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Created March 20, 2024 22:07
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example of azure devops cli + local automation using yq
$ErrorActionPreference = 'stop'
$OrgName = ''
$ProjectName = ''
$WorkItemID = 554287
$GitRepoDir = Join-Path $HOME 'git'
$FileToEdit = 'build/myyamlfile.yaml'
az devops login --organization$OrgName
# Review matching files
rg 'deployment:' --glob '**/build.yaml'
# Repos to run through can be programmatic or manually set
$Repos = @(
foreach ($RepoName in $Repos) {
Set-Location $GitRepoDir
git config git-town.main-branch main
# git remote remove upstream
git switch main
git pull
Get-Content $FileToEdit -Raw | yq '.extends.parameters.deployment'
git town hack 'refactor/edit-file'
yq e 'del(.extends.parameters.deployment)' -i $FileToEdit
git add $FileToEdit
git commit -am'ci: remove deployment from build yaml'
git sync
& az repos pr create --title 'ci: remove deployment from build yaml' --detect false --auto-complete true --source-branch "$(git currentbranch)" --delete-source-branch true --target-branch 'main' --repository $(Get-Location | Split-Path -Leaf) --project $ProjectName --open --transition-work-items false --work-items $WorkItemID --output table --description 'Remove item from yaml via yq.' # --required-reviewers ''
Set-Location $GitRepoDir
gum confirm 'proceed?'
if ($LASTEXITCODE -ne 0) {
throw 'stopping'
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