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Created March 15, 2024 21:45
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  • Save slaughtr/d4d540cf7ef553dc1c335c1f1d69f2a3 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
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# Another ChatGPT win, I only had to make one change
# This just builds a JSON-based cache (in your home dir, update the cacheFile if you don't like that) based on a git branch name, commit message, and pull request body
# Using those, it will create a new branch, add a commit, and (using the gh CLI) create a PR with the cached body
# This allows for however many cached values you need
# Pretty much only useful for large-scale small-change PR rollouts, like small GHA updates etc
prcache() {
# Initialize the cache file with an empty array if it doesn't exist
if [[ ! -f $cacheFile ]]; then
echo "[]" > "$cacheFile"
entries=$(jq '. | length' $cacheFile)
if [[ "$entries" -gt 0 ]]; then
echo "Cached entries found:"
# Generate a TSV format with indices and use `column` to create a table (adjusted for macOS)
jq -r 'to_entries | map("\(.key)\tBranch Name: \(.value.branchName)\tCommit Message: \(.value.commitMessage)\tPR Body: \(.value.prBody | gsub("\n"; " "))") | .[]' $cacheFile | column -t -s $'\t'
read "selection?Enter the index of the entry you wish to use (or 'n' for a new entry): "
if [[ $selection =~ ^[0-9]+$ ]]; then
branchName=$(jq -r ".[$selection].branchName" $cacheFile)
commitMessage=$(jq -r ".[$selection].commitMessage" $cacheFile)
prBody=$(jq -r ".[$selection].prBody" $cacheFile)
echo "Creating a new entry..."
if [[ -z $branchName ]]; then
echo "Enter the branch name:"
read branchName
echo "Enter the commit message:"
read commitMessage
echo "Enter the PR body (Ctrl-D to finish):"
if [[ $selection =~ ^[0-9]+$ ]]; then
echo "Not adding new entry"
# Add the new entry to the cache
jq --arg bn "$branchName" --arg cm "$commitMessage" --arg pb "$prBody" \
'. += [{"branchName":$bn, "commitMessage":$cm, "prBody":$pb}]' $cacheFile > tmp.$$.json && mv tmp.$$.json $cacheFile
# Git operations
git checkout -b "$branchName"
git add .
git commit -m "$commitMessage"
gh pr create --title "$commitMessage" --body "$prBody"
echo "PR created successfully with branch '$branchName'."
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