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Forked from domadev812/publishMsg.c
Created November 15, 2017 21:06
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Code chunks from project javamon
// Publish the value using PubNub
static void publishMsg (void)
// Check values for I2C line error...
if (TWI_msg[0] > 99 || TWI_msg[1] > 99) {
TWI_fullMsg = 10000;
// Ignore very small values
else if (TWI_msg[0] == 0 && TWI_msg[1] < 50) {
TWI_fullMsg = 0;
// Record full value and round to nearest 10
else {
int mod = TWI_msg[1] % 10;
TWI_msg[1] /= 10;
if (mod > 4)
TWI_msg[1] *= 10;
TWI_fullMsg = (uint16_t)TWI_msg[1] + 100 * (uint16_t)TWI_msg[0];
// Only publish if this is a new value or it's been a while...
if((TWI_fullMsg != TWI_lastMsg) || TIME_TO_PUBLISH) {
char buf[40] = { 0, };
sprintf(buf, "{\"columns\":[[\"Coffee\",\"%d\"]]}", TWI_fullMsg);
pubnub_publish(channel, buf);
TWI_lastMsg = TWI_fullMsg;
stat_flag &= ~REQUEST_PUBLISH;
// Callback - Called when a connection to PubNub is made
static void IFA PN_connectedCB(void)
// Do Stuff once connected to PubNub
// Callback - Called when on PubNub connection error
static void IFA PN_connErrorCB(sint8 error)
// Do stuff on Connection error
// Maybe request a device reset!
// ...
// Called after connection to WiFi is established...
pubnub_connect(PN_connectedCB, PN_connErrorCB);
* Creates a connection to Pubnub
* This should be called when a network connection is established!
* User can specify functions to be called on certain events.
* @param connCB callback for connection success event
* @param connErrCB callback for connection error events
void IFA pubnub_connect(Pubnub_connectedCB connCB, Pubnub_connErrorCB connErrCB);
pubnub: PUBNUB,
channels: ['eon-chart'],
limit: 20,
generate: {
bindto: '#body-spline'
function historyCall(){
var unixTime = / 1000; // current time in seconds
var endTime = (unixTime - (5 * 60)); // get the time five minutes ago
channel: 'javamon',
count: 1, // how many items to fetch
reverse: false, // Setting to true will traverse the time line in reverse starting with the oldest message first.
stringifiedTimeToken: true, // false is the default
start: '123123123123', // start time token to fetch
end: '123123123133' // end timetoken to fetch
function (status, response) {
if (response[2] != 0) { // If there are no messages, this timetoken will be 0
var publishConfig = {
channel : "javamon",
message : response[0][0]}
pubnub.publish(publishConfig, function(status, response) {
console.log(status, response);
else {
var pubnub = new PubNub({
publishKey: 'demo',
subscribeKey: 'demo'
var channel = "javamon";
pubnub: pubnub,
channels: [channel]
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