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Last active September 17, 2021 15:45
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Hubspot refinement css/js
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new Date().getTime(),event:'gtm.js'});var f=d.getElementsByTagName(s)[0],
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if( window.hbspt && hbspt.forms && hbspt.forms.create ){
console.warn( 'window.hbspt available' );
var hbsptFormsCreateBak = hbspt.forms.create;
hbspt.forms.create = function( config ){
//logNamed( 'hijacked hbspt.forms.create fired', config );
//TODO: try/catch
var NAMESPACE = 'hs.form';
var frame = { event:NAMESPACE+':create', _clear: true };
frame[NAMESPACE+'.create'] = frame[NAMESPACE+'.'+config.formId] = config;
(window.dataLayer=(window.dataLayer||[])).push( frame );
return hbsptFormsCreateBak( config );
console.warn( 'window.hbspt not loaded yet' );
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/* base style */
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