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Created May 5, 2016 14:11
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quick hack for reading MetaMorph STK data
From-scratch MetaMorph Stack (STK) reader.
Currently just a quick hack. Dumps the TIFF tags to stdout and each
plane to its own single-image TIFF file.
import sys
import struct
from contextlib import closing
import numpy as np
from libtiff import TIFF # only for writing out individual planes
MAP_END = {"II": "<", "MM": ">"}
1: (1, "B"), # BYTE: 8-bit unsigned integer.
2: (1, "s"), # ASCII: 8-bit byte that contains a 7-bit ASCII code.
# The last byte must be NUL (binary zero)
3: (1, "H"), # SHORT: 16-bit (2-byte) unsigned integer.
4: (1, "I"), # LONG: 32-bit (4-byte) unsigned integer.
5: (2, "I"), # RATIONAL: two LONGs: the first represents the numerator
# of a fraction, the second the denominator.
6: (1, "b"), # SBYTE: an 8-bit signed integer.
7: (1, "c"), # UNDEFINED: an 8-bit byte that may contain anything,
# depending on the definition of the field.
8: (1, "h"), # SSHORT: a 16-bit (2-byte) signed integer.
9: (1, "i"), # SLONG: a 32-bit (4-byte) signed integer.
10: (2, "i"), # SRATIONAL: two SLONGs: the first represents the
# numerator of a fraction, the second the denominator.
11: (1, "f"), # FLOAT: single precision (4-byte) IEEE format.
12: (1, "d"), # DOUBLE: double precision (8-byte) IEEE format.
# Metamorph tags (special conventions on count)
UIC1 = 33628
UIC2 = 33629
UIC3 = 33630
UIC4 = 33631
MM_TAGS = frozenset((UIC1, UIC2, UIC3, UIC4))
# TODO: replace asserts with proper exceptions; define constants
class TiffTagReader(object):
def __init__(self, f):
self.f = f
self.is_stk = True
ifd_offset = self.__parse_header()
print "endianness: %s" % ("BIG" if self.end == ">" else "LITTLE")
print "first IFD offset: %d" % ifd_offset
fields, next_offset = self.__parse_ifd(ifd_offset)
print "N. fields:", len(fields)
print "next offset:", next_offset
dump_len = 3
for tag, value in fields:
if len(value) <= dump_len:
dump = repr(value)
dump = "%s ...)" % repr(value[:dump_len])[:-1]
print " %s (%d) %s" % (tag, len(value), dump)
# --
if self.is_stk:
field_map = dict(fields)
rows_per_strip = field_map[278][0]
size_y = field_map[257][0]
strips_per_image = size_y // rows_per_strip
strip_offsets = field_map[273]
strip_byte_counts = field_map[279]
plane_offsets = []
for i in xrange(self.n_planes):
plane_offsets.append(i * (
strip_offsets[strips_per_image - 1] +
strip_byte_counts[strips_per_image - 1] -
print "plane offsets: %s ...]" % \
# --
print "writing out planes..."
size_x = field_map[256][0]
bytes_per_pixel = field_map[258][0] // 8
plane_size = size_x * size_y * bytes_per_pixel
for i, offset in enumerate(plane_offsets):
fname = "plane_%d.tif" % i[i] + strip_offsets[0])
plane =
dtype = np.dtype("%si%d" % (self.end, bytes_per_pixel))
a = np.fromstring(plane, dtype=dtype).reshape((size_y, size_x))
with closing(, mode="w")) as fo:
def __unpack(self, fmt, data):
return struct.unpack(self.end + fmt, data)
def __parse_header(self):
header =
assert len(header) == 8
self.end = MAP_END.get(header[:2])
assert self.end is not None
version, ifd_offset = self.__unpack("HI", header[2:])
assert version == 42
return ifd_offset
def __parse_ifd(self, offset):
data =
assert len(data) == 2
n_fields = self.__unpack("H", data)[0]
size = n_fields * 12 + 4
data =
fields = [self.__parse_field(data[_: _ + 12])
for _ in xrange(0, size - 4, 12)]
next_offset = self.__unpack("I", data[-4:])[0]
return fields, next_offset
def __parse_field(self, data):
assert len(data) == 12
tag, field_type, count = self.__unpack("HHI", data[:8])
# if tag in MM_TAGS:
if tag in (UIC2, UIC3): # todo: parse UIC{1,4}
return self.__handle_mm(data, tag, field_type, count)
mult, fmt = TYPE_MAP[field_type]
fmt = "%d%s" % (count * mult, fmt)
value = self.__read_value(fmt, data)
if fmt[-1] == "s":
value = value[0].rstrip("\x00").split("\x00")
return tag, value
def __read_value(self, fmt, data):
size = struct.calcsize(fmt)
if size <= 4:
value = self.__unpack(fmt, data[8:8+size])
value_offset = self.__unpack("I", data[8:])[0]
value = self.__unpack(fmt,
return value
def __handle_mm(self, data, tag, field_type, count):
if tag == UIC2:
self.is_stk = True
self.n_planes = count
fmt = "%dI" % (6 * count)
value = self.__read_value(fmt, data)
value = [value[_: _ + 6] for _ in xrange(0, len(value), 6)]
# first two items in each subseq represent a rational
value = [((_[:2]),) + _[2:] for _ in value]
return tag, value
if tag == UIC3:
fmt = "%dI" % (2 * count)
value = self.__read_value(fmt, data)
value = [value[_: _ + 2] for _ in xrange(0, len(value), 2)]
return tag, value
with open(sys.argv[1]) as f:
reader = TiffTagReader(f)
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