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Last active May 15, 2017 06:02
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  • Save stevepeak/2939349d21cc68024d09583a8529d07d to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save stevepeak/2939349d21cc68024d09583a8529d07d to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
import jwt
import requests
from time import time
pem_file = '/path/to/github.pem' # the absolute path to your Application Pem Certificate issued by GitHub
integration_id = 0 # GitHub Application Integration ID
installation_id = 0 # once installed on an organization. The Organization Integration ID
expire_seconds = 500 # number of seconds the jwt token expires (max ~600 but not designated by GitHub)
slug = 'owner/repo' # name of repo for demo purposes
with open(pem_file) as p:
pem =
# Step 1) Create an integrations access token
now = int(time())
payload = {'iat': now, 'exp': now + expire_seconds, 'iss': integration_id}
token = jwt.encode(payload, pem, algorithm='RS256')
headers = {'Accept': 'application/vnd.github.machine-man-preview+json', 'Authorization': 'Bearer '+token}
res ='' % installation_id, headers=headers)
result = res.json()
print res.status_code, result
# Step 2) use token to interact with github api
headers['Authorization'] = 'Bearer %s' % result['token']
res = requests.get('' % slug, headers=headers)
print res.status_code, res.json()
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stevepeak commented Sep 25, 2016

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