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Last active October 31, 2018 20:37
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Some Use Cases of Entity Embeddings

Entity Embeddings


Entity embeddings are used to map categorial variables into eucledian space. Works particularly well with features with high cardinality. i.e the categorial variable would be having a lot of discrete values.

How it works


Algorithm -

  1. convert categorical variables into contiguous integers or one-hot encodings, normalizing continuous features to standard normal (after your feature engineering procedure) etc.
  2. Some categorical variables have a lot more levels than others. So we use the cardinality of the variable to decide the size of the embedding. Something like

sizes = [(min(max_emb_size, (c+1)//2)) for c in sizes]

Think of it like each user in the IMDB database to be represented by a vector, not one-hot but an entity vector. If you are trying to map users to movies then here each weight vector is a list of latent concepts, which give a certain weight to our decision on how to go about to rate a movie. Just like the stuff we do in SVD. It is across these latent concepts that we visualise out entity embeddings.

  1. Then follow the standard training procedure for training a feed forward neural network.(i.e uniform intialize you embeddings with the above embedding size and train them on your data)

Examples (Prediction tasks)

1. Collaborative filtering[1]

Aim - Predict what a user would rate a movie even thought he has not watched it.

You will get a person represented by a vector like -

Person_i = [scifi-0.1, romantic-0.3, horror-0.3] //only the numbers, text is for illustration

2. Taxi cab[2]

Predict the destination of taxi trips based on initial partial trajectories

3. Rossman Drug Sales[3] Forecast sales using store, promotion, and competitor data

References -




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