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Last active September 7, 2023 15:56
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Bug with ENV loading in Heroku CLI (dotenv, .env, .env.local, etc…)
BASE_ENV_VAR="value for base"
# Set a value specific to you in your .env.local
OTHER_ENV_VAR="value for other"

Heroku CLI Bug

The --env= option not behaving as expected. Or, at least not the way it used to.

This minimal reproduction

In this example repo, you'll see a "base" .env file which sets BASE_ENV_VAR="value for base" and has a blank OTHER_ENV_VAR=. The .env.local file declares OTHER_ENV_VAR="value for other". The .env.empty is just an empty file, with no content.

Finally the Procfile has a single entry that runs the read_some_env_vars Ruby executable script. That script just prints out the values of ENV["BASE_ENV_VAR"] and ENV["OTHER_ENV_VAR"].

Running the executable Ruby script directly results in exactly what we'd expect, both values being not_set:

$ ./read_some_env_vars

Then using heroku local:run we would expect to see the values from the .env, and we do:

$ heroku local:run ./read_some_env_vars
[OKAY] Loaded ENV .env File as KEY=VALUE Format
BASE_ENV_VAR=value for base

What's wrong?

In the Heroku CLI prior to 8.2, passing --env=/dev/null (or any empty file) as the Environment file would result in nothing additional being loaded into the ENV. We would do this because we need to load multiple files, in a certain order, to match the behavior of dotenv-rails's loading.

Specifically, we want to load .env.local (ignored from our Git repo) first, and then .env (checked into Git). The .env hold base configuration needed, and a number of blank values with comments explaining what these are used for. Then the ignored-from-Git .env.local overrides some of the entries from the .env file.

Using our earlier example, we'll now send --env=/dev/null and then --env=.env.empty. In both cases we'd expect to see output similar to directly running the read_some_env_vars script - not_set for both. But… instead we see the values from the .env file:

$ heroku local:run ./read_some_env_vars --env=/dev/null
[OKAY] Loaded ENV /dev/null File as KEY=VALUE Format
BASE_ENV_VAR=value for base

$ heroku local:run ./read_some_env_vars --env=.env.empty
[OKAY] Loaded ENV .env.empty File as KEY=VALUE Format
BASE_ENV_VAR=value for base

If we use the dotenv executable to load .env.local before we run heroku local, we would only expect to see BASE_ENV_VAR as not_set, with OTHER_ENV_VAR having the value from .env.local. Again, we don't get what we'd expect. We do see the OTHER_ENV_VAR with the expected value from .env.local, so that's good! But we also see the BASE_ENV_VAR value from .env. And that's bad.

$ dotenv -f .env.local heroku local:run ./read_some_env_vars --env=/dev/null
[OKAY] Loaded ENV /dev/null File as KEY=VALUE Format
BASE_ENV_VAR=value for base
OTHER_ENV_VAR=value for other

Finally, if we tell heroku local to explicitly load just the .env.local, we see it do that, and also load the .env. Which it should not!

$ heroku local:run ./read_some_env_vars --env=.env.local
[OKAY] Loaded ENV .env.local File as KEY=VALUE Format
BASE_ENV_VAR=value for base
OTHER_ENV_VAR=value for other


Something changed from Heroku CLI 8.1.9 to 8.2+ wherein the .env file is being loaded regardless of the list of files given via the --env argument.

bug: ruby ./read_some_env_vars
#!/usr/bin/env ruby
puts <<~EOF
BASE_ENV_VAR=#{ENV.fetch("BASE_ENV_VAR", :not_set)}
OTHER_ENV_VAR=#{ENV.fetch("OTHER_ENV_VAR", :not_set)}
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