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Created September 20, 2010 13:24
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Navionics Training Notes
Navionics Training Notes
# To clone:
$ git clone
# From ~/.gitconfig
autosetupmerge = true
b = branch
co = checkout
cp = cherry-pick
rb = rebase
rbcont = rebase --continue
diff = auto
branch = auto
interactive = auto
status = auto
$ git checkout store
# now HEAD -> store
$ git branch cas/test-branch
# now cas/test-branch is the same commit as store
$ git branch cas/test-branch2 mobile
# now cas/test-branch2 is the same commit as mobile
# create a new branch
$ git branch cas/new-branch-name
# checkout a branch
$ git checkout cas/new-branch-name
# create and checkout in one step:
$ git checkout -b cas/new-branch-name
# (defaults to creating branch from current HEAD)
# current version is 0.7, newer version is available
# two modes
# - one for viewing, searching, navigating history
# - another for preparing and making commits
# configure the database and application
$ cp config/database.yml.sample config/database.yml
$ cp config/servers.yml.sample config/servers.yml
$ cp config/paypal.yml.example config/paypal.yml
$ cp config/newrelic.yml.example config/newrelic.yml
$ sudo rake gems:install
$ sudo gem install httparty ruby-debug
$ sudo gem install ruby-ole
$ sudo gem install ruby-mysql
# create a database
$ rake db:setup
# grab the database dump from Time Capsule: webstore/navionics_staging.sql.gz
# import staging database
$ gunzip navionics_staging.sql.gz
$ cat navionics_staging.sql | mysql -u root navionics_dev
$ git submodule init
$ git submodule update
$ (cd vendor/prawn && git submodule init && git submodule update)
$ sudo gem install capistrano morhekil-capistrano-deepmodules
# add two level domain to /etc/hosts
$ sudo vi /etc/hosts
# change " localhost" to " localhost localhost.localdomain"
# now you MUST EDIT config/servers.yml
# you MUST use a two level domain.
# Install Adobe AIR 2.0 SDK (e.g. to /opt/share/AdobeAIRSDK)
# add the following line to ~/.profile
# MUST reload shell (terminal) before change takes effect.
# To run AIR app locally:
$ rake air:debug
# create fake charts
$ mkdir -p charts/GoldCharts/Small2/
$ mkdir -p charts/GoldCharts/XL9/20XG/
dd if=/dev/zero of=charts/GoldCharts/Small2/5G356S2.nv2 count=10240 bs=1024
dd if=/dev/zero of=charts/GoldCharts/XL9/20XG/20XG.nv2 count=10240 bs=1024
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shoe commented Sep 20, 2010

From ~/.gitconfig

autosetupmerge = true
b = branch
co = checkout
cp = cherry-pick
rb = rebase
rbcont = rebase --continue

diff = auto
branch = auto
interactive = auto
status = auto

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