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Last active August 17, 2020 15:59
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import { selector, atom } from "recoil"
import { isAfter, isBefore, format } from "date-fns"
import { API_DATE_FORMAT, statusByDateQuery } from "../api"
export const DATE_RANGE = [new Date("10 Jan 2020"), new Date()]
export const CASES = "cases"
export const DEATHS = "deaths"
export const RECOVERED = "recovered"
export const availableStats = [CASES, DEATHS, RECOVERED]
export const currentStatState = atom({
key: "current-stat",
default: availableStats[0],
// new selector
export const currentStatMaxState = selector({
key: "current-stat-max",
get: async ({ get }) => {
const currentStat = get(currentStatState)
const formattedDate = format(DATE_RANGE[1], API_DATE_FORMAT)
const status = await get(statusByDateQuery(formattedDate))
const max = status.reduce((max, countryData) => {
const countryStat = countryData[currentStat]
return countryStat > max ? countryStat : max
}, 0)
return max
const dateState = atom({
key: "date",
default: DATE_RANGE[1],
export const currentDateState = selector({
key: "current-date",
get: ({ get }) => {
return get(dateState)
set: ({ set }, nextDate) => {
let newDate = nextDate
if (isAfter(newDate, DATE_RANGE[1])) newDate = DATE_RANGE[1]
if (isBefore(newDate, DATE_RANGE[0])) newDate = DATE_RANGE[0]
set(dateState, newDate)
export const currentFormattedDateState = selector({
key: "current-formatted-date",
get: ({ get }) => {
const currentDate = get(currentDateState)
return format(currentDate, API_DATE_FORMAT)
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