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Forked from anonymous/mochainstance.mjs
Created February 18, 2018 19:35
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Mocha ES Modules Example
import Mocha from "mocha"
export default new Mocha()
import mocha from "./mochainstance.mjs"
"If anything uses the file argument, you'd actually need one pre-require, require and post-require per test file with the test file name hardcoded here",
import mocha from "./mochainstance.mjs"
"If anything uses the file argument, you'd actually need one pre-require, require and post-require per test file with the test file name hardcoded here",
import mocha from "./mochainstance.mjs"
null /* if this is actually needed... then like the file argument, you'd need one of this file per test file to import the test file and pass the test file here */,
"If anything uses the file argument, you'd actually need one pre-require, require and post-require per test file with the test file name hardcoded here",
import "./prerequire.mjs"
import "./test-forwardslash-file1.mjs"
import "./require.mjs"
import "./postrequire.mjs"
import "./prerequire.mjs"
import "./test-forwardslash-file2.js"
import "./require.mjs"
import "./postrequire.mjs"
import "./prerequire.mjs"
import "./test-forwardslash-file3.mjs"
import "./require.mjs"
import "./postrequire.mjs"
import mocha from "./mochainstance.mjs" {
process.on("exit", function() {
process.exit(failures > 0 ? 1 : 0);
describe("ES Module file 1", function() {
it("should load this test", function() {})
describe("CommonJS Module file 2", function() {
it("should load this test", function() {})
describe("ES Module file 3", function() {
it("should load this test", function() {})
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