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Created December 18, 2018 21:26
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TornadoFX example of opening a normal window or a selection window based on command line args
import tornadofx.*
// Example of opening a normal window or a selection window based on command line args
// If there is an argument, it is the ID of the model to open a normal window for.
// If there is no argument, select an ID and open a window for it.
// model - also used outside of GUI
class MyModel(val id:Int) {
fun doStuff() {
println( "My id is ${id}" )
// the normal application window
// There is no NormalApplication because I cannot create the NormalScope ahead of time for it
class NormalScope(val model:MyModel):Scope()
class NormalController: Controller() {
override val scope:NormalScope = super.scope as NormalScope
class NormalView:View() {
val controller:NormalController by inject()
override val root = vbox {
button( "open new window" ) {
action {
label( "my ID is ${}" )
button( "do stuff" ) {
action {
// launcher window/app - gets the model based on params and launches the normal application window
// map of javafx raw param -> model
val map:MutableMap<String,MyModel> = mutableMapOf()
class LauncherApp:App(LauncherView::class)
class LauncherView:View() {
override val root = label("nobody should see this")
override fun onBeforeShow() {
val key = app.parameters.raw.first()
val model = map[key]!!
val scope = NormalScope(model)
// launch NormalView and close this view
javafx.application.Platform.runLater { close() }
// the model selector window
// can use an App because it does not need a custom scope
class SelectorApp:App(SelectorView::class)
class SelectorView:View() {
override val root = vbox {
(1 until 5).map { id ->
button("open ${id}") {
action {
val model = MyModel(id)
val scope = NormalScope(model)
object Main {
fun main(args:Array<String>) {
if ( args.size == 1 ) {
// arg is model ID. Launch normal window
val id = args[0].toInt()
val model = MyModel(id)
// store the model in map so we can retrieve it by the param
val key = java.util.UUID.randomUUID().toString()
map[key] = model
} else {
// launch selector window
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