 2021 03:30 — forked from ayyybe/ccdl.command
Adobe Offline Package Generator v0.1.2 (macOS only) --- No longer being updated.
CYAN="$(tput bold; tput setaf 6)"
RESET="$(tput sgr0)"
if command -v python3 > /dev/null 2>&1; then
if [ $(python3 -c "print('ye')") = "ye" ]; then

As the waves crashed against their hulls and the ships banked and rolled in the sea's onslaught, Justinian and his retinue despaired. All they had been through, the perils endured and the hardships undertaken had now come to this, to be within but a step of destruction. Had God so abandoned him? Would he not know justice? Justice, against those who had profaned the word of God in their emnity, those who had denied him the rights of his birth, handed down to his grandfather by divine covenant. A covenant that by the rights of heaven and earth belonged to him. That they now found themselves screaming into the eyes of death, that every man might now perish and the will of God be undone, but for the hearts of evil men. Evil men he had sworn to kill.

Lightning crashed. The ship tipped forward, and the sea let its anger known. Waterlogged, now, the ships sunk lower and lower. The men tried but in vain to cast the flow back into the sea, but it would not have it. The waves crashed too high and the ships fell too lo

Chapter _: Denigration

Justinian stood up slowly, wiping his hands on a piece of silk. He cast his lips a broad smile, and carrying himself with unmistakable pride, he made an elaborate theatre of his walk to the deus; every step he took was one filled with the joy of seeing a hated enemy now secure within the grips of defeat. He would now bask in a victory so pure it must have been of divine appoint; a victory borne of wrath and terrible purpose. A purpose bathed in malice and gripped by destiny. How he had waited for this moment. How he had plotted, and pined for a day when his victory would be absolute and his vengeance quenched. Through every gaping stare, disgusted gasp and wailing child who had looked upon his mutilation, his rage had grown more pure. In every breath, the scars on his face had burned with anger, and seethed in rage. His once beautiful visage now reflected the vengeful intent that had for so long nourished him. It would not do to waste moments like these, he thought, they were far too p


⚠If you are Gay, Why are you voting for Hillary when she wants to bring in thousands of refugees that believe all Gays should be executed?👁

⚠If you are Black, Why are you voting for Hillary when she admires Margaret Sanger and defends Planned Parenthood who want to abort as many black babies as possible? Exterminate the black race because they are like "weeds". (Margaret Sanger quote) Most of those clinics are in Black neighborhoods.👁

⚠If you are a Christian, Why are you voting for Hillary Clinton when she wrote her Senior thesis on Saul Alinsky who dedicated his book 'Rules for Radicals' to Lucifer (the Devil)? She says he was, and still is her mentor.👁

⚠If you are a Veteran, in the Military, or closely related to a Military member, Why are you voting for Hillary when she left those men to die in Benghazi and had the nerve to lie about it over and over again? They called for help but the help was told to stand down.👁

interface IFormHandler
public function validate();
class FormHandler
"playlist": [
"track-id": "colorizer",
"path": "videos/colorizer/",
"segment-path": "",
"segment-format": "segment-1.%04d.m4f",
"resolutions": [
$data = [
shadda / rows.php
Last active October 19, 2015 03:00
$rows = range(0, 512);
$numRows = count($rows);
$degreesLatitude = 80;
$startLatitude = -90.0;
$factor = $degreesLatitude / $numRows;
array_walk($rows, function(&$value, $key) use ($startLatitude, $factor)