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Created September 4, 2011 20:14
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plotting in wxPython
import wx
import matplotlib
from matplotlib.backends.backend_wxagg import FigureCanvasWxAgg as FigureCanvas
from matplotlib.backends.backend_wx import NavigationToolbar2Wx
from matplotlib.figure import Figure
from matplotlib.ticker import ScalarFormatter, LogFormatter
from os import path, remove
class _plot_data():
class to store plots appending or removing data as needed
axes -- contains a matplotlib axes object
lines -- all drawn matplotlib lines, not yet implemented.
Maybe a wrapper to catch the line object or the input variables?
selection -- line marking selection of plot area
title -- title of sub-plot
formatter -- a tuple containing the x- and y-axis formatter
y2_axis -- the secondary y axis, if created, else None
y2_label -- label of secondary axis
def __init__(self, parent, axes, title):
Keyword arguments:
parent -- a _plot_list object, which will contains some globals
axes -- a matplotlib axes component
title -- title of the sub-plot
self.parent = parent
self.axes = axes
self.title = title
self.formatter = parent.default_formatter
self.lines = []
self.selection = None
# no reason to have two copies of the same code
# active the formatting information
# check if a secondary y-axis should be created
if parent.secondary_y_axis:
self.y2_axis = None
def create_y2_axis(self, y2_label):
Creates a secondary y-axis. Alternatively changes the label of said
Keyworda arguments:
y2_label -- label of secondary y-axis
self.y2_label = y2_label
if self.y2_axis == None:
self.y2_axis = self.axes.twinx()
# # define a wrapper for the plot function
# old_plot = self.y2_axis.plot
# def plot_reload(self, *args, **kw):
# old_plot(*args, **kw)
# self.y2_axis.set_ylabel(self.y2_label)
# self.y2_axis.plot = plot_reload
def reload(self):
Will reload things. Can be called when the axes has been changed to
formatt the new axes according to th old formatting.
Keyword arguments:
# recreate all the settings, as a new axes object has been set
if self.parent.secondary_y_axis:
########This doesn't work########
# #Redo lines
# self.axes.cla()
# for line in self.lines:
# line.set_axes(self.axes)
# self.axes.add_line(line)
def remove_line(self, line):
Removes the specified line from the internal list and the axes object
keyword arguments:
line -- A matplotlib line
except ValueError:
pass #silence
def set_formatter(self, formatter, axes = 'all'):
Sets the fomatter for the sub-plot
Keyword arguments:
formatter -- A matplotlib axis formatter
axes -- Which axes should the formatter be used for, valid values are:
'all', 'x', 'y' (default: 'all')
if not formatter == None:
if axes == 'x':
self.formatter = (formatter, self.formatter[1])
elif axes == 'y':
self.formatter = (self.formatter[0], formatter)
self.formatter = (formatter,)*2
# update formatter
class _plot_list():
A class for handiling lists of sub-plots and the associated data
The canvas is never redrawn from this code.
Attributes (should not be accesed directly):
grid -- (default: True)
has_selection -- (default: False)
secondary_y_axis -- (default: False)
x_label -- (default: '')
y_label -- (default: '')
y2_label -- (default: '')
grid = True
has_selection = False
secondary_y_axis = False
y2_label = ''
def __init__(self, figure, x_label='', y_label=''):
Initializes a _plot_list, which contains plot_data.
Keyword arguments:
figure -- The matplotlib figure to which the plots are added.
x_label -- The x-axis label to use for all plots (default: '')
y_label -- The y-axis label to use for all plots (default: '')
self.x_label = x_label
self.y_label = y_label
self.figure = figure
self.sub_plots = []
# set default formatter for the time being
frmt = ScalarFormatter(useOffset = True)
self.default_formatter = (frmt, frmt)
def __call__(self, index):
Returns the plot_data object at index
Keyword arguments:
index -- index of plot_data object to return
return self.sub_plots[index]
except IndexError:
raise IndexError, "No sub-plot exists at index:{0!s}".format(index)
def append(self, sub_plot, title):
Appends another sub-plot to the _plot_list
keyword arguments:
sub_plot -- sub-plot to be appended to list, an axes object
title -- title of sub-plot to append
self.sub_plots.append(_plot_data(self, sub_plot, title))
def clear_axes(self):
Clears all axes from figure
Currently also clears all lines and the selection as the reloading
of lines doesn't seem to work
# Remove lines and selection as they can't be reloaded properly
for plot in self.sub_plots:
plot.y2_axis = None
plot.selection = None
plot.lines = []
# Set selction of view area to false as it was removed
self.has_selection = False
def remove(self):
Removes the last sub-plot
del self.sub_plots[-1]
def set_axes(self, axes, index):
Sets the axes of the sub-plot at index
Keyword arguments:
axes -- The new axes for the sub-plot
index -- Index of sub-plot
self.sub_plots[index].axes = axes
except IndexError:
raise IndexError, "No sub-plot exists at index:{0!s}".format(index)
# Call the reload to load the proper settings to the new axes object
def set_default_formatter(self, formatter, axes='all'):
###Add possibilty of specifying a formatter without sending a object
###Although it might be better to change the Graph Class to enable
###setting the default formatter without sending it to all plots
Sets the default fomatter for new sub-plots
Keyword arguments:
formatter -- A matplotlib axis formatter
axes -- Which axes should the formatter be used for, valid values are:
'all', 'x', 'y' (default: 'all')
if axes == 'x':
self.default_formatter = (formatter, self.default_formatter[1])
elif axes == 'y':
self.default_formatter = (self.default_formatter[0], formatter)
self.default_formatter = (formatter,)*2
def set_label(self, x_label, y_label, index):
Sets the x- and y-axis label of the sub-plot at the specified index.
Keyword arguments:
x_label -- The x-axis label to use for the specified sub-plot
y_label -- The y-axis label to use for the specified sub-plot
index -- Index of sub-plot
# Store the latest setting of labels as the default labels
self.x_label = x_label
self.y_label = y_label
except IndexError:
raise IndexError, "No sub-plot exists at index:{0!s}".format(index)
def show_grid(self, show):
self.grid = show
#Set grid variable
for sub_plot in self.sub_plots:
class Graph(wx.BoxSizer):
This holds a curve plot with associated toolbar
keyword arguments:
parent -- reference to the panel or context the plot should be created in.
orientation -- (optional) wx.BoxSizer style. This also sets the deafult
direction to expand when adding sub-plots (default: wx.VERTICAL)
title -- (optional) sets the title of the plot window (default: '').
dpi -- (optional) sets dots per inch of plot window.
params -- (optional) set matplotlib rcParams, should be a dictionary.
(default: sets font size of: ticks, legend, axes label, font)
**kwargs -- any keyword argument to matplotlib.Figure
def __init__(self, parent,
orientation= wx.VERTICAL,
params = None,
super(Graph, self).__init__(orientation)
#initialize some font settings for matplotlib
if params == None:
params = {'axes.labelsize': 16,
'font.size': 14,
'legend.fontsize': 14,
'xtick.labelsize': 12,
'ytick.labelsize': 12}
self.figure = Figure(dpi=dpi, figsize=(2,2), **kwargs)
self.canvas = FigureCanvas(parent, wx.NewId(), self.figure)
self.sub_plots = _plot_list(self.figure)
self.sub_plots.append(self.figure.add_subplot(111), title)
self.toolbar = NavigationToolbar2Wx(self.canvas)
###Create some extra controls for the toolbar###
self.cb_grid = wx.CheckBox(self.toolbar, wx.NewId(), 'Show Grid')
btn_mark = wx.Button(self.toolbar, wx.NewId(), 'Mark selection')
#btn_rem = wx.Button(parent, wx.NewId(), 'Remove_graph')
####add extra controls to toolbar####
####create and set toolbar sizer####
toolbar_sizer = wx.BoxSizer(wx.HORIZONTAL)
toolbar_sizer.Add(self.toolbar, 0, wx.ALIGN_LEFT)
toolbar_sizer.Add(self.cb_grid, 0, wx.LEFT | wx.ALIGN_CENTER,30)
toolbar_sizer.Add(btn_mark, 0, wx.LEFT | wx.ALIGN_CENTER_VERTICAL, 20)
#needed to update the layout
#######Main layout#######
v_sizer = wx.BoxSizer(wx.VERTICAL)
v_sizer.Add(self.canvas, 1, wx.EXPAND)
v_sizer.Add(self.toolbar, 0, wx.LEFT | wx.EXPAND)
#Add to self
self.Add(v_sizer, 1, wx.EXPAND)
###Set title and other things###
self.orientation = orientation
#layout of plots (height, width, count)
self.layout = (1,1,1)
#connect the buttons to event handlers
self.cb_grid.Connect(-1, -1,
btn_mark.Connect(-1, -1, wx.wxEVT_COMMAND_BUTTON_CLICKED, self._on_mark)
#btn_rem.Connect(-1, -1, wx.wxEVT_COMMAND_BUTTON_CLICKED, self.on_rem)
############Event handlers############
def _on_cb_grid(self, evt):
Toggles if grid should be shown on sub-plots
#redraw plots
def _on_mark(self, evt):
Draws or removes a selection outline on current sub-plot selection
if self.sub_plots.has_selection:
#delete markers
for sub_plot in self.sub_plots.sub_plots:
for line in sub_plot.selection:
for i, sub_plot in enumerate(self.sub_plots.sub_plots):
x1, x2, y1, y2 = sub_plot.axes.axis()
x = [x1, x2, x2, x1, x1]
y = [y1, y1, y2, y2, y1]
sub_plot.selection = self.redraw(x,y, hold = True,
limits = (x1,x2,y1,y2),
index = i,
color = 'k', linewidth = 2.0)
self.sub_plots.has_selection = not self.sub_plots.has_selection
############Worker functions############
def add_secondary_y_axis(self, label = '', index = None):
Creates a secondary y_axis on the specified sub-plots
keyword arguments:
label -- (optional) axis label of the second y-axis (default: '')
index -- (optional) a integer or list of integers with the index of
sub-plots for which a secondary y-axis should be created. When
'None' the formatter is set for all sub-plots (default: None)
if type(index) == list:
for i in index:
elif type(index) == int:
#do all
count = self.layout[-1]
for sub_plot in self.sub_plots.sub_plots:
def add_subplot(self, title='', orientation=None):
Adds an additional subplot. If more than one row exists and it will
not be filled, than the plots on the last row will be expanded to
fill all horizontal space. All plots will be recreated
keyword arguments:
title -- (optional) title text of new subplot (default: '')
orientation -- (optional) direction to add subplot, valid data is:
wx.VERTICAL or wx.HORIZONTAL (default: Graph.orientation)
return -- index of created plot
orientation = self.orientation if orientation == None else orientation
count = self.layout[-1] + 1
size = self.layout[0] * self.layout[1]
#check if there is room for another subplot
if size >= count:
self.layout = self.layout[:2] + (count, )
#expand layout
if orientation == wx.VERTICAL:
self.layout = (self.layout[0] + 1, self.layout[1], count)
self.layout = (self.layout[0], self.layout[1] + 1, count)
#Clear away old axes
#recreate axes and add new one
size = self.layout[0] * self.layout[1]
for i in range(1,count+1):
if count < size and i > self.layout[1] * (self.layout[0]-1):
#expand graphs on last row
exp_layout = (self.layout[0], self.layout[1] - (size-count))
exp_i = exp_layout[0] * exp_layout[1] - (count - i)
axes = self.figure.add_subplot(*exp_layout + (exp_i,))
#check if to rebind axes or append new object
if i == count:
self.sub_plots.append(axes, title)
self.sub_plots.set_axes(axes, i-1)
axes = self.figure.add_subplot(*self.layout[:2] + (i, ))
#check if to rebind axes or append new object
if i == count:
self.sub_plots.append(axes, title)
self.sub_plots.set_axes(axes, i-1)
#return sub-plot index
return count - 1
def cleanse_fontcache(self):
Shouldn't be used. Can fix bug when using frozen programs under windows.
Better to modify the setup script so that font files are left out of the
matplotlib data files.
file_path = path.join(path.expanduser('~'), \
'.matplotlib', \
if path.exists(file_path):
def clear_lines(self, index = 0):
Removes all lines from the selected sub-plot
keyword arguments:
index -- (optional) index of subplot, which should be cleared from all
lines (default: 0)
self.sub_plots(index).lines = []
def get_lines(self, index = 0):
Retrieves all the lines of the specified sub-plot
keyword arguments:
index -- (optional) index of subplot from, which the lines should be
retrieved from (default: 0)
return self.sub_plots(index).axes.get_lines()
def redraw(self, x, y,
index = 0,
xmin = None, ymin = None,
limit_selector = None,
alpha = 1.0,
Updates plot with new vectors
keyword arguments:
x -- the x-axis values
y -- the y-axis values
index -- (optional) index of subplot to plot the vector in (default: 0)
hold -- (optional) should old vextors be kept (default: False)
xmin -- (optional) set minimum value of x-axis (default: None)
ymin -- (optional) set minimum value of y-axis (default: None)
limits -- (optional) list to set the limits of x and y-axis. overrides
the xmin and ymin arguments (default: None)
limit_selector -- (optional) a fucntion which given the arguments:
*(x1, x2, y1, y2) will return a list with the axis limits
overrides the xmin, ymin and the limits argument (default: None)
e.g. sel = lambda x1, x2, y1, y2: [x1, x2, min(y1, 0), y2]
alpha -- (optional) sets the alpha of the line (default: 1.0)
**kwarg -- all extra keyword arguments are sent to the plot function
#set plot to update
plot = self.sub_plots(index)
except IndexError:
"The sub-plot of index:{0:d} doesn't exist".format(index))
lines = plot.axes.plot(x,y, alpha = alpha, **kwarg)
#Create a legend if label was given
if not lines[0].get_label()[0] == "_":
plot.axes.legend() #label must be sent through kwarg
#if not ymin == None:
x1, x2, y1, y2 = plot.axes.axis()
ymin = y1 if ymin == None else ymin
xmin = x1 if xmin == None else xmin
plot.axes.axis([xmin, x2, ymin, y2])
if not limits == None:
if not limit_selector == None:
plot.axes.axis(limit_selector(x1, x2, y1, y2))
#plot it
#store lines in a list
#return line object
return lines
def redraw_secondary_y(self, x, y, index = 0, **kwarg):
Update secondary y-axis with a new vector
keyword arguments:
x -- the x-axis values
y -- the y-axis values
index -- (optional) index of subplot to plot the vector in (default: 0)
style -- (optional) line style (default: 'r.')
**kwarg -- all extra keyword arguments are sent to the plot function
sub_plot = self.sub_plots(index)
lines = sub_plot.y2_axis.plot(x, y, style, **kwarg)
#show it
return lines
def remove_lines(self, lines, index = 0):
keyword arguments:
lines -- A list of matplotlib lines as given by the redraw function
index -- (optional) index of subplot from, which the lines should be
retrieved from (default: 0)
for line in lines:
def remove_subplot(self):
Removes the last sub-plot.
Note that plots in the last row aren't expanded to fill the entire row.
count = self.layout[-1] - 1
if count < 0:
raise ValueError, "There is no sub-plot to remove"
self.layout = (self.layout[0], self.layout[1], count)
if count > 0:
layout_change = True
#check if layout of plots can be decreased
if self.layout[0] > 1 and self.layout[1] > 1:
if self.layout[0] < self.layout[1]:
lrg = 1
sml = 0
lrg = 0
sml = 1
#check if a decrease is possible on the major axis
size = (self.layout[lrg] - 1) * (self.layout[sml])
if size >= count:
if lrg == 0:
self.layout = (self.layout[0] - 1, self.layout[1], count)
self.layout = (self.layout[0], self.layout[1] - 1, count)
#check the minor axis
size = (self.layout[lrg]) * (self.layout[sml] - 1)
if size >= count:
if sml == 0:
self.layout = (self.layout[0] - 1, self.layout[1], count)
self.layout = (self.layout[0], self.layout[1] - 1, count)
layout_change = False
if self.layout[0] > self.layout[1]:
self.layout = (self.layout[0] - 1, self.layout[1], count)
self.layout = (self.layout[0], self.layout[1] - 1, count)
layout_change = False
#remove the last sub-plot
if layout_change:
#clear figure and recreate plots
for i in range(1,count+1):
plot_index = i - 1
self.sub_plots.set_axes(self.figure.add_subplot(*self.layout[:2] + (i, )), plot_index)
#redraw screen
def set_formatter(self, frmt = 'sci', axes = 'all', useOffset = True,
limits = (-3, 3), index=None):
Sets the formatter of the axes. Default is to set scientific notation
for all axes of all subplots.
keyword arguments:
frmt -- Sets the type of formatter used, valid values are:
'sci', 'log', 'plain' (default: 'sci')
axes -- which axes should the formatter be used for, valid values are:
'all', 'x', 'y' (default: 'all')
useOffset -- Should offset be used to make the tickers more meaningful
(default: True)
limits -- Limits for scientific notation as a tuple (default: (-3, 3))
index -- a integer or list of integers with the index of sub-plots for
which the formatter should set. When 'None' the formatter is set
for all sub-plots (default: None)
frmt = frmt.lower()
axes = axes.lower()
if frmt == 'log':
formatter = LogFormatter()
sci = frmt == 'sci'
formatter = ScalarFormatter(useOffset = useOffset)
# format axes
if type(index) == list:
for i in index:
self.sub_plots(i).set_formatter(formatter, axes)
elif type(index) == int:
self.sub_plots(index).set_formatter(formatter, axes)
# do all
for sub_plot in self.sub_plots.sub_plots:
sub_plot.set_formatter(formatter, axes)
#set default formatter
self.sub_plots.set_default_formatter(formatter, axes)
# redraw screen
def set_label(self, xlabel='', ylabel='', index = None):
Set labels of the specified plot axes
keyword arguments:
xlabel -- (optional) sets the label of the x-axis (default: '')
ylabel -- (optional) sets the label of the y-axis (default: '')
index -- (optional) a integer or list of integers with the index of
sub-plots for which a the labels should be set. When 'None' the
labels is set for all sub-plots (default: None)
if type(index) == list:
for i in index:
self.sub_plots.set_label(xlabel, ylabel, i)
elif type(index) == int:
self.sub_plots.set_label(xlabel, ylabel, index)
# do all
count = self.layout[-1]
for i in range(count):
self.sub_plots.set_label(xlabel, ylabel, i)
# Redraw screen
def set_limits(self, limits, index = 0):
Sets the axis limits of the specified sub-plot
keyword arguments:
limits -- A list to set the limits of x and y-axis: [x1, x2, y1, y2]
index -- (optional) index of subplot to set axis limits (default: 0)
def set_title(self, titles = '', index = 0):
Set titles of the sub-plots
keyword arguments:
titles -- should be a list of title strings or a single
string, in which case an index should be supplied (default: '')
index -- (optional) Is only needed when titles is a single string
specifies for which sub-plot to set the title
if type(titles) == list:
for i, title in enumerate(titles):
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