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Last active September 26, 2016 03:09
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module Group where

import List.Extra exposing (span)

countingGroupBy : (a -> b) -> List a -> List (b, Int)
countingGroupBy key xs' =
    eq a b = key a == key b

    case xs' of
      [] ->

      (x::xs) ->
          (ys, zs) = span (eq x) xs
          (key x, (List.length ys) + 1) :: countingGroupBy key zs

countingGroup = countingGroupBy identity
$ elm-package install --yes circuithub/elm-list-extra
$ elm-repl
> import Group
> [ { age = 10, name = "Ralf" }, { age = 10, name = "Peter" }, { age = 12, name = "Peter" } ] |> List.sortBy .age |> Group.countingGroupBy .age
[(10,2),(12,1)] : List ( number, Int )
> ["a", "b", "a", "d", "d", "c"] |> List.sort |> Group.countingGroup
[("a",2),("b",1),("c",1),("d",2)] : List ( String, Int )
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