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Created December 8, 2015 01:34
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Intrusive list templates
* LinkedList.h
#include <assert.h>
template <class C, int N=0>
class Linked
Linked* m_next;
Linked() : m_next(0) {}
class List
Linked* m_head;
List() : m_head(0) {}
class Range {
Linked* m_item;
Range(const List& list) : m_item(list.m_head) {}
C* front() const { return static_cast<C*>(m_item); }
bool empty() const { return m_item == 0; }
void popFront() { m_item = m_item->m_next; }
List& addFront(C *item_) {
Linked *item = item_;
assert(item->m_next == 0);
item->m_next = m_head;
m_head = item;
return *this;
C* removeFront() {
if (m_head == 0)
return 0;
Linked *item = m_head;
m_head = item->m_next;
return static_cast<C*>(item);
void remove(C *item_) {
Linked* item = item_;
for (Linked** p = &m_head; *p; p = &((*p)->m_next)) {
if (*p == item) {
*p = item->m_next;
item->m_next = 0;
assert(!"item not in list");
template <class C, int N=0>
class DblLinked
DblLinked* m_next;
DblLinked* m_prev;
DblLinked() : m_next(0), m_prev(0) {}
class List
DblLinked* m_head;
DblLinked* m_tail;
List() : m_head(0), m_tail(0) {}
class Range
DblLinked* m_front;
DblLinked* m_back;
Range(const List& list) : m_front(list.m_head), m_back(list.m_tail) {}
bool empty() const { return m_front == 0; }
C* front() const { return static_cast<C*>(m_front); }
void popFront() { m_front = m_front->m_next; if (!m_front) m_back = 0; }
C* back() const { return static_cast<C*>(m_back); }
void popBack() { m_back = m_back->m_prev; if (!m_back) m_front = 0; }
List& addFront(C *item_) {
DblLinked *item = item_;
assert(item->m_next == 0 && item->m_prev == 0);
item->m_next = m_head;
if (m_head)
m_head->m_prev = item;
m_tail = item;
m_head = item;
return *this;
C* removeFront() {
if (m_head == 0)
return 0;
DblLinked *item = m_head;
m_head = item->m_next;
if (m_head)
m_head->m_prev = 0;
m_tail = 0;
return static_cast<C*>(item);
List& addBack(C *item_) {
DblLinked *item = item_;
assert(item->m_next == 0 && item->m_prev == 0);
item->m_prev = m_tail;
if (m_tail)
m_tail->m_next = item;
m_head = item;
m_tail = item;
return *this;
C* removeBack() {
if (m_tail == 0)
return 0;
DblLinked *item = m_tail;
m_tail = item->m_prev;
if (m_tail)
m_tail->m_next = 0;
m_head = 0;
return static_cast<C*>(item);
void remove(C *item_) {
DblLinked *item = item_;
assert((item->m_prev == 0) == (m_head == item));
assert((item->m_next == 0) == (m_tail == item));
if (item == m_head) {
m_head = item->m_next;
if (m_head)
m_head->m_prev = 0;
m_tail = 0;
else if (item == m_tail) {
m_tail = item->m_prev;
if (m_tail)
m_tail->m_next = 0;
m_head = 0;
else {
item->m_next->m_prev = item->m_prev;
item->m_prev->m_next = item->m_next;
item->m_next = item->m_prev = 0;
#include <iostream>
#include "LinkedList.h"
using namespace std;
struct Foo: public Linked<Foo>, public Linked<Foo,1>, public DblLinked<Foo>, public DblLinked<Foo,1>
Foo(const char *s) : s(s) {}
const char * const s;
int main (int argc, char * const argv[]) {
Foo a("a"), b("b"), c("c"), d("d");
Linked<Foo>::List list1;
Linked<Foo,1>::List list2;
DblLinked<Foo>::List list3;
DblLinked<Foo,1>::List list4;
cout << "list1:";
for (Linked<Foo>::List::Range r(list1); !r.empty(); r.popFront())
cout << " " << r.front()->s;
cout << endl;
cout << "removing \"c\"" << endl;
cout << "removing list1:";
while (Foo* item = list1.removeFront())
cout << " " << item->s;
cout << endl;
cout << "list2:";
for (Linked<Foo,1>::List::Range r(list2); !r.empty(); r.popFront())
cout << " " << r.front()->s;
cout << endl;
cout << "removing \"c\"" << endl;
cout << "removing list2:";
while (Foo* item = list2.removeFront())
cout << " " << item->s;
cout << endl;
cout << "list3:";
for (DblLinked<Foo>::List::Range r(list3); !r.empty(); r.popFront())
cout << " " << r.front()->s;
cout << endl;
cout << "list3 backward:";
for (DblLinked<Foo>::List::Range r(list3); !r.empty(); r.popBack())
cout << " " << r.back()->s;
cout << endl;
cout << "removing \"c\"" << endl;
cout << "removing list3:";
while (Foo* item = list3.removeFront())
cout << " " << item->s;
cout << endl;
cout << "list4:";
for (DblLinked<Foo,1>::List::Range r(list4); !r.empty(); r.popFront())
cout << " " << r.front()->s;
cout << endl;
cout << "list4 backward:";
for (DblLinked<Foo,1>::List::Range r(list4); !r.empty(); r.popBack())
cout << " " << r.back()->s;
cout << endl;
cout << "removing \"c\"" << endl;
cout << "removing list4 backward:";
while (Foo* item = list4.removeBack())
cout << " " << item->s;
cout << endl;
return 0;
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Jiri Soukup wrote a whole book on how to implement intrusive lists in C++. In the end he resorted to writing a preprocessor to massage an augmented syntax into C++ because he didn't know about the CRTP.

This little doodle shows how to do it using plain old C++.

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