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Created February 17, 2021 11:23
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Python 3 script to control Arduino PWM
"""Control an Arduino over the USB port."""
# Based on:
# Created by John Woolsey on 12/17/2019.
# Copyright (c) 2019 Woolsey Workshop. All rights reserved.
# Reference:
# Dependencies:
# pip3 install serial
# pip3 install pyserial
# USB_PORT = "/dev/ttyUSB0" # Arduino Uno R3 Compatible
USB_PORT = '/dev/ttyACM0' # Arduino Uno WiFi Rev2
# Imports
import serial
# Functions
def print_commands():
"""Prints available commands."""
print("Available commands:")
print(" set_fan_1 - Set FAN 1 speed (0-255)")
print(" set_fan_2 - Set FAN 2 speed (0-255)")
print(" get_fan_1 - Get FAN 1 speed")
print(" get_fan_2 - Get FAN 1 speed")
print(" x - Exit program")
# Main
# Connect to USB serial port at 9600 baud
usb = serial.Serial(USB_PORT, 9600, dsrdtr=False)
print("ERROR - Could not open USB serial port. Please check your port name and permissions.")
print("Exiting program.")
# Send commands to Arduino
print("Enter a command from the keyboard to send to the Arduino.")
while True:
command = input("Enter command: ")
if command == "set_fan_1": # Set speed for FAN 1
speed = 0
while True:
speed = input("Fan speed FAN 1 (0-255): ")
speed = speed.strip()
if speed.isdigit():
cmd = 'set_fan_1===' + speed
#usb.write(b'set_fan_1===' + speed)
print("Set speed FAN 1 to :" + speed)
elif command == "set_fan_2": # Set speed for FAN 2
speed = 0
while True:
speed = input("Fan speed FAN 2 (0-255): ")
speed = speed.strip()
if speed.isdigit():
cmd = 'set_fan_2===' + speed
print("Set speed FAN 2 to :" + speed)
elif command == "get_fan_1": # turn off Arduino LED
usb.write(b'get_fan_1') # send command to Arduino
line = usb.readline() # read input from Arduino
line = line.decode() # convert type from bytes to string
line = line.strip() # strip extra whitespace characters
if line.isdigit(): # check if line contains only digits
value = int(line) # convert type from string to int
print("Unknown value for Fan 1: '" + line + "'.")
value = 0
print("Fan 1 value:", value)
elif command == "get_fan_2": # turn off Arduino LED
usb.write(b'get_fan_2') # send command to Arduino
line = usb.readline() # read input from Arduino
line = line.decode() # convert type from bytes to string
line = line.strip() # strip extra whitespace characters
if line.isdigit(): # check if line contains only digits
value = int(line) # convert type from string to int
print("Unknown value for Fan 2: '" + line + "'.")
value = 0
print("Fan 2 value:", value)
elif command == "x": # exit program
print("Exiting program.")
else: # unknown command
print("Unknown command '" + command + "'.")
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