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Created December 21, 2011 04:21
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(defn find-name
"Returnd the name of the first matching thing found in things
or nil if not found"
([thing things]
(if (= (val (first things)) thing)
(key (first things))
(if (< 1 (count things))
(find-name thing (rest things))))))
(defn find-scale-name
"Return the name of the first matching scale found in SCALE
or nil if not found
ie: (find-scale-name [2 1 2 2 2 2 1]
(find-name scale SCALE))
(defn find-chord-name
"Return the name of the first matching chord in CHORD
or nil if not found
ie: (find-chord-name #{0 3 7}
(find-name chord CHORD))
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