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Last active October 21, 2017 05:31
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Front end site translations with Siteleaf v2 ( and jquery.localize.js (
<h1 data-localize="{{}}.title">{{page.title}}</h1>
<div data-localize="{{}}.body">
<script src=""></script>
<script src=""></script>
// translate English text to Spanish
$("[data-localize]").localize("site", { language: "es" })
{% comment %}
NOTE: Create one of these Liquid templates for each language you wish to support ("es" = Spanish).
Then add a meta data field to your page/post called "title_es" or "body_es" (for example), where the translated copy should go.
{% endcomment %}
<% for page in site.pages %>
"{{}}": {
"title": "{{page.title_es}}",
"body": "{{page.body_es}}"
}<% unless forloop.last %>,<% endunless %>
<% endfor %>
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