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Better enums in C# for DDD ... based on Jimmy Bogards Enumeration class
using System;
using System.Diagnostics;
using System.Linq;
using System.Reflection;
[DebuggerDisplay("{DisplayName} - {Value}")]
public abstract class Enumeration<TEnumeration, TValue> : IComparable<TEnumeration>, IEquatable<TEnumeration>
where TEnumeration : Enumeration<TEnumeration, TValue>
where TValue : IComparable
private static readonly TEnumeration[] Enumerations = GetEnumerations();
private readonly string displayName;
private readonly TValue value;
protected Enumeration(TValue value, string displayName)
this.value = value;
this.displayName = displayName;
public TValue Value
get { return value; }
public string DisplayName
get { return displayName; }
public static TEnumeration[] GetAll()
return Enumerations;
public static TEnumeration FromValue(TValue value)
return Parse(value, "value", item => item.Value.Equals(value));
public static TEnumeration Parse(string displayName)
return Parse(displayName, "display name", item => item.DisplayName == displayName);
public static bool TryParse(TValue value, out TEnumeration result)
return TryParse(x => x.Value.Equals(value), out result);
public static bool TryParse(string displayName, out TEnumeration result)
return TryParse(x => x.DisplayName == displayName, out result);
public int CompareTo(TEnumeration other)
return Value.CompareTo(other.Value);
public override sealed string ToString()
return DisplayName;
public override bool Equals(object obj)
return Equals(obj as TEnumeration);
public bool Equals(TEnumeration other)
return other != null && Value.Equals(other.Value);
public override int GetHashCode()
return Value.GetHashCode();
private static bool TryParse(Func<TEnumeration, bool> predicate, out TEnumeration result)
result = GetAll().FirstOrDefault(predicate);
return result != null;
private static TEnumeration[] GetEnumerations()
var enumerationType = typeof(TEnumeration);
return enumerationType
.GetFields(BindingFlags.Public | BindingFlags.Static | BindingFlags.DeclaredOnly)
.Where(info => enumerationType.IsAssignableFrom(info.FieldType))
.Select(info => info.GetValue(null))
private static TEnumeration Parse(object value, string description, Func<TEnumeration, bool> predicate)
TEnumeration result;
if (!TryParse(predicate, out result))
var message = string.Format("'{0}' is not a valid {1} in {2}", value, description, typeof(TEnumeration));
throw new ArgumentException(message, "value");
return result;
public abstract class EmailType : Enumeration<EmailType, int>
public static readonly EmailType AnythingElse = new AnythingElseType();
public static readonly EmailType SpecialEmail = new SpecialEmailType();
protected EmailType(int value, string displayName) : base(value, displayName)
protected static string SendGridSmtp
get { return ""; }
protected static int SendGridPort
get { return 587; }
public abstract SmtpSettings GetSmtpSettings();
private class AnythingElseType : EmailType
public AnythingElseType() : base(0, "AnythingElse")
public override SmtpSettings GetSmtpSettings()
return new SmtpSettings
Port = SendGridPort,
Server = SendGridSmtp,
UseSsl = true,
Username = "",
Password = "somePassword"
private class SpecialEmailType : EmailType
public SpecialEmailType() : base(1, "SpecialEmail")
public override SmtpSettings GetSmtpSettings()
return new SmtpSettings
Port = SendGridPort,
Server = SendGridSmtp,
UseSsl = true,
Username = "",
Password = "anotherPassword"
public void Main()
var emailType = EmailType.SpecialEmail;
var mailMessage = new MailMessage("", "", "Test", "This is a test email");
SendMail(emailType, mailMessage);
public void SendMail(EmailType emailType, MailMessage mailMessage)
using(var smtpClient = emailType.GetSmtpSettings().CreateSmtpClient())
using System.Net;
using System.Net.Mail;
public class SmtpSettings
public string Server { get; set; }
public string Username { get; set; }
public string Password { get; set; }
public bool UseSsl { get; set; }
public int Port { get; set; }
public SmtpClient CreateSmtpClient()
return new SmtpClient(Server, Port)
Credentials = new NetworkCredential(Username, Password),
EnableSsl = UseSsl,
DeliveryMethod = SmtpDeliveryMethod.Network,
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well played!

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spk33 commented Aug 3, 2021

Cool Idea Thanks for this

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