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Created July 25, 2018 07:08
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Basic Java Revision Notes - Written in Java
* / --------------------------------[ NUIM CS141 Java Revision ]------------------------------- \
* || Designed to easily revise everything covered in CS141 by just reading through this code. ||
* || Comments accompany almost every line of code to explain its purpose. ||
* || Some theory we need to know are included in the bottom... ||
* \ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- /
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* /_____/\__,_/_/ /_/_/\___/_/ /_/ \__,_/\__,_/_/
* @version: 1.0
* @author: Daniel Paul
* @web: /
* @fb:
// Import packages
import java.util.Scanner;
import java.util.Random;
// import java.util.*; will import all of java util packages. Import must be done before public class...
// public: this is a "modifier" placed before the word class that makes the class visible (accessible) from outside the class.
// - In a private class, methods and variables can only be accessed by methods within the same private class
// The class 'revision' must be contained in the file (the public class and file name must have the same name).
public class revision
// Method signature:
// static: Forces an instance of the main() method to exist so that it can be called from outside the class.
// void: this tells us that the main method (function) does not return any values. Return type can be int, String, arrays[], etc.
// main: this is the method that the JVM looks for and provides the entry point of your program.
// String: is a sequence of text characters. It is the argument for the main() method. Input parameters.
public static void main(String args[])
/* Examples of other method signatures:
public static void time() // returns nothing, accepts no parameters
public static void square(int x) // returns nothing, accepts an int number
public static void name(String fname, String lname) // returns nothing, accepts two strings
public static String name(String county) // returns a String, accepts a String
public static char[] result(String s[], int p) // returns char array, accepts a String array and an int number
public static double whoKnows(char c, int x, double b, String s, String p, int y, float f)
// returns a double number type, accepts a char, int, double, string, string, int and a float
// System.out: is an object used for printing to screen.
// println: is a method belonging to the System.out class/object that can print a string to the console...
// Text inside the double quotes is an argument passed to the println() method.
System.out.println("Hello CS141 classmate!");
// All statements in Java end with a semi-colon
// ----- Declaring variables: <type> <identifier> = <value>;
int age = 18; // an integer value
// declaring multiple variables of type integer.
int day = 0, month = 0, year = 0;
// the final keyword tells java that this variable cannot be changed later in the program - it is a constant.
final int myNumber = 7;
// other variable types to store numbers: byte, short, long, float, double. These can store diffent length of numbers.
float sampleFloat = 0.0f; // can store decimal numbers with 7 digit precision
double sampleDouble = 0.0; // can store decimal numbers with 15 digit precision
char you = 'u'; // stores a single character
// we must use single quotes around a character value
boolean validYear = false, validName = false; // stores true or false. Default value if not specified is false.
// A String is a sequence of characters (digits, letters etc). It is anything and everything grouped together between 2 double quotes.
// Notice that String starts with a capital 'S'
String name = "Daniel"; // we must double quotes for strings values
// Another method for declaring a string: String name = new String("Daniel");
String firstName = "", lastName = ""; // initializing variables for later use
/* --------------- Relational Operators --------------- /
* Operator * * Result *
== equal to
!= not equal to
> greater than
< less than
>= greater than or equal to
<= less than or equal to
/* ----------------- Boolean Operators ----------------- /
* Operator * * Result *
& logical AND
| logical OR
^ logical XOR
|| short-circuit OR
&& short-circuit AND
! logical NOT
// Short-circuit AND, &&, only checks the second condition if the first is true.
// Short-circuit OR,||, only checks the second condition if the first is false.
/* ---------------- Operator Precedence ---------------- /
* Operator * * Associativity *
Highest () [] . left to right
++ -- ! right to left
* / % left to right
+ - left to right
> >= < <= left to right
== != left to right
& left to right
^ left to right
| left to right
&& left to right
|| left to right
Lowest = right to left
When there are two operators with the same precedence the expression is evaluated according to its associativity.
/ ----------------------------------------------------- */
/********************* 1.0 - Ask user for a valid full name **********************/
// initialize Scanner class to getting input from user
Scanner scan = new Scanner(; // create an instance of the Scanner class named as scan
// Loops allow your program to do the same thing again and again and again and again.
// The following loop will ask the user for thier name until they enter a valid name.
// the variable validName is currently false. We will set it to true when we get a valid name.
// this loop that will run until the user enters a valid name.
// ask user to enter their name
System.out.println("What's your full name?");
// scan the next line that the user enters and store it in the variable 'name'.
name = scan.nextLine();
/* other important scanner methods:
scan.nextInt(); // reads in the next token as an int
scan.nextFloat(); // reads in the next token as an float
scan.nextDouble(); // reads in the next token as an double
scan.nextLine(); // reads in the next token as an String
scan.hasNextInt(); //returns true if there is another int to read in
scan.hasNextFloat(); //returns true if there is another float to read in
scan.hasNextDouble(); //returns true if there is another double to read in
scan.hasNextLine(); //returns true if there is another String to read in
// check if the user has entered their full name
// we are checking where the space character appears in the name
// we will get -1 if the character does not exist
// use == to compare
if(name.indexOf(' ') == -1)
// there is no space in the name, so user has not entered their full name
validName = false; // it's not necessary to set this to false here again since we have not changed it since initializing it
System.out.print("Oops! Looks like you forgot to enter your full name... ");
// there is a space in the name, so the name must be valid
validName = true;
// setting this variable to true will exit out of the while loop
/**************** 1.1 - Split the full name to first and last name ****************/
// indexOf() Returns the index within the string of the first occurrence of the specified character or -1 if the character does not occur
int spaceIndex = name.indexOf(' ');
// Strings are indexed starting from 0
// get the characters from 0 to where the space is
firstName = name.substring(0, spaceIndex);
// consider everything after the first space as the last name
// get the characters one place after space to the end
lastName = name.substring(spaceIndex + 1);
/****************** 1.2 - Capitalize the first char of the names *******************/
// lowercase all the char in name
name = name.toLowerCase();
// capitalize the first letter of the names
// get the first char and change that to upper case and then get the rest of the characters after the 1st char
firstName = firstName.substring(0, 1).toUpperCase() + firstName.substring(1); // .toUpperCase() converts a String to uppercase chars
lastName = lastName.substring(0, 1).toUpperCase() + lastName.substring(1);
// greet the user with their first name...
System.out.println("\nHello there " + firstName + "! I hope to help you revise some Java...");
// ----- let's find some interesting things about the name...
// \n prints a new line
System.out.println("\nHere are some interesting facts about your name:");
System.out.println("* Your first name: " + firstName);
System.out.println("* Your last name: " + lastName);
/*********************** 1.3 - Find the length of the name ***********************/
// check how long the string is
// .length() gives the length of a String as an <int>
System.out.println("* Your name is " + name.length() + " characters long.");
/********************** 1.4. Check if firstName == lastName **********************/
// check if the first name is the same as the last name
// short hand if statement without the {} brackets
if(firstName.equals(lastName)) System.out.println("* Your first name and last name is the same!");
/****************** 1.5 - Find how many vowels are in the name *******************/
// create an array with all the vowels.
// An array is a collection of variables.
char vowels[] = new char[5]; // declare and allocate memory for the array
vowels[0] = 'a'; // arrays are indexed from 0.
vowels[1] = 'e';
vowels[2] = 'i';
vowels[3] = 'o';
vowels[4] = 'u';
// declare and initialise together
char vowelsCaps[] = {'A', 'E', 'I', 'O', 'U'};
/* Arrays have three important properties:
- represent a group of related data.
- all data within an array have the same type.
- size of an array is fixed once it is created.
int vowelsCount = 0; // counter that will keep track of the number of vowels
// create a new string and store the name into this
String highlightedName = name;
// for loop: (initialisation; condition; update)
for(int letter = 0; letter < name.length(); letter++) // outer loop
// this outer loop will run for the length of the name
// to get the length of an array, use .length - Note that there are no () in the end.
for(int i = 0; i < vowels.length; i++) // inner loop
// this inner loop will run for the length of the array (5 times) everytime the outer loop runs.
// check if char at outer loop count (letter) is equal to the char in vowels array at position of the inner loop count
if(name.charAt(letter) == vowels[i])
// increase the count of vowels we have in the name
++vowelsCount; // Increment variable
// capitalize the vowels to highlight them
// replace lowercase vowels in the name with uppercase vowels
// .replace() Replaces the first char specified with the second character specified
highlightedName = highlightedName.replace(vowels[i], vowelsCaps[i]);
} // END of inner loop
} // END of outer loop
System.out.println("* Your name has " + vowelsCount + " vowels (" + highlightedName + ").");
/********************** 1.6 - Check if name is palindromic ***********************/
// palindrome: a word, phrase, or sequence that reads the same backwards as forwards.
// assume that the name is palindromic - we will set this to false if we find that it is not
boolean palindrome = true;
// convert all char to the same case as A is not equal to a.
String nameUpper = firstName.toUpperCase(); // .toUpperCase() convert a String to uppercase chars
// loop through the name
for(int count = 0; count < nameUpper.length(); count++)
// check if the char at count is the same as the char at the other end
if(nameUpper.charAt(count) != nameUpper.charAt(nameUpper.length() - 1 - count))
// if the corresponding char is not the same, set boolean to false
palindrome = false;
// break out of the loop once we have found a char that is not palindromic
System.out.println("* Your first name is palindromic (reads the same backwards as forwards)!");
System.out.println("* Your first name is not palindromic.");
/******************* 2.0 - Ask user for a valid month and year ********************/
// while loop to keep asking user for a valid month
while(month == 0)
// ask for name of the month
System.out.print("\nName the month were you born in: ");
String monthName = scan.nextLine();
// --------------- get the number of the month
// convert user input to lowercase so we can match uppercase and lowercase input
monthName = monthName.toLowerCase(); // convert String to lowercase chars
// A switch statement gives us the option to test for a range of values for our variables.
// They can be used instead of long, complex if ... else if statements.
case "january": month = 1; break;
case "february": month = 2; break;
case "march": month = 3; break;
case "april": month = 4; break;
case "may": month = 5; break;
case "june": month = 6; break;
case "july": month = 7; break;
case "august": month = 8; break;
case "september": month = 9; break;
case "october": month = 10; break;
case "november": month = 11; break;
case "december": month = 12; break;
default: month = 0; break; // if we cannot find a valid month
// print out error message if not a valid month
if(month == 0) System.out.println("Emmm... that doesn't look like a valid month...");
// ------------------------- [ Ask for a valid birth year ] ------------------------- //
int count = 0; // control variable to keep track of how many times the loop has run
// this is a do-while loop. it will run at least once and then check the condition at the bottom to determine if it needs to run again
// if we are in the loop again...
if(count > 0){
System.out.println("\nEmmm... That doesn't look like a year you could be born in! ");
System.out.println("Try a year between 1930 and 2010... ");
// ask for the birth year
System.out.println("What year were you born in?");
year = scan.nextInt();
// check if this is a valid year. must be born on or after 1930 and before 2011.
validYear = (year >= 1930 && year < 2011) ? true : false; // The ternary operator
// if condition is true, set boolean variable validYear to true or else false.
/* The ternary operator takes three arguments:
- a condition, a true value and a false value.
- It tests the condition and then returns one of two values to the variable based on the result of the condition.
// keep track of how many times we are in the loop
count++; // update
/* ----- difference between i++ and ++i
++i will increment the value of i, and then return the incremented value:
i = 1;
j = ++i;
(i is 2, j is 2)
i++ will increment the value of i, but return the original value that i held before being incremented:
i = 1;
j = i++;
(i is 2, j is 1)
--------------- */
} while(!validYear); // condition
/*********************** 2.1 - Calculate how old you are ************************/
// ---------- Find some more interesting facts...
System.out.println("\nSome intersting facts about your birthday:");
// print out which month they were born in
if(month == 1)
System.out.println("* You were born on the 1st month.");
else if(month == 2)
System.out.println("* You were born on the 2nd month.");
else if(month == 3)
System.out.println("* You were born on the 3rd month.");
System.out.println("* You were born on the " + month + "th month.");
// calculate their age
age = 2013 - year;
System.out.println("* You are " + age + " years old.");
// check how old they are in different units :P
System.out.println("* You are " + (age * 12) + " months old.");
System.out.println("* You are around " + (age * 52) + " weeks old.");
System.out.println("* You are approximately " + (age * 365) + " days old.");
System.out.println("* You are over " + (age * 356 * 24) + " hours old.");
/************************** 2.2 - Odd or Even month? ***************************/
// check if the age is an odd or even number
if(age % 2 == 0)
System.out.println("* Your age is an even number.");
System.out.println("* Your age is an odd number.");
/********************* 2.3 - Were you born on a leap year? **********************/
// check if the year is divisible by 400 OR (is divisible by 4 AND is NOT divisible by 100)
if((year % 400 == 0) || ((year % 4 == 0) && (year % 100 != 0)))
System.out.println("* The year " + year + " is a leap year!");
System.out.println("* You were not born on a leap year.");
/****************************** 2.4 - Lucky number *******************************/
// initialize Random class to generate random number
Random randomNumber = new Random(); // create an instance of the Random class named as randomNumber
// get a random number between 1 to 12
int luckyNumber = randomNumber.nextInt(12);
// get the digits in the ones, tens, hundreds and thousands place of the birth year
// % means modulus (mod) in Java and it calculates the remainder after division
// e.g. if the year = 2013
int onesDigit = year % 10; // onesDigit = 3
int tensDigit = year / 10 % 10; // tensDigit = 1
int hundredsDigit = year / 100 % 10; // hundredsDigit = 0
int thousandsDigit = year / 1000 % 10; // thousandsDigit = 2
// raise number to the power of 4
double powerDigit = Math.pow(thousandsDigit, 4);
// add and subtract some digits from the birth year
int result = onesDigit - hundredsDigit + tensDigit;
// add result with the randomly generated number
luckyNumber += result; // Addition assignment. Same as: luckyNumber = luckyNumber + result;
System.out.println("* Your lucky number is: " + luckyNumber);
/****************************** 2.4 - Lucky Dates *******************************/
// create an int array of length 3
int luckyDates[] = new int[3];
// fill array with random numbers
for(int i = 0; i < luckyDates.length; i++)
// generate a random number between 0 and 30 and add 1 so we dont get 0
int randomDate = randomNumber.nextInt(30) + 1;
// store the randomly generated number to array
luckyDates[i] = randomDate;
System.out.print("* Your lucky dates are: ");
// loop through the array again and get the values stored
for(int i = 0; i < luckyDates.length; i++)
// if we are on the last array position
if(i == luckyDates.length - 1)
// print '&' before and full stop in the end.
System.out.print("& " + luckyDates[i] + ". \n\n");
// print number with ',' in the end
System.out.print(luckyDates[i] + ", ");
} // END main
} // public class
-----[ Some Programming Theory ]-----
* A computer program is a collection of instructions that describes a task, or set of tasks, to be carried out by a computer.
* A quality program is...
* Readable
- Other programmers should be able to easily read and understand what your code does.
- You should indent your code.
- Add comments to explain what the program does.
* Modular
- Programs should be broken down into component parts, where each part is subdivided as necessary.
* Robust
- A program should gracefully handle cases when the input is not as expected or some other error has occurred.
- A program should never crash.
-----[ Things you need to know about Java ]-----
* Java is a programming language. It can be used to write applications and applets.
* It is an object-oriented language.
* Platform-independent because of the JVM (Java Virtual Machine).
- "Write once, run anywhere"
-----[ Writing a Java Program ]-----
* Written in plain text format and saved with a .java file extension (like this file).
* But, the machine won't understand this.
* So, we need to compile the program to turn it into Java bytecode.
- The bytecode is stored in .class file (this file will be created if you build this java program).
- Bytecode is a highly optimised set of instructions designed to be executed by a JVM (Java Virtual Machine).
* A JVM interprets the bytecode and runs it on the machine.
* The compiler is called javac and the JVM interpreter is called java.
* JVM = Java Virtual Machine
* JVM is just a software program that allows the same .java files to run on many machines.
* Java is portable because it relies on a layer of Software and Hardware. Each layer only interacts with neighbouring layers.
- Your Java Program <-> JVM <-> Operating System/Embedded Software <-> Hardware of PC/Mobile Phone
* Java is case sensitive.
* All statements in Java end with a semi-colon.
-----[ Steps to writing a program ]-----
1. Develop an algorithm.
2. Write a software implementation of the algorithm - a software program.
3. Compile it.
4. Fix any compilation errors.
5. Test it - try to run it.
6. Fix any runtime errors.
What does this program do?
1.0. Asks for your full name until you enter your full name. Then finds interesting things with your name.
- uses scanner, while loop, boolean variable, if statement.
1.1. Splits your first and last name to separate strings.
- uses for loop, strings, substrings, if statement.
1.2. Capitalize the first char of the names.
- uses strings, substrings and string functions - <string>.toUpperCase(); and <string>.toLowerCase();.
1.3. Finds how long the name is.
- uses string, <string>.length() function.
1.4. Check if your first name is equal to your last name.
- uses <string1>.equals(<string2>); function.
1.5. Finds how many vowels are in your name with a nested loops and arrays of vowels.
Then replaces the the vowels in your name with the same capital char to highlight them.
- uses char arrays, nested for loops, if statement, <string>.replace(<char>, <char>); function.
1.6. Checks if your first name is palindromic.
- uses a for loop, if statement and loop break;
2.0. Repeatedly asks for the month you were born in and for the year until you enter a valid year.
Match the month name to find the month's number.
- uses while loop, do-while loop, scanner, if statement, switch statement, string, int variables.
2.1. Calculates how old you are in different units.
- uses if, else if statements, multiplying numeric operator
2.2. Checks if your age is an odd or even number.
- uses modulus, if statement
2.3. Check if your birth year was a leap year.
- uses modulus, if statement
2.4. Gets each digit of your birth year and randomly finds your lucky number.
- uses random class, modulus to find a single digit, double variables, numeric operators and math.pow(<x>,<y>) function.
2.5. Randomly fills an array with numbers from 1 to 31. These display as your lucky dates.
- uses array, for loop, if else statements.
----- That just about covers everything we have learned in programming so far... -----
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