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Last active November 17, 2020 21:19
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class Foo
CONST_ON_FOO = "the constant on Foo"
class << self
puts "When we're defining CONST_ON_FOOS_CLASS, we're actually in: #{self}, a #{self.class}"
CONST_ON_FOOS_CLASS = "the constant on Foo's class"
instance =
puts "Foo's class: #{Foo}"
puts "The instance of Foo: #{instance}"
puts "Getting Foo's const directly from the Foo class: #{Foo::CONST_ON_FOO}"
puts "Getting Foo's const via the instance (does not work): #{instance::CONST_ON_FOO}"
rescue StandardError => e
puts "Can't reference CONST_ON_FOOS_CLASS via the instance"
puts e
puts "Getting Foo's const via the instance's class: #{instance.class::CONST_ON_FOO}"
puts "Getting Foo's eigenclass's const via Foo (doesn't work): #{Foo::CONST_ON_FOOS_CLASS}"
rescue StandardError => e
puts "Can't reference Foo::CONST_ON_FOOS_CLASS"
puts e
puts "Getting Foo's eigenclass's const via Foo.class (doesn't work): #{Foo.class::CONST_ON_FOOS_CLASS}"
rescue StandardError => e
puts "Can't reference Foo.class::CONST_ON_FOOS_CLASS"
puts e
puts "Getting Foo's eigenclass's const via Foo.singleton_class class: #{Foo.singleton_class::CONST_ON_FOOS_CLASS}"
# Output:
# When we're defining CONST_ON_FOOS_CLASS, we're actually in: #<Class:Foo>, a Class
# Foo's class: Foo
# The instance of Foo: #<Foo:0x00007fcfaf0ebcb8>
# Getting Foo's const directly from the Foo class: the constant on Foo
# Can't reference CONST_ON_FOOS_CLASS via the instance
# #<Foo:0x00007fcfaf0ebcb8> is not a class/module
# Getting Foo's const via the instance's class: the constant on Foo
# Can't reference Foo::CONST_ON_FOOS_CLASS
# uninitialized constant Foo::CONST_ON_FOOS_CLASS
# Can't reference Foo.class::CONST_ON_FOOS_CLASS
# uninitialized constant Class::CONST_ON_FOOS_CLASS
# Getting Foo's eigenclass's const via Foo.singleton_class class: the constant on Foo's class
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