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Last active November 17, 2022 19:11
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Determine if an adjacency list represents a single graph
interface ReadOnlyMapNoGetter<K, V> {
has(key: K): boolean;
entries(): IterableIterator<[K, V]>;
forEach(cb: (value: V, key: K, map: ReadOnlyMapNoGetter<K, V>) => void): void;
keys(): IterableIterator<K>;
values(): IterableIterator<V>;
readonly size: number;
interface ReadOnlyMap<K, V> extends ReadOnlyMapNoGetter<K, V> {
get(key: K): V | undefined;
[Symbol.iterator](): IterableIterator<[K, V]>;
interface ReadOnlySet<V> extends ReadOnlyMapNoGetter<V, V> {
[Symbol.iterator](): IterableIterator<V>;
type AdjacencyList<K, V> = ReadOnlyMap<K, { value: V; links: K[] }>;
function dfs<K>(
list: AdjacencyList<K, unknown>,
startingKey: K,
visited: ReadOnlySet<K>
): ReadOnlySet<K> {
const v = new Set<K>([startingKey, ...visited]);
const node = list.get(startingKey);
if (!node) {
return v;
for (const link of node.links) {
if (!v.has(link)) {
const visits = dfs(list, link, v);
for (const visit of visits) {
return v;
function reverse<K, V>(list: AdjacencyList<K, V>): AdjacencyList<K, V> {
// New empty adjacency list
const newList = new Map<K, { value: V; links: K[] }>();
for (const [key, { value, links }] of list) {
let node = newList.get(key);
if (!node) {
node = { value, links: [] };
newList.set(key, node);
for (const link of links) {
let node = newList.get(link);
if (!node) {
node = { value, links: [] };
newList.set(link, node);
return newList;
function intersection<V>(
s1: ReadOnlySet<V>,
s2: ReadOnlySet<V>
): ReadOnlySet<V> {
const result = new Set<V>();
for (const v of s1) {
if (s2.has(v)) {
return result;
function union<V>(s1: ReadOnlySet<V>, s2: ReadOnlySet<V>): ReadOnlySet<V> {
return new Set<V>([...s1, ...s2]);
function isGraphConnected(list: AdjacencyList<unknown, unknown>): boolean {
const { value: key, done } = list.keys().next();
if (done) {
return false;
const dfs1 = dfs(list, key, new Set());
const dfs2 = dfs(reverse(list), key, new Set());
return union(dfs1, dfs2).size === list.size;
function pathHasCycle<K>(
list: AdjacencyList<K, unknown>,
startingKey: K,
visited: ReadOnlySet<K>,
predecessor: { key: K } | null
): boolean {
if (visited.has(startingKey)) {
return true;
let visits = new Set<K>([startingKey, ...visited]);
const node = list.get(startingKey);
if (!node) {
return false;
for (const link of node.links) {
if (!predecessor || link !== predecessor.key) {
if (pathHasCycle(list, link, visits, { key: startingKey })) {
return true;
return false;
function graphHasCycle<K>(list: AdjacencyList<K, unknown>): boolean {
return [...list].some(([key]) => pathHasCycle(list, key, new Set(), null));
function isTree(list: AdjacencyList<unknown, unknown>): boolean {
return !graphHasCycle(list) && isGraphConnected(list);
new Map([
["cool", { value: 1, links: ["bar"] }],
["bar", { value: 1, links: ["bar"] }],
["baz", { value: 1, links: [] }],
new Map([
["cool", { value: 1, links: ["bar", "baz", "foo"] }],
["bar", { value: 2, links: ["cool", "widgets"] }],
["baz", { value: 3, links: ["cool"] }],
["foo", { value: 4, links: ["cool"] }],
["widgets", { value: 5, links: ["bar"] }],
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