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Last active November 16, 2021 00:38
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Print beautiful articles (with HTML to LaTeX)

Print Beautiful Articles (with HTML to LaTeX)

It’s hard to read long articles on a computer. Printing them with beautiful typesetting helps.

This solution converts the whole article (or selected part) to LaTeX, then opens it for printing (or editing) in Overleaf. You need an account there, but no installs.


Images are included in the LaTeX code, but won’t show up until you upload them individually to Overleaf. Look for the \includegraphics commands which are commented out in the code, and refer here for proper insertion.


printing this:

Screen Shot 2019-10-30 at 12 59 40 AM

See Also

(async() => {
// force global import for next libs
delete window.define
delete window.module
// load findAndReplaceDOMText
eval(await(await fetch("")).text())
// load Readability
eval(await(await fetch("")).text())
// main
const documentClone = document.cloneNode(true)
const article = new Readability(documentClone).parse()
article.node = selectedArticleNode() || wholeArticleNode(article)
const node = latexifyNode(article.node)
let latex = [...node.childNodes].map(e => e.innerText).join("")
latex = tidyLatex(latex)
\\title{${article.title || ""}}
\\author{${article.byline || ""}}
// utils
function latexifyNode(node) {
const ESCAPE_CHARS=/[\&\_\%\#\$\^\~\\\{\}]/g
findAndReplaceDOMText(node, { find: ESCAPE_CHARS, replace: (_,m) => "\\"+m })
findAndReplaceDOMText(node, { find: "[", replace: "{[}" })
findAndReplaceDOMText(node, { find: "]", replace: "{]}" })
function wrap ([a,b],e) { e.prepend(a); e.append(b); }
function wrapBlock([a,b], e) { return wrap([`\n\n${a}`, `${b}\n\n`], e); }
node.querySelectorAll("em").forEach(e => wrap`\\emph{${e}}`)
node.querySelectorAll("strong").forEach(e => wrap`\\textbf{${e}}`)
node.querySelectorAll("h1, h2, h3, h4, h5, h6").forEach(e => wrapBlock`\\section*{${e}}`)
node.querySelectorAll("sup").forEach(e => wrap`\\textsuperscript{${e}}`)
node.querySelectorAll("blockquote").forEach(e => wrapBlock`\\begin{quote}${e}\\end{quote}`)
node.querySelectorAll("li").forEach(e => wrapBlock`\\item ${e}`)
node.querySelectorAll("ul").forEach(e => wrapBlock`\\begin{itemize}${e}\\end{itemize}`)
node.querySelectorAll("ol").forEach(e => wrapBlock`\\begin{enumerate}${e}\\end{enumerate}`)
node.querySelectorAll("p").forEach(e => wrapBlock`${e}\n\n`)
node.querySelectorAll("br").forEach(e => e.innerText = "\\newline\n")
node.querySelectorAll("figure").forEach(e => wrapBlock`\n\n\\begin{figure}[h]${e}\\end{figure}`)
node.querySelectorAll("figcaption").forEach(e => wrapBlock`\\caption{${e}}`)
node.querySelectorAll("a").forEach(e => e.append(`\\footnote{\\url{${e.href.replace(ESCAPE_CHARS, m => "\\"+m)}}}`))
node.querySelectorAll("hr").forEach(e => e.innerText = "\n\n\\begin{center}.\\hspace{3mm}.\\hspace{3mm}.\\end{center}\n\n")
node.querySelectorAll("img").forEach(e => e.innerText = `\n\n% \\includegraphics[width=\textwidth]{${e.src}}\n\n`)
node.querySelectorAll("noscript, script").forEach(e => e.remove())
return node;
function tidyLatex(latex) {
return latex
.replace(/ /g, " ") // invisible spaces in TinyLetter
.split("\n").map(line => line.trim()).join("\n")
.replace(/\\par\n*/gm, "\n\n")
.replace(/\n\n\\newline/g, "\n\n")
.replace(/\\newline\n\n/g, "\n\n")
.replace(/\\newline\n?\\newline/g, "\n\n")
.replace(/\n{3,}/g, "\n\n")
// smart quote heuristics
.replace(/^"/gm, "“")
.replace(/"$/gm, "”")
.replace(/" /g, "” ")
.replace(/ "/g, " “")
.replace(/^'/gm, "‘")
.replace(/ '/g, " ‘")
.replace(/'$/gm, "’")
.replace(/' /g, "’ ")
function openInOverleaf(snip) {
const e = document.body.appendChild(document.createElement("div"))
e.innerHTML = `
<form action="" method="post" target="_blank">
<textarea name="snip"></textarea>
e.querySelector('[name="snip"]').value = snip
function wholeArticleNode(article) {
const div = document.createElement("div")
div.innerHTML = article.content
return div
function selectedArticleNode() {
const sel = getSelection()
return sel.isCollapsed ? null : sel.getRangeAt(0).cloneContents()
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