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Created December 31, 2022 09:39
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  • Save sl5net/8b509c23f5bc2df70e5ad03864dff6f0 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save sl5net/8b509c23f5bc2df70e5ad03864dff6f0 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
sends the sting of your user.cfg behind AudioTTS.timestamp to espeak
# this speaks what you send from your mode.
# howToUseIt:
from pathlib import Path
home = str(Path.home())
#userCfgPath = home + "/.config/0ad/config/user.cfg" # if github installation or so
userCfgPath = home + "/snap/0ad/current/.config/0ad/config/user.cfg" # if snap installation
# install:
# sudo apt-get install espeak
# autoKey
# in the mod:
# Engine.ConfigDB_WriteValueToFile("user", "AudioTTS.speak", "hello speak this 15", "config/user.cfg");
# in the AutoKey-Script or Python - Script use the following:
# it reads every 0.5 seconds the modified time of your user.cfg
# if changed it searchs line AudioTTS.speak and speak it (its maybe the fist and it needs not search long time)
# ~/.config/0ad/config/user.cfg
ignoreTheFirstMessage = True # in the game 0ad its nice to ignore old messages. eventualls usless and to old
ignoreTheFirstMessage = False # in the game 0ad its nice to ignore old messages. eventualls usless and to old
# BTW in the javaScript function like this could be helpfull:
# function ttsPL(msg){
# Engine.ConfigDB_WriteValueToFile("user", "AudioTTS.speak", msg, "config/user.cfg");
# const date = new Date();
# const isoDateTime = new Date(date.getTime() - (date.getTimezoneOffset() * 60000)).toISOString();
# Engine.ConfigDB_WriteValueToFile("user", "AudioTTS.timestamp","" + isoDateTime, "config/user.cfg");
# }
import re, subprocess, os.path
from plyer import notification
def noti(x):
message=" " + x,
def espeakThis(m):
espeak = 'espeak -vEN "' + m + '"'
p2 = subprocess.Popen(espeak, shell=True)
# espeakThis("0ad speak script")
import datetime
# nowIsoTimeObj = # no errors
datetimeObj =
# timestampStr = datetimeObj.strftime("%d-%m-%Y $h:$s.%f")
#AudioTTS.timestamp = "2022-11-18T10:40:21.121Z"
startIsoTimeStr = time.strftime("%FT%H:%M:%S")
espeakThis("script started")
t2 = 0
while True:
t1 = os.stat(userCfgPath).st_mtime
if t1 != t2:
lastChangeOlderInSeconds = round( time.time() - os.stat(userCfgPath).st_mtime )
if lastChangeOlderInSeconds < 2: # ignore old updates older then 2 seconds. seems user.cfg will be updated everytime you start 0ad
ignoreTheFirstMessage = False
with open(userCfgPath) as f:
while True:
line = f.readline()
# lineNr = lineNr + 1 # just for debugging
# espeakThis(lineNr)
# espeakThis('boom')
if not line:
if line[:14] == "AudioTTS.speak":
vRE ='"(.+)"', line)
msg = if vRE else "" # looks a bit ugly. that could be better.
# if vOld == v: # TODO: wait a bit longer
# msgOld = msg;
# espeakThis('one')
if line[:18] == "AudioTTS.timestamp":
# espeakThis('hi')
vRE ='"(.+)"', line)
dateISOString = if vRE else "" # looks a bit ugly. that could be better.
dateISOString = dateISOString[:-5]
# keyboard.send_keys("<end># " + dateISOString ) # 2022-11-18T10:40:21# 2022-11-18T13:06:50
## if vOld == v: # TODO: wait a bit longer# 2022-11-18T10:40:21.121Z
# dateISOStringOld = dateISOString;
# convert time string to datetime # 2022-11-18T00:58:50.846Z
# d1 = datetime.strptime(dateISOString, "%H:%M:%S") # "%H:%M:%S")
# delta = d1 - datetimeScriptStart
# keyboard.send_keys("<end># " + startIsoTimeStr )# 2022-11-18T13:03:49
# 2022-11-18T13:07:26
# espeakThis('hi')
dateISOobj = datetime.datetime.strptime( dateISOString, "%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S")
nowIsoTimeStr = time.strftime("%FT%H:%M:%S")
nowISOobj = datetime.datetime.strptime( nowIsoTimeStr, "%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S")
# espeakThis('hello you')
# delta = startIsoTimeStr - dateISOString
delta = nowISOobj - dateISOobj
# espeakThis("how are you")
# espeakThis(delta)
# keyboard.send_keys("<end># " + JSON.stringify(delta) ) #
# keyboard.send_keys("<end># " + json.dumps(delta) ) #
# espeakThis("i feel terrible")
if delta.total_seconds() < 8: # this is probably from the curract game and not from a very old that maybe not exist anymore
# else:
# espeakThis(f"difference {delta.total_seconds()} seconds") # this works
#clipboard.fill_clipboard(f"difference {delta.total_seconds()} seconds") # this works
time.sleep(2) # could be eventually disturbung to much if the sound is to often
t2 = t1
# pyrogenesis.pyrogenesis
# if not window.wait_for_exist("pyrogenesis.pyrogenesis", 9, matchClass=True):
if not window.wait_for_exist("0 A.D.", 2):
espeakThis("0ad not exist anymore. good bye. end of script.")
# window.resize_move(at, xOrigin=1908, yOrigin=-27, width=1925, height=1089, matchClass=False)
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