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Last active August 18, 2020 18:46
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import React from "react"
import DeckGLMap from "./DeckGLMap"
import { ScatterplotLayer } from ""
const DataMap = ({
mapboxToken = "",
data = [],
dotCoordinates = "coordinates",
displayStat = "cases",
statMax = 1,
}) => {
const scatterplotLayer = new ScatterplotLayer({
id: "scatterplot-layer",
stroked: false,
filled: true,
getPosition: (d) => d[dotCoordinates],
getRadius: (d) => {
const radius = (Math.log10(d[displayStat]) + d[displayStat] / (statMax / 60)) * 20000
return d[displayStat] > 0 ? radius : 0
getFillColor: (d) => {
const red = (d[displayStat] * 255) / statMax
const green = 255 - (d[displayStat] * 255) / statMax
const blue = 0
const opacity = 255 - (d[displayStat] * 170) / statMax
return [red, green, blue, opacity]
const layers = [scatterplotLayer]
return <DeckGLMap mapboxToken={mapboxToken} layers={layers} />
export default DataMap
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